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Showing 8 results for sedaei

Mahin Sedaei,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (6 1998)

A 34-year-old female with a history of a sudden mild left-sided hearing loss and high-pitched tinnitus along with fullness in the same ear was referred to the audiology clinic. Hearing fluctuation and variability in other symptoms were also reported. Although no complain of any vertigo or balance disorder was mentioned, light headedness was implied. Differential diagnosis of endolymphatic Fistula and retro cochlear lesion was demanded. Audiologic and radiologic findings of this patient are presented in the article to discuss findings regarding the diagnosis of the suspected disorder.

Mansoure Adelghahraman, Dr. Yahya Modaresi, Mahin Sedaei, Dr. Gholamreza Babei,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (4 2000)

Materials and Methods: This study was performed in two parts: included development and standardization of the test and the second part was the evaluation stage. In the first section, Watson&aposs crieria fpr valid speech recognition tests for children was considered. In order to balance the lists phonemically, it was necessary to determine Persian phonemes&apos frequency -of- occurences. Thus, the frequency -of- occurences for 29 phonemes of Persian language in children&aposs and adults&apos speech were separately determined. There were significant differences between some phonemes&apos frequencies in the two samples. So&apos their frequencies in children&aposs speech was used to design the test. It should be mentioned that each list could contains only 25 vowels, while almost 32 ones were meeded according to the phonemically balancing procedure. Therefore, vowels and consonants were separately balanced. The required monosyllabic words were extracted from the books written for 4 to 6 years old children. Finally, four closed set (3- picture matrix) 25 word lists were prepared. The lists were recorded on magnetic cassette in one of the IRIB studios.To assess the test validity and reliabity, 33 normal hearing children were randomly selected from kindergartens over the city of Tehranand were tested at the Audiology Clinic of the Rehabilitation Faculty, Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 1998. The tests included: otoscopy, pure tone & immittance audiometry, establishing speech reception threshold, and speech recognition test - retest by these lists.
Findings: 1- Normal hearing children obtained 92-100 percent scores for each list at their most comfortable loudness levels through test - retest.
2- No significant difference was observed in test - retest scores in each list (p>0.05).
3-No significant difference obtained between the lists test or retest scores (p>0.O5).
4-No significant difference was observed between children&aposs scores in terms of their age and gender (p>O.OS)
Conclusion: this study, therefore, is reliable and valid. The lists are phonemically balanced and equal in difficulty. Due to the conditions under which the test was designed (including, phonemic balance, necessity of using the words that could be pictured and of the presence of tow other word in children&aposs vocabulary which is similar in auditory aspects), only the content validity for word familiarity decreased a little that could be overcome by introducing them through pictures prior to the start of the test.

Jamileh Fatahi, Dr. Abdollah Mousavi, Mahin Sedaei, Soqrat Faghihzadeh,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (4 2000)

Methods and Materials:This cross - sectional analytical study examines the clinical utility of the external ear resonance (EER) peak amplitude measurement as an index of the possible middle ear effusions. The EER peak amplitude and frequency of 180 ears in 98 children of 7-9 years old were recorded. 120 of them (30 girls & 30 boys) had normal hearing and showed type A tympanograms. The remomder (60 ear of 38 boys) showed type B tymoanograms. These children were examined at the clinic of audiology department, rehabilitation faculty, Tehran University of medical sciences and health services, year 1376 hijri.The tests included: 1) Otoscopy, 2) Pure tone air - condition test, 3)Tympanometry and 4) E.E.R peak amplitude and frequency measurement through test - retest.
Results: 1- The average of E.E.R peak frequency for normal hearing girls, normal hearing boys and hearing impaired boys is 3206 Hz (SD=564), 3202 Hz (SI)- 634) and 2953 (SD=37l) respectively.
2- The average of E.E.R peak amplitude is 16.0 dB SPL (SD=2.6), 16.6 dB SPL (SD= 3.0) and 23.5 dB (SD=3.0) for normal hearing girls, normal hearing boys and hearing impaired boys respectively.
3- The correlation of the mean of E.E.R peak amplitude and frequency for two normal groups, girls and boys, is not significant (p>0.0l).
4- The mean test/retest variability in the E.E.R peak amplitude is 16.0 dB SPL and 3.1 Hz for frequency. These results indicate high validity and consistency of E.E.R characteristics measurements.
5- E.E.R peak amplitude is significantly ccre1ated with the presence of type B tympanogram (p-0.00) we find a 6.9 dB SPL increase in average E.E.R peak amplitude in boys with type B tympanograms in comparison to boys with
type A results but correlation of average E.E.R peak frequency of two groups is significant too (p=0.00).
* The results are valid only within the context of this research.
* The results of this research have been compared with similar studies in abroad.

Mahin Sedaei,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (13 2001)

Objective: Infants hearing screening as one of the best methods of identification and hence early intervention to prevent side effects and appropriate rehabilitation if necessary.
Methods and Materials: 175 0-7 day infants were tested in two groups (112 normal history and 63 high risked) with a dumb (for low frequencies)and receiver (for high Frequencies) at 90-95 dB SPL in three hospitals. The acceptable responses were auropalpebral reflex (APR) , startle and stop of movements.
Results: Of the first group 51% showed APR, 10% startle, 22 % Both and 17% no response. Of the second group 47% showed APR, 24% startle, 11% both reflexes and 18% no response.
Conclusion: 14 cases (8 girls and 6 boys) out of 175 infnats showed no response.

