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Showing 1 results for Sheikh Momeni
Fereydoon Sheikh Momeni, Volume 7, Issue 1 (5 1999)
This study was designed to measure the noise caused by a 63.20KV transformer in the residential area close to it that consisted of 36 points inside the post and the surrounding area around it (including 29 points+30 points). the results demonstrated that noise caused by the function of the transformer t1 was 59.1dBA with the standard deviation of 6.89dBA and for transformer t2 was 59.89dBA with a standard deviation of 6.86dBA .The measured noise in the west residential area around the post was 54.95dBA with a standard deviation of 1.76dBA, in the east was 54.1dBA with a standard deviation of 2.52dBA and in the south was 49.71dBA with a standard deviation of 1.07dBA.The statistical measurements showed no significant difference in the measured noise around in the mentioned direction.The results of this measurements manifested that the noise measured in all residential areas close to the post was more than noise permitted in night.
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