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:: Volume 8, Issue 1 And 2 (4 2000) ::
aud 2000, 8(1 And 2): 20-23 Back to browse issues page
Frequency Distribution of Hearing Disorders among the Student of Public Elementary school in Neishaboor
Jalal Shahzadeh * , Dr. Abdollah Mousavi , Dr. Mohammad Kamali , Dr. Mohammad Reza Keyhani
Abstract:   (10093 Views)

Objectives: determining the frequency distribution of hearing disorders among the student of public elementary school by Otoscopy, Puretone Audiometry, Impedance Audiometiy and questionnaires.
Methods and Materials:This study was carried out in a cross - sectional descriptive survey - on 1200 students (600 girls and 600 boys) among the student of primary school of Neishabbor, academic year 1376-77
Results:1- Otoscopy examination abnormal conditions of external ear canal was found in 14.1% of cases mostly impacted ceruman (13.6%) Abnormal conditions of tympanic membrane (0.4%) and foreign body 0.16%. Abnormal conditions of external ear canal was statistically unmeaningful. (P V=0 .8)
2- Impedance Audiometiy: 5. 75% Abnormal tympanograms were observed, mostly type C (3.15%)
3- Pure Tone Audiometry: An overall 5.5% hearing loss was found in this population including 3% bilateral and 1.25% unilateral hearing loss. Only conductive hearing loss was found in this population (2.7% in right ear and 3.5% in left ear), PV=0.9.Hearing loss observed mostly in girls but the difference was slight.Family background showed no effects on the hearing disorders.9.8% of cases were in need of medical care and 0.3% were in need of rehabilitation services.Only 28.8% of parents, 36.3% of teachers and 40.9% of afflicted students were aware of the problem.

Keywords: Hearing Disorders, Impedance Audiometry, hearing screening
Full-Text [PDF 781 kb]   (1895 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research |
Published: 2013/08/27
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Volume 8, Issue 1 And 2 (4 2000) Back to browse issues page
شنوایی شناسی - دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران Bimonthly Audiology - Tehran University of Medical Sciences
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