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Showing 328 results for Type of Study: Research
Mansoure Adelghahraman, Dr. Yahya Modaresi, Mahin Sedaei, Dr. Gholamreza Babei, Volume 8, Issue 1 (5-2000)
Materials and Methods: This study was performed in two parts: included development and standardization of the test and the second part was the evaluation stage. In the first section, Watson&aposs crieria fpr valid speech recognition tests for children was considered. In order to balance the lists phonemically, it was necessary to determine Persian phonemes&apos frequency -of- occurences. Thus, the frequency -of- occurences for 29 phonemes of Persian language in children&aposs and adults&apos speech were separately determined. There were significant differences between some phonemes&apos frequencies in the two samples. So&apos their frequencies in children&aposs speech was used to design the test. It should be mentioned that each list could contains only 25 vowels, while almost 32 ones were meeded according to the phonemically balancing procedure. Therefore, vowels and consonants were separately balanced. The required monosyllabic words were extracted from the books written for 4 to 6 years old children. Finally, four closed set (3- picture matrix) 25 word lists were prepared. The lists were recorded on magnetic cassette in one of the IRIB studios.To assess the test validity and reliabity, 33 normal hearing children were randomly selected from kindergartens over the city of Tehranand were tested at the Audiology Clinic of the Rehabilitation Faculty, Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 1998. The tests included: otoscopy, pure tone & immittance audiometry, establishing speech reception threshold, and speech recognition test - retest by these lists. Findings: 1- Normal hearing children obtained 92-100 percent scores for each list at their most comfortable loudness levels through test - retest. 2- No significant difference was observed in test - retest scores in each list (p>0.05). 3-No significant difference obtained between the lists test or retest scores (p>0.O5). 4-No significant difference was observed between children&aposs scores in terms of their age and gender (p>O.OS) Conclusion: this study, therefore, is reliable and valid. The lists are phonemically balanced and equal in difficulty. Due to the conditions under which the test was designed (including, phonemic balance, necessity of using the words that could be pictured and of the presence of tow other word in children&aposs vocabulary which is similar in auditory aspects), only the content validity for word familiarity decreased a little that could be overcome by introducing them through pictures prior to the start of the test.
Sayyed Hasan Khamooshi, Ensye Abassi, Kakojoibari Dr. Ali Asghar, Dr. Mohammad Reza Keyhani, Dr. Hassan Ashayeri, Volume 8, Issue 1 (5-2000)
Studying auditory discrimination in children and the role it plays in acquiring language skills is of great importance. Also the relationship between articulation disorder and the ability to discriminate the speech sound is an important topic for speech and language researchers.Previous event- related potentials (ERPs) studies have suggested a possible participation of the visual cortex of the blind subjects were asked to discriminate 100 couple Farsi words (auditory discrimination tack) while they were listening them from recorded tape.The results showed that the blinds were able to discriminate heard material better than sighted subjects. (Prro.05)According to this study in blind subjects conical are as normally reserved for vision may be activated by other sensory modalities.This is in accordance with previous studies. We suggest that auditory cortex expands in blind humans.
