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Mehrnaz Karimi,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (4-1996)

The disastrous effects of Hearing loss on speech and language development can be minimized by early interventions. Profoundly deaf or hard of hearing children not benefitting enough from other kinds of hearing aids are referred for surgically implanted electronic cochlear implant that provides a sense of sound or comprehension of speech. Evaluation and management of pediatric patients is performed by cochlear implant team which consists of different specialists and doctors. Selecting children for the implant surgery is performed based on the certain criteria suggested by Staller et. al. in 1991. All the patients undergo comprehensive medical and Audiological evaluations before the surgery.In this article we will review different process of cochlear implant surgery and pre- surgery Audio logical evaluations in brief.

Marjan Sabri Leghaie,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (4-1996)

Cochlear implant surgery is aimed at making a comprehensive packet of information for the deaf by mixing the data acquired by implanted device and the communicational grammar. Although language production and ability of communication are not main factors in determining the candidacy for cochlear implant surgery, they play crucial role in determining cochlear implant success. we should study the communication skills much deeper than a simple perception and production of speech to have a reasonable evaluation of  development of Auditory integration and grammatical language structure. Hence in the current article we will first discuss the grammatical structure  in  language and then have a look at the pragmatics , semantics  and phonological aspects in children with cochlear implant in Virginia college in USA.

Ali Asghar Danesh,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (4-1996)

Many people around the world are in need for using hearing aid, a prothesis which is prescribed for compensating the hearing loss in hard of hearing patients.Although Hearing aid has crucial role in improving hearing skills in such patients, it has many psychological effects and Social premonitions for the users.we will discuss some of these distresses and the common approaches for resolving economical, cosmetic and the emotional and social problems relted to hearing aid will be discussed.

Amad Reza Nazeri,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (4-1996)

We aimed at discussing some common auditory disorders in children with dyslexia. In such patients delayed reading, memory dysfunction, spatial and visual perception and hearing abnormalities are reported with various degrees.Investigations have not led to distinct findings about the etiology of the abnormality. We will discuss this abnormality with an audiological point of view.

Farzad Mobedshahi,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (4-1996)

Transmission of intracranial pressure (ICP) to the perilymph is performed through cochlear aqueduct and also by other ways. Indirect measurement of perilymphatic pressure may be investigated by observing tympanic membrane (TM) displacement during stapedial reflex contraction, the tympanic membrane displacement (TMD) measurements. This non-invasive technique of examining intracranial pressure (ICP) can be effective in patients suffering abnormal cerebral pathology that could lead in Changes in ICP. It would also be effective in regular monitoring of hydrocephalus patients. This study has a look on this technique which has been reported to provide a reliable, non-invasive measure of ICP.

Laya Postforoush Bataghva,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (4-1996)

Adaptability of the vestibular system to repetition of the movements of rotatory chair is one of the disadvantages of this experiment. Besides the procedure is disturbing and cause intense reactions in high acceleration. By the way, advantages such as big deal of information provided about the function of peripheral and central vestibular system prevent us ignoring this special test. In this article the procedure is explained and its application in distinguishing different pathologies of vestibular system is discussed in brief.

Mohtaramossadat Homayuni,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (4-1996)

Tactile aids, which translate sound waves into vibrations that can be felt by the skin, have been used for decades by people with severe/profound hearing loss to enhance speech/language development and improve speechreading.The development of tactile aids dates from the efforts of Goults and his co-workers in the 1920s Although The power supply was too voluminous and it was difficult to carry specially by children,  it was too huge and heavy to be carried outside the laboratories and its application was restricted to the experimental usage. Nowadays great advances have been performed in producing this instrument and its numerous models is available in markets around the world.

Mehran Zolfaghari,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (4-1996)

Various risk factors in industrial environments can affect hearing status and healthy in today’s modern society. Noise control and hearing conservation program is very crucial in preventing workers exposed to high levels of noise in the work places.In the current article we are going to discuss issues such as industrial noise control, noise characteristics and standards and techniques for noise control. Then the methods for individual hearing conservation and medical care will be described in details.

Ahmad Reza Nazeri,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (5-1996)

Nowadays OAE have a special role in electrophysiological examinations and also remarkable application in infants&apos hearing screening test. In the current article we have focused attention on the physiological fundamentals of OAE and tried to explain the trends in physiological studies that finally led to discovering the acoustic radiations by "David Kemp". By studying this article we can conclude that inner ear cannot be pondered just as a transformer that change the movements of the inner ear&aposs fluid to the neural signal, rather it should be considered as an active organ that can produce energy and also control the other active mechanisms involved in hearing.

Mohtaram Najafi,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (5-1998)

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is a syndrome characterized by transient episodes of vertigo in association with rapid changes in head position in Dix-Halpike Maneuver. This kind of vertigo is thought to be caused by migration of otoconial debris into canals other than the posterior canal, such as the anterior or lateral canals. It is also theoretically possible for many aberrant patterns of BPPV to occur from an interaction of debris in several canals, location of debris within the canal, and central adaptation patterns to lesions.he symptoms of BPPV are much more consistent with free-moving densities (canaliths) in the posterior SCC rather than fixed densities attached to the cupula. While the head is upright, the particles sit in the PSC at the most gravity-dependent position. The best method to induce and see vertigo and nystagmus in BPPV of the lateral semicircular canal is to rotate head 90°while patient is in the supine position, nystagmus would appear in the unaffected side weaker but longer than the affected side. canal paresis has been described in one third of the patients with BPPV. Adaptation which is one of the remarkable features of BPPV in PSC is rarely seen in LSC. Rotations of 270° or 360° around the yaw axis (the so-called barbecue maneuver) toward the unaffected ear are popular methods for the treatment of geotropic HC-BPPV. These maneuvers consist of sequential head turning of 90° toward the healthy side while supine. With these maneuvers, the free-floating otoconial debris migrates in the ampullofugal direction, finally entering the utricle through the nonampullated end of the horizontal canal. This kind of vertigo recovers spontaneously more rapidly and suddenly.

