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Showing 2 results for Emami
Faranak Emami, Volume 7, Issue 1 (5 1999)
Background: Many Endogenic and exogenic factors can affect the individual&aposs susceptibility to noise exposure, for instance middle and outer ear characteristics, the amount of oxygen transmission, skin color, medical history, mental state and the patient&aposs attention, age, cigarette smoking and many otjher factors affect the amount of noise induced hearing loss and acoustic trauma.The current study was aimed at investigate the impact of various Endogenic and exogenic factors on the amount of PTS and TTS in veterans in Hamedan province. Results: The results of the study manifested that:- Veterans with tinnitus suffered more hearing loss than patients without this symptom.- Extended intensity of noise and exposure time to war noises can exacerbate the amount of hearing loss in veterans who had fight more.- The degree of hearing loss in patients who had previously suffered middle ear infections or otitis or the familial history of hearing loss was more than people without such history Discussion: The findings of our study in compatible with the results of other similar studies and confirms the effect of different pathologic and non-pathologic factors on the degree of noise induced hearing loss.
Peyman Zamani, Seyedeh Maryam Mousavi, Seyedeh Fatemeh Emami, Sara Abedini, Fatemeh Farahmandfar, Ashraf Tashakori, Volume 23, Issue 6 (2-2015)
Background and Aim: Conversational repair skills are essential for establishing mutually successful verbal communication. Cognitive and linguistic disorders can have negative effects on these skills. Children with hearing loss have special cognitive and linguistic issues. This study was performed to contribute to the paucity of data on conversational repair strategies used by hearing impaired children. Methods: The participants included 58 children with moderate hearing loss (38 boys and 20 girls) aged 6 to 7 from Ahvaz city. A cross-sectional study design was used. Frequency of using different types of repair strategies in ten repair situations was calculated. Scores of intelligence, memory, word finding, lexical richness, and mean length of sentences was obtained through cognitive-linguistic tests. Data was analyzed employing an independent t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient, and logistic regression. Results: A direct correlation was observed between clarification strategy and communicative social intelligence (p=0.045). A direct correlation was observed between applying different types of conversational repair strategies and linguistic abilities in children with moderate hearing loss (p<0.05). Conclusion: Children with moderate hearing loss (age: 6-7 years) use repetition more than any other strategy to repair conversation. One unit increase in word finding ability or in mean length of sentence predicts one unit increase in the degree of using repetition strategy.
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