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Showing 1 results for Magued Mashaly
Mohammed Magued Mashaly, Mohammmed Ebrahim Shabana, Ahmed Mohammed Mohi El Deen, Volume 14, Issue 2 (4 2006)
Background and Aim: Standard tympanometry provides a valuable tool for evaluating middle ear abnormalities although it often fails to distinguish different pathologies that effect the ossicular chain. Multi-frequency tympanometry (MFT) has made it possible. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the role of MFT for distinguishing chronic middle ear pathologies. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 60 patients. One ear was selected from each patient (60 ears) and were classified into 4 groups according to the type of their middle ear pathology adhesive otitis media middle ear effusion atelectasis and retraction pocket. The following parameters were elicited from MFT: static admittance, resonant frequency, and phase angle. The clinical results were compared with the operative findings. Results: There is significant difference between resonant frequency and phase angle of 4 groups. No statistical correlation exists between phase angle and resonant frequency. The operative results of MFT are correlated with the operative findings. Conclusion: The most significant parameter derived from MFT to distinguish between the 4 groups seems to be the resonant frequency.
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