Manouchehr Omidvari,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-1999)

Exposure to noise is a one of the common problems in any industrial places. Many solutions have been introduced to overcome the deleterious effects of noise pollution maintaining and repairing systems in the equipments, environmental control and hearing conservation systems are some of these solutions that could be mentioned.
There are various types of Hearing protection devices and each one is useful under special circumstances. Commonly, different Hearing protection devices have a particular brochure to introduce information about the manufacturers and the quality of noise reduction in that special production.
Three different methods are commonly used to determine the noise reduction factor in various Hearing protection devices. All these methods have been presented based on the mathematical evaluations and according to the spectral features of the sound existing in the environment and then the sound pressure level is determined in dBA. In the current article we will have a look on the mentioned arithmetic models and their special characteristics.

Seyyed Ali Akbar Tahayei,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-1999)

There are some insufficiencies in the Hearing Conservation Program that are exponentially exacerbated by lack of the standard and observation for this program and little interest in team work activities. Regarding the noise measurement instruments, limitation in the measurement lack of the equipments and also incomplete evaluation are clearly detected.The performed investigations have demonstrated that most of the industrial centers have no baseline auditory curve and sometimes do not intend in hearing screening evaluations. that is mainly because of the need for sound protected environment and calibrated instruments and also 14 hours of sound rest before the experiment.Her the problems in performing hearing conservation program is discussed in more details.

Jebreil Seraji,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-1999)

The word of "Ergonomics "is composed of two separate parts: "Ergo" and" Nomos" and means the Human Factors Engineering. Indeed, Ergonomics (or human factors) is the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, data and methods to design in order to optimize human well-being and overall system performance. It has applied different sciences such as Anatomy and physiology, anthropometry, engineering, psychology, biophysics and biochemistry from different ergonomics purposes.Sound when is referred as noise pollution can affect such balance in human life. The industrial noise caused by factories, traffic jam, media, and modern human activity can affect the health of the society.Here we are aimed at discussing sound from an ergonomic point of view.

Seyyed Hab Toddin Borghehiea,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-1999)

It is as a lecture

Ahmad Reza Nazeri,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-1999)

Prescription of hearing aid is an extensive special category of knowledge in the field of audiology. This article is aimed at discussing the function of hearing aid and also management of patients in the noisy environments and presenting solutions to overcome problems regarding to this issue along with taking a look to the equipments prepared nowadays to cope with noisy situations.

Mojgan Shaygan,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-1999)

The immune system protects body against disturbing factors such as pathogens and tumor cells by means of its special cell and biological structures. It has been divided based on its components and soluble factors into two groups of specific and non-specific immune system.Since sound is considered as a stressor it can affect dramatically on the immune system. Stress caused by noise can reduce the immune system response to chemical stimulators have decreased.In Stead, deep relaxation has consistently been proven to be very effective at increasing T-Cells and strengthening the immune system. In the current article, we want to have a look on the adverse effects of sound on the immune system.

Mahin Sedaie,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-1999)

Many pregnant women are exposed to noise in the workplace. Noise can affect both fetus and pregnancy of pregnant women. Hormonal disturbances and nanism are of devastating effects of noise. An increased risk of shortened gestation has been shown in four studies Results. In a third study showed the length of gestation in female infants to be inversely correlated to maternal residential noise exposure. Decreased birth weight has also been associated with noise exposure in pregnant women.Some of the adverse impacts of exposure to noise is discussed here as an investigation report.

Maryam Emadi,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-1999)

There are increasing evidences about the vestibular damage caused by the exposure to noise. Histological and functional derangements of the vestibular system have been reported in laboratory animals exposed to high levels of noise. However, clinical series describe contradictory results with regard to vestibular disturbances in industrial workers and military personnel suffering from noise induced hearing loss (NIHL). Animal studies have proved that crista ampullaris bears the most disturbances, though some damages have been also detected in macula of the utricle and saccule and utricle. These changes have been induced due to acoustical pressure on the vestibular labyrinth. The findings from the experiments regarding vestibular function in patients suffering NIHL have shown a paramount diminish in vestibulo-occular Reflex (VOR). The correlation among NIHL, VOR and unilateral caloric weakness were statistically significant which can be due to a common mechanism of disturbances in the function of cochlea and vestibule.

Saeid Farahani,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-1999)

The most common contributing factors in inducing hearing loss in adults are aging, exposure to noise and the interaction among these factors with other parameters. Individual parameters are also effective in the extent of hearing loss which is produced. Being aware of Vulnerability factors such as physical parameters, Auditory and non-auditory factors can be useful in considering a good hearing conservation program for noise induced hearing losses.In the current article we are aimed at introducing three important parameters and their sub-divisions pertaining to this issue.

Seyyed Abbas Mir Vakili,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-1999)

NIHL occurs when too much sound intensity is transmitted into and through the auditory system and can be occur following a shot gun or the exposure to a moderately intense sound for a long period of time. NIHL caused by acoustic trauma refers to permanent cochlear damage from a one-time exposure to excessive sound pressure. This form of NIHL commonly results from exposure to high-intensity sounds such as explosions, gunfire, a large drum hit loudly and firecrackers.Meanwhile the sound intensity, duration of exposure and personal hearing thresholds as the effective factors in the amount of noise induced hearing loss should not be overlooked.  Since numerous investigations have been performed about intense sudden sound we will discuss it in detail in the current article.

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شنوایی شناسی - دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران Bimonthly Audiology - Tehran University of Medical Sciences
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