Jamileh Fatahi, Dr. Abdollah Mousavi, Mahin Sedaei, Soqrat Faghihzadeh, Volume 8, Issue 1 (5-2000)
Methods and Materials:This cross - sectional analytical study examines the clinical utility of the external ear resonance (EER) peak amplitude measurement as an index of the possible middle ear effusions. The EER peak amplitude and frequency of 180 ears in 98 children of 7-9 years old were recorded. 120 of them (30 girls & 30 boys) had normal hearing and showed type A tympanograms. The remomder (60 ear of 38 boys) showed type B tymoanograms. These children were examined at the clinic of audiology department, rehabilitation faculty, Tehran University of medical sciences and health services, year 1376 hijri.The tests included: 1) Otoscopy, 2) Pure tone air - condition test, 3)Tympanometry and 4) E.E.R peak amplitude and frequency measurement through test - retest. Results: 1- The average of E.E.R peak frequency for normal hearing girls, normal hearing boys and hearing impaired boys is 3206 Hz (SD=564), 3202 Hz (SI)- 634) and 2953 (SD=37l) respectively. 2- The average of E.E.R peak amplitude is 16.0 dB SPL (SD=2.6), 16.6 dB SPL (SD= 3.0) and 23.5 dB (SD=3.0) for normal hearing girls, normal hearing boys and hearing impaired boys respectively. 3- The correlation of the mean of E.E.R peak amplitude and frequency for two normal groups, girls and boys, is not significant (p>0.0l). 4- The mean test/retest variability in the E.E.R peak amplitude is 16.0 dB SPL and 3.1 Hz for frequency. These results indicate high validity and consistency of E.E.R characteristics measurements. 5- E.E.R peak amplitude is significantly ccre1ated with the presence of type B tympanogram (p-0.00) we find a 6.9 dB SPL increase in average E.E.R peak amplitude in boys with type B tympanograms in comparison to boys with type A results but correlation of average E.E.R peak frequency of two groups is significant too (p=0.00). * The results are valid only within the context of this research. * The results of this research have been compared with similar studies in abroad.
Eiraj Frotan, Volume 9, Issue 1 (5-2001)
Timing of speech activities are under fine control of an adult, so that time intervals between the phonemes in spectra of phonemes are less than l0ms.In stutterers temporal features of speech such as VOT (time interval between the release of the burst of consonant and onset of vocal vibration) are not under careful control of them, so causing symptoms of nonfluency.In this cross-sectional analytical- descriptive survey VOTs of stutterers (30M. 7F) in first & third syllables of 18 words, which started with /PTK/ & /bdg/ consonants are measured.Statistics tests and t-test, repeated measures, multiple range tests and coefficient regression.Findings:1- Mean VOTs of first and third syllables of stutterers in comparison with first and third syllables of nonstutterers are significant (VOTs of stutterers are longer than nonstutterers) (P<.05).2- Mean VOTs of first syllable in comparison with third syllable in stutterers and nonstutterers are significant (VOTs of first /cv/ syllables are longer than third /cv/ syllables) (P<.05).3- There is a significant difference between VOTs of consonants in adjacency of different vowels (P
Mohammad Mosleh, Volume 9, Issue 1 (5-2001)
Method and Materials: This research is carried out for development and evaluation of 25 phonemically balanced word lists for Persian speaking adults in two separate stages: development and evaluation.In the first stage, in order to balance the lists phonemically, frequency -of- occurrences of each 29phonems (6 vowels and 23 Consonants) of the Persian language in adults speech are determined. This section showed some significant differences between some phonemes&apos frequencies. Then, all Persian monosyllabic words extracted from the Mo ‘in Persian dictionary. The semantically difficult words were refused and the appropriate words choosed according to judgment of 5 adult native speakers of Persian with high school diploma.12 openset 25 word lists are prepared. The lists were recorded on magnetic tapes in an audio studio by a professional speaker of IRIB.In the second stage, in order to evaluate the test&aposs validity and reliability, 60 normal hearing adults (30 male, 30 female), were randomly selected and evaluated as test and retest.Findings:1- Normal hearing adults obtained 92-1 0O scores for each list at their MCL through test-retest.2- No significant difference was observed a/ in test-retest scores in each list (‘P>O.05) b/ between the lists at test or retest scores (P>0.05), c/between sex (P>0.05). Conclusion: This research is reliable and valid, the lists are phonemically balanced and equal in difficulty and valuable for evaluation of Persian speaking adults speech recognition.