Majid Ashrafi, Mohammad Reza Fathololumi, Mahin Sedaei, Jamileh Fatahi, Shohreh Jalaei,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (4 2004)

Objective:Determining the prevalence of hearing loss and correlated factors in clients referring to audiology clinic of Buali hospital.
Method and Material: This cross-sectional analytic-descriptive survery was carried out on six thousand and twenty ears of 3010 clients (1651 ,ae amd 1359 female) in Audiology clinic of Buali hospital , during Sept 2000 to Sept 2001.
Results: Hearing loss is the most common reason for referring the clients (20.5%). 1319 ears (21.9%) Showed sensorineural hearing impairment and conductive and mixed hearing loss are observed in 1059 (17.6%) and 234 (3.9%) ears, respectedly. Hearing loss degree most cases is mild (14%) in both ears. There is no significant difference between male and female hearing threshold means (p>0.05) ‘ but a significant difference between hearing thresholds is observed in terms of age (p<0.05). Audiogram configuration in most cases is flat (55.1%). Otoscopic examination reveals abnormal condition in 2333 ears (38.8%) . 37.2% of the studied cases have abnormal tympanogram mostly type B (15.9%). 2.2% of the clients wear hearing aid that mostly have B.T.E ones (1.5%). 6.2% of the clients , depends on their hearing impairment type and degree need rehabilitation services.
Conclusion: The results are Valid only in the context of this study and it&aposs generaliztion needs further researches.

Mahin Sedaei, Abdollah Moussavi, Mojtaba Tavakolli, Saeid Farahani, Parviz Kamali,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (4 2004)

Objective: To determine SOAE,TEOAE, and DPOAE, characteristics in normal -hearing school boys.
Method and Material: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 7-11 year-old normal -hearing boys (n = 100) living in 12th zone of Tehran. OAEs also performed and investigated if otoscopy, pure tone and immittance audiometry were normal. Both handedness and ear effects was also considered.
Results : 31% had SOAEs. No significant differrence between the right and lefe ear SOAEs frequency and amplitude means. 1,3 kHz and total response TEOAEs amplitude was significantly different between two ears. There was no significant difference between both ear DPOAEs amplitudes, whereas the letf-handed boys&apos DPOAE amplitude is greater than the right -handed ones&apos amplitudes.
Conclusion : As some results including equal SOAEs of both ears , no difference between both ears SPOAEs amplitude , and handedness effect on the amplitude do not agree with other studies , these finding should be considered in testing OAEs of school boys.

Tahereh Rahbar, Hebbateddin Borgheei, Mahin Sedaei, Mahdi Akbari, Parviz Kamali,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (4 2004)

Objective: Survery and comparison between the physical characteristics of Distortion-Product Otoacoustic Emissions of 1-59 day-old normal-hearing newborns refered to TUMS, Rehabilitation School , Audiology department , 2002
Method & Material : This analytical-descriptive study was conducted on the ears of 102 easy method selected newborns. The tests included: otoscopy , BOA, Immittance audiometry , DPOAEs, and ABR if necessary. The amplitude and frequency of 2f1-f2 emissions of DPOAEs evoked by two pure tones (L1=65 dBSPL , L2=50 dBSPL and f2/f1=1.2) were also calculated.
Results: 1-All normal hearing newborns have normal DPOAEs. No significant difference was observed in test-retest. 2- The amplitude of the DPOAEs to the right ear is significantly greater than the amplitude of the left ear (P<00.05). 3- No significant difference was observed between newborn&aposs DPOAEs in terms of their gender.
Conclusion: DPOAEs could be measured quickly and noninvasively and are excellent tools for the screening of newborn hearing loss. The results are valid only within the Context of this research.

Jaleh Samadi, Mahin Sedaei, Nematollah Rouhbakhsh, Saeed Asad Malayeri, Soghrat Faghih Zadeh,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (21 2006)

Background and Aim: Lack of early detection of and intervention for infants hearing loss results in a significant delay in speech and language development. So auditory rehabilitation plays an important role in improving the diminished communication ability. One of the most successful auditory training approaches is the SKI-HI parent-infant program. The purpose of this study was preparation and evaluation of Farsi-Language SKI-HI program for under 3-year-old hearing impaired  children.
Materials and Methods: After translation and modification of the text of the program, fifteen under 3-year-old children with bilateral severe sensory hearing loss who were fitted with appropriate behind the ear hearing aids received intervention for 6 months. The levels of the auditory skills were measured pre and post intervention. Intervention Efficiency Index (IEI), Pretest Developmental Rate (PDR) and Proportional Change Index (PCI) were computed.
Results: The data indicated that there was a significant difference between means of IEI and PDR which were 0.87 and 0.31, respectively. PCI was 3.38 indicated that the children&aposs auditory skills developed at about 2.38 times higher rate after SKI-HI intervention than they did before.  PCI confidence interval showed that development in  the population is 1.46 to 3.30 times higher after SKI-HI intervention (with 95% probability) the rate of auditory skills.
Conclusion: The auditory training with Farsi-language SKI-HI Parent-Infant program may efficiently affect development of auditory skills of hearing impaired children.

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شنوایی شناسی - دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران Bimonthly Audiology - Tehran University of Medical Sciences
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