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Showing 1 results for Izad Doustdar
Amir Hossein Izad Doustdar, Parvin Nasiri, Majid Abbas Pour, Volume 7, Issue 1 (5 1999)
We measured the noise caused by Vehicles and its subjective effects in the Modarres high way In Tehran. we examined 143 cases in 11 stations in the mentioned pathway with an accuracy of 95% and a standard deviation of 39%. The noise criteria of Leq and the number of vehicles were determined in dBA. The loudness contours were also measured in some stations to determine the subjective impacts of noise. Then the correlation of the responses of the interviewees with sound pressure level was measured. Based on our findings, decrease of the noise of traffic sources should be considered three levels: the first level is noise reduction at the level of source, e.g. the vehiclesthe second is Noise reduction at the traffic level and the third is noise reduction at the level of general activity.
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