Nematollah Rouhbakhsh, Dr. Abdollah Mousavi, Dr. Gholamreza Babaei, Mehrnaz Karimi, Volume 9, Issue 1 (5-2001)
Method and Materials: This cross - sectional survey is carried out in pediatric clinic department of audiology faculty of rehabilitation, TMSU, on spring 1998. 102 top grade ranking children with normal hearing threshold Results:1- The thresholds were not significantly different at any frequency (P>0.05) in test re-test trials. 2- The test minus re-test threshold for individual ears showed clinically reliable and acceptable range 0-10dB SPL for at least 99.74% of the ears at all frequencies. 3- The threshold differences between right & left cars in two test sessions were not significantly different (P>0.05) except for 14KHz. 4- High- frequency threshold in two test sessions showed no significant difference between girls & boys at all frequencies (P>0.05) (except for 16 & 20 KHz in right ear and 10 KHz in left ear). Conclusion: This test can be used for evaluation of individual high-frequency threshold in all frequency as test re-tests tria1. Moreover, this test may use as a beneficial tool for monitoring different endogenous and exogenous auditory pathologies. Consideration: it is found that this research is valid only among situation of this project. Any generalization needs further research.
Mehrnaz Asadifar, Dr. Yones Lotfi, Volume 9, Issue 1 (5-2001)
Method and Materials :this cross sectional descriptive and analytic survey was done at Golestan navy hospital in Tehran, between June 1998 and March 1999 on total of 69 male subject (104 ears, ) 50 acoustic trauma & 54 noise induced H.L) between 20 to 40 ears old. Results:1- The mean acoustic reflex threshold at 1 kHz showed there is no significant difference between two groups. 2- The intensity elicited maximum reflex amplitude at 1 kHz didn&apost produce at a significant linear correlation with subject&aposs age and ear canal volume in both groups. 3- The intensity elicited maximum reflex amplitude in NIHL group wasn&apost shown a significant correlation with ear compliance and gradient. 4- The mean Intensity (SPL) elicited maximum reflex amplitude in NIHL group was more than mean intensity (SPL) in acoustic trauma group. 5- The mean intensity (SL) elicited maximum reflex amplitude in NIHL group was More than mean intensity (SL) in acoustic trauma group. Conclusion: Acoustic reflex amplitude is reduced for subjects with NIHL compared with acoustic trauma subjects.
Zahra Jaefari, Dr. Aliasghare Kakoujoybari, Sayyd Aliakbar Tahaei, Ghasem Mohammad Khani, Dr. Soqrat Faghihzadeh, Volume 9, Issue 1 (5-2001)
Background: In recent years there has been increased interest in the use of Al for assessing hearing handicap and for measuring the potential effectiveness of amplification system.AI is an expression of proportion of average speech signal that is audible to a given patient, and it can vary between 0.0 to 1.0. Method and Materials: This cross-sectional analytical study was carried out in department of audiology, rehabilitation, faculty, IUMS form 31 Oct 98 to 7 March 1999, on 40 normal hearing persons (80 ears 19 males and 21 females) and 40 hearing impaired persons (61 ears 36 males and 25 females, 25-65 years old) with moderate to moderately severe SNI-IL The pavlovic procedure (1988) for calculating Al, open set taped standard mono syllabic word lists, and the real -ear probe- tube microphone system to measure insertion gain were used, through test-retest. Results: 1/A significant correlation was shown between the Al scores and the speech recognition scores of normal hearing and hearing-impaired group with and without the hearing aid (P<0.05) 2/ There was no significant differences in age group & sex: also 3 In test-retest measures of the insertion gain in each test and 4/No significant in test-retest of speech recognition test score. Conclusion: According to these results the Al can predict the unaided and aided monosyllabic recognition test scores very well, and age and sex variables have no effect on its ability. Therefore with respect to high reliability of the Al results and its simplicity, easy -to- use, cost effective, and little time consuming for calculation, it&aposs recommended the wide use of the Al, especially in clinical situation.
