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Showing 4 results for Tahai

Sima Tajik, Mansoureh Adel Ghahraman, Ali Akbar Tahaie, Fahimeh Hajiabolhassan, Leila Jalilvand Karimi, Shohreh Jalaie,
Volume 21, Issue 4 (19 2012)

Background and Aim: Auditory temporal processing reveals an important aspect of auditory performance, in which a deficit can prevent the child from speaking, language learning and reading. Temporal resolution, which is a subgroup of temporal processing, can be evaluated by gap-in-noise detection test. Regarding the relation of auditory temporal processing deficits and phonologic disorder of children with dyslexia-dysgraphia, the aim of this study was to evaluate these children with the gap-in-noise (GIN) test.
Methods: The gap-in-noise test was performed on 28 normal and 24 dyslexic-dysgraphic children, at the age of 11-12 years old. Mean approximate threshold and percent of corrected answers were compared between the groups.
Results: The mean approximate threshold and percent of corrected answers of the right and left ear had no significant difference between the groups (p>0.05). The mean approximate threshold of children with dyslexia-dysgraphia (6.97 ms, SD=1.09) was significantly (p<0.001) more than that of the normal group (5.05 ms, SD=0.92). The mean related frequency of corrected answers (58.05, SD=4.98%) was less than normal group (69.97, SD=7.16%) (p<0.001).
Conclusion: Abnormal temporal resolution was found in children with dyslexia-dysgraphia based on gap-in-noise test. While the brainstem and auditory cortex are responsible for auditory temporal processing, probably the structural and functional differences of these areas in normal and dyslexic-dysgraphic children lead to abnormal coding of auditory temporal information. As a result, auditory temporal processing is inevitable.

Maryam Delphi, Farnoush Jarollahi, Seyed Aliakbar Tahaie, Yahya Modarresi, Mohammad Kamali,
Volume 22, Issue 3 (10-2013)

Background and Aim: As word recognition score test is one of the most important tests in audiologic test battery and there is no study on reliability and validity of existing monosyllabic word lists, we decided to investigate this in people with noise induced hearing loss.

Methods: In this non-randomized descriptive-analytic study, 30 adults with noise induced high frequency hearing loss with the age of 18 to 46 years were evaluated. Construct validity was evaluated by comparing Mosleh lists with list NU-6 and reliability was achieved by test-retest (-two-week interval).

Results: The mean (SD) score of word recognition was 94.01 (3.95) percent for list 2, 90.40 (4.90) percent for list 4, 89.08 (4.43) percent for list 5, and 94.10 (4.11) percent for list 9. A reliability of 94% was achieved in all four lists . Regression analysis revealed that word recognition score (WRS) had decreased in proportion to pure tone average.

Conclusion: Four lists have good construct validity. All word lists are phonetically reliable too.

Soheila Shayanmehr, Jamileh Fatahi, Seyed Aliakbar Tahaie, Shohreh Jalaie,
Volume 23, Issue 3 (8-2014)

Background and Aim: Setting of candidates for a word with similar beginnings is known as the Cohort size. Despite the importance of the number and properties of candidates in word recognition, so far, in none of the tests made for Persian language, the Cohort size is considered. The purpose of current study was the introduction of importance of Cohort size in word recognition and calculation of Cohort size for the list of Persian high-frequency spondee words.

Methods: The spondee words extracted from high-frequency Persian word store. Then, total spondee words with same first syllable in Amid Persian dictionary recorded and Cohort size calculated for each spondee word. Thus, the list of high-frequency spondee words with their Cohort size composed of 4121 words obtained.

Results: The Cohort sizes of word had a wide range from 0 to 87. In the half of the words, the Cohort sizes were less than 14 and in the rest were more than it.

Conclusion: The Cohort size affects the time course and precision of decision making about words. Persian words are not equal in Cohort size. For having more controlled test materials to develop and design different types of auditory tests, it is possible to consider the Cohort size of words along other effective factors.

Elham Rajabpur, Fahimeh Hajiablohasan, Seyed Ali-Akbar Tahai, Shohreh Jalaie,
Volume 23, Issue 5 (12-2014)

Background and Aim: Although double dichotic digit test is a useful tool for assessing the central auditory system in adults, it is more useful for evaluating younger children. The present study aimed to develop the Persian version of the single dichotic digit test and to obtain initial normative data.

Methods: The Persian version of the present test consisted of three different sets of 25 single digit pairs for testing in the free recall, directed recall to right, and directed recall to left conditions. The digits in each list were recorded dichotically on a compact disc. The sectional study was performed on 126 male students, aged between 7 and 9. The test-retest reliability was assessed in 29 subjects two to four weeks after the first test session.

Results: In seven year olds, the mean right and left ear scores increased from around 95.79% and 89.69%, respectively. In eight year olds, the mean right and left ear scores increased from around 98.59% and 96.29%, respectively. The mean right ear advantage decreased from around 6.13% in 7 year olds to around 2% in 8 year olds (p=0.001). No significant difference was found in scores between the free recall and directed recall conditions (p>0.05). The test had a high test-retest reliability (p>0.05).

Conclusion: The Persian version of the test has a high test-retest reliability for evaluating male children aged between 7 and 9 it can be used for assessing binaural integration in male children of this age group.

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شنوایی شناسی - دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران Bimonthly Audiology - Tehran University of Medical Sciences
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