Hearing Aid Fitting & Electrophysiologic Procedure
Bahram Jalaei *  |
Abstract: (9994 Views) |
Rehabilitation of deaf individual is one of the important subjects that has attracted attention of many researchers during past centuries. Different opinions have been established in this direction. Electrophysiologic tests were established and developed parallel to developments in rehabilitation. Therefore, opinion of using electrophysiologic test for evaluation and fitting of hearing aid became gradually popular. Ultimately, the electrophysiologic tests are used in evaluation and fitting of hearing aid in two ways:1-Direct way2- Indirect wayIn direct way aided ABR is obtained and special attention is paid to wave V. This technique has many difficulties. Inindirect way, electrophysiologic tests such, ECochG, OAE and ABR, AMLR, ALR and P300 and other objective tests are used, especially in infants and neonates for evaluating the state of hearing. Researches are continuing in this field. It is probable to have aided electrophysiologic responses with speech stimuli in near future. |
Keywords: Electrophysiological tests, Auditory BrainStem Responses, Hearing Aid, Auditory Verbal Therapy |
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Accepted: 2013/08/27 | Published: 2017/12/19
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