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Showing 1 results for Bani hashemi
Elaheh Shariat Razavi, Yahya Modarresi, Forugh Shafiee, Firouz Azardegan, Seyyed Mohsen Bani Hashemi, Volume 5, Issue 1 (5 1998)
A concise Description of Non-linguistic features (Such as Familial, educational and Health information) and linguistic skills in hard of hearing children will be helpful in compensating for their disabilities. In the current study we studied 75 school-Children with average hearing Thresholds of 55-70dB in better ear. All the subjects aged between 8-16years-old with the average age of 11.04.We studied 27 non-linguistic variables by using questionnaire and 32 grammatical variables by studying evoked speech in the participants. The average utterance length of the subjects was estimated 2.763 words. 29% of the all participants' utterances was accurate and just 16.3% of the verbs were produced accurately.One of the most common errors in sentence and verb level, was the mistaken ably omitting of the structural features, the tense problem of the verb and also the mismatching between subject and verb. We also observed a significant correlation between some non-linguistic features such as grade, previous education in conventional schools and the rate of hearing aid usage and the number of accurate utterances in participants.
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