Kamran Heydari Tari, Dr. Yones Lotfi, Dr. Firouz Azordagan, Dr. Abdollah Mousavi, Dr. Mohammad Kamali, Volume 9, Issue 1 (5-2001)
Method and Materials: This cross- sectional analytical survey is carried out in department of audiology, rehabilitation faculty, IUMS, 1997-1998 on 10 normal and 28 sensory damaged ears out of 27,8 to 40 years old male individuals were evaluated according to following critria:Hearing threshold up to 7OdBHL.Normal middle ear status. Results: There is good correlation between kiessling&aposs procedure and R-N.A.L, P.O.G.O 11 and Lyharger procedures in determining gain of hearing aid in individuals with flat and raising audiogram. There is poor correlation between them in individuals with high frequency sensory hearing loss. Conclusion: Kiessling&aposs procedure can he used instead of Lyharger, R-N.A.L, P.0.0.0 11 procedures in children, difficult to test and multihandicapped persons who are not able to cooperate in behavioral audiometry.
Naser Akbarlou, Dr.mohammad Farhadi, Dr. Ahmad Daneshi, Dr. Gholamreza Olyaei, Dr. Soqrat Faghihzadeh, Volume 9, Issue 1 (5-2001)
Methods and Materials: Investigation of electrically evoked auditory brain stem response (EABR) is a new issue, especially in implanted patients. Experiments were performed in C.I Center of Iranian Institute for Science and research expansion,1996 on 30 implanted patients with 22 spectra and MSP cochlear implant system and 30 normal subjects with the range of 3-33 years.Findings:1- EABR was obtained in the implanted patients.2- Absolute latency of EABR waves is 1-1.5 ms shorter than ABR waves ‘P<0.05).3-Absolute latency of wave V decreases as a function of electric stimulus magnitude (P<0.05).4- No significant difference was observed in IPL Ill-V between ABR and EABR.
Mahin Sedaei, Volume 10, Issue 1 (5-2001)
Objective: Infants hearing screening as one of the best methods of identification and hence early intervention to prevent side effects and appropriate rehabilitation if necessary.
Methods and Materials: 175 0-7 day infants were tested in two groups (112 normal history and 63 high risked) with a dumb (for low frequencies)and receiver (for high Frequencies) at 90-95 dB SPL in three hospitals. The acceptable responses were auropalpebral reflex (APR) , startle and stop of movements.
Results: Of the first group 51% showed APR, 10% startle, 22 % Both and 17% no response. Of the second group 47% showed APR, 24% startle, 11% both reflexes and 18% no response.
Conclusion: 14 cases (8 girls and 6 boys) out of 175 infnats showed no response.
Afsaneh Dousti, Mohtaram Najafi, Ghasem Mohammad Khani, Saeed Sarough Farahani, Shohreh Jalaei, Volume 11, Issue 1 (5-2002)
Method & Material: This study was performed on 36 normal-hearing subjects aged 18-25 years for survey of temporary threshold shift (TTS) by transient evoked otoacoustic emissions. Finding: Noise can affect the pure-tone thresholds and (TEOAEs) amplitudes. When cochlea affected by noise, evaluating TEOAE is more suitable than pure-tone audiometry. Because of this test, is objective an unaffected by attention and alertness and can be evaluated in difficult to test subject and also have high carefulness and can be performed in a quiet, but not sound-proof room.
Abbas Bastani, Seyyed Abdollah Madani, Volume 11, Issue 1 (5-2002)
Objective: Determining the frequency of hearing disorders and hearing aid using in the clients referring to the Avesina education and health center, audiometry clinic, 1377. Method and Material: This is an assesive-descriptive survey that conducted on more than 2053 (1234 males and 819 females) who referred for audiometry after examination by a physician. Case history, otoscopy, PTA, speech and immittance audiometry were conducted for all the clients. The findings were expressed in tables and diagrams of frequency. The age and sex relationship. All types of hearing losses and the number of the hearing-impaired clients need a hearing aid were assessed.Findings: 56% of this population were hearing-impaired and 44% had normal hearing were hearing. 60% were males and 40% females. Of the hearing-impaired, 44% had SNHL, 35.6% CHL and 8.2% mixed hearing loss. The hearing aid was prescribed for 204 (83 females and121 males) if they need that only 20 females and 32 males wear it. Conclusion: It this sample, SNHL is of higher frequency. According to this survey, the more the age, the more the hearing aid is accepted (85% of wearer are more than 49) the prevalence of the hearing impaired males are more than females (60% versus 40%). Only 25% of the hearing-impaired wear hearing aids.
