1- Ear, Nose, Throat, Head & Neck Surgery and Related Sciences Research Center, Mashhad, Iran 2- Audiology Department, Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Iran. 3- Rehabilitation Management Department, Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences, Iran University of Medical
Abstract: (9455 Views)
Background and Aim: Among all auditory assessment tools, auditory steady state response (ASSR) is a modern test. Modulation frequency for this test is usually 80 Hz. The purpose of this study, was to examined adult subjects with 40 Hz and 80 Hz ASSR and compare the results. Materials and Methods: Thirty adult (60 ears) were evaluated by ASSR and PTA test, Results were divided into three groups: normal hearing, mild and moderate sensorineural hearing loss. Results: In all groups, forty hertz ASSR thresholds were relatively closer to behavioral threshold than those of 80 Hz ASSR(p<0.05). Besides, the more severe hearing loss, the lower the difference between those two thresholds. Correlation coefficients were also higher in 40 Hz ASSR(p<0.05). Conclusion: Frequency modulation thresholds with 40 Hz are more likely to be closer to the behavioral thresholds. Moreover, it has better results than the thresholds with 80 Hz.
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