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Showing 3 results for Ghasemi

Mohammad Mahdi Ghasemi, Mohammad Taghi Shakeri, Saman Rezaei, Ali Dashti, Mohammad Reza Talea, Leili Eazadpanah, Ali Asghar Raoof Saeb,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (4 2006)

Background and Aim: Risk factors including asphyxia , meningitis , form of delivery, etc. may cause hearing loss in neonates results in speech and language deprivation , emotional and educational problems. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of hearing loss and its relationship with risk factors among neonates hospitalized in neonate intensive care unit (NICU).
Materials and Methods: It was a cross-sectional study on 234 NICU hospitalized neonates in Ghaem and Imam-Reza hospitals of Mashhad. Epidemiologic and pathologic information were obtained. Otoacoustic emissions were done in all of neonates. Patients referred to the second otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) and patients failed in the second test controlled by auditory brainstem response (ABR).
Results: Hearing abnormality was found in 11 neonates (4.7%) including 2 girls and 9 boys.   (1 neonate with mild, 2 with mild to moderate, 2 with moderate to severe, 1 with sever to profound hearing loss and 4 with auditory neuropathy). Hearing abnormality has a significant greater incidence in group with apgar £5 and in patients with icterus (in need with transfusion).
Conclusion: Incidence of hearing loss in NICU hospitalized neonates are greater in comparison with general population. It has a greater incidence in group with icterus (in need with transfusion) and apgar £5,so,a comprehensive hearing screening program must be applied for early identification and intervention.

Mahdi Bakhshaee, Mohammad Mahdi Ghasemi, Ehsan Khadivi, Saman Rezaei, Leili Eazad Panah,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (21 2006)

Background and Aim: Tinnitus represents the perception of sound without an external stimulus. The prevalence of tinnitus ranges from 3% to 30%. In most cases its etiology is unknown. Tinnitus can be classified as pulsatile or nonpulsatile. Nonpulsatile form is the most common form and almost exclusively subjective in nature.  There is a range of condition attributed to nonpulsatile high frequency tinnitus (acoustic neuroma,  Meniere&aposs disease, ototoxic agents, noise exposure...). There are many studies about form, site, loudness, and frequency of tinnitus and how it can affect the quality of patient life.
Materials and methods
: This was a descriptive and analytic study. Thirty-six patients (23 men and 13 women) with mean age 53.1 year old with subjective tinnitus evaluated in pezhvak audiometric clinic in Mashhad .The data consisting of age sex, loudness, frequency form and site of tinnitus. Evaluation of affects of tinnitus on the quality of life and habits was performed with a tinnitus questionnaire (TQ).
Results: Tinnitus was unilateral in 64% of cases right site was more common. Mean  pitch was 7.03 kHz and average loudness was 3.8 dB SPL. SDS was in normal range in all of patients. There was a high frequency sensory neural hearing loss (above the 4 kHz) in most of the patients. The greatest score (60.3%) of TQ related to intrusiveness aspect. Sleep disorder has the lowest score (39/3%). Global score was 52.4%.
Conclusion: Nonpulsatile subjective tinnitus has a broad range of etiology with unknown mechanism in most cases and without any history of underlying disease in a large group of patients. This symptom mostly involves the patients` lifestyle that is intrusiveness aspect in comparison with the other aspects including sleep, hearing and somatic complaints. There is no cure for most patient and more studies are needed in the future.

Bahman Akbari, Zohreh Teymori, Shahnam Abolghasemi, Hamidreza Khorshidiyan,
Volume 22, Issue 1 (21 2013)

Background and Aim: The majority of people experience problems and stressors, such as job layoffs and illnesses during their lives. However, the way people cope with stress varies. According to previous research, use of effective coping strategies can significantly reduce stress and tension. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of stress coping strategies on hearing-impaired students.
Methods: This is a quasi-experimental study with pre-test, post-test, and control group. The sample consisted of 40 hearing-impaired male students of guidance and high schools of the city of Sari, Iran, in the years 2010 and 2011. They were randomly selected and assigned to two experimental and control groups (n=20). The data collection tool was the General Health Questionnaire-28. The experimental group was administered eight sessions of stress coping strategies based on cognitive-behavioral techniques two hours weekly. Data were analyzed using statistical indices including mean, standard deviation, and two-way analysis of variance.
Results: There was a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores in the subscales of somatic symptoms, anxiety and insomnia, depression, and social function (p<0.05). Moreover, after the eight sessions the rate of general health of the experimental group was higher than the control group.
Conclusion: Stress coping strategies based on cognitive-behavioral techniques increased the general health of hearing-impaired people. Therefore, stress management training should be developed and expanded as an appropriate intervention.

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شنوایی شناسی - دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران Bimonthly Audiology - Tehran University of Medical Sciences
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