Sorayya Nili, Ali Reza Karimi Yazdi, Ramezan Ali Sharifian, Shoreh Jalaei, Volume 11, Issue 1 (5-2002)
Objective: The purpose of study was identify hearing loss in thalassemic patients with history of Desferrioxamine (DFO) therapy. This study was carried out in a cross-sectional descriptive survey on 195 thalassemic patients (3-30 years old) in Gazvin Thalassemia center and Tehran pediatrics&apos medical center. Methods: The patients underwent routine otolaryngologic history and physical examination, along with standard pure-tone audiometry. Results: Hearing loss was present in 43.1% of patients. 16% of patients had conductive hearing loss and 4.6% of patient had sensory neural hearing loss. 22.5% of thalassemic patients had high-frequency sensory neural hearing loss and more importantly, high-frequency hearing loss attributable to Desferrioxamine ototoxicity was present in 12% of patients. Furthermore, these evaluations showed that there is a significant relationship between hearing loss and DFO usage and hearing loss too. There is no significant relationship between hearing loss and ferritin level between hearing loss and age of DFO usage too. Conclusion: Management of these patients requires proper dosing of Desferrioxamine, along with regular otolaryngolgic and audiometric follow-up in order to prevent the effect of ototoxicity of desferal.
Rabeeh Ariaei, Reza Nilipour, Hassan Ashayeri, Volume 11, Issue 1 (5-2002)
The major focus of this research is on the differential disruption of language abilities subsequent to brain damages as they relate to site and size of lesion, especially left hemisphere lesions which disrupt the production and processing of "Nouns" vs. "Verbs" as two functionally different lexical categories. Several clinical as well as experimental studies reported on different language have shown that nouns and verbs can be independently disrupted due to brain damage. A prevalent impairment in naming actions (Producing verbs) is reported in non-fluent aphasic patients, with lesions involving left frontal lobe, whereas a selective in naming objects (Producing nouns) has been observed in amnesic patients, with lesions involving the temporal lobe and the temporal lobe and the posterior association aresas. This research is a theoretical and fundamental based on descriptive and analytical method. The aphasic data in this research were obtained by assessing each patient&aposs aphasic symptoms using a standard Persian aphasia test (Paradis, Nilipoure, Paribakht, 1989) as well as post-test analysis of each patient&apos connected descriptive speech. The subjects were selected form among aphasics who referred to speech therapy centers in Tehran during a pe5iod of one year since autumn 1999. The subjects selected in the study were a homogenous group with left hemisphere lesions due to CVA. They were educated adult right handed. Speakers of Persian without any risk factor such as nicotine, alcohol or any addiction and diabetes with no gross depression or anxiety problems or face and oral paralysis and hemiaopsia. The subjects in this study comprised to adults ranging between 33 and 76 years of age. The results indicated that there are significant correlation between: 1) The production of nouns and left hemisphere lesion. 2) The production of verbs and left hemisphere lesion. 3) Brain lesion and language deficits. 4) The site of lesion and language abilities. Although the data are limited and the generalization of the study has certain restrictions, the present data indicate some specific and reliable avidence on the selective impairment of nouns and verbs due to different lesions in the left hemisphere.
Elahe Shojaei Chagharvand, Mohtaram Najafi, Ghasem Mohammad Khani, Gholam Reza Oliaei, Gholam Reza Babaei, Volume 11, Issue 1 (5-2002)
Method & Material: This study examined the speech in noise test in 60 school age children with otitis media with effusion and 30 school age children with normal hearing in +5, 0 and -5 dB signal to noise ratio. The mean of age was 8.05 in study group and 8.25 in control group. Speech in noise test were performed for study group and control group in quiet an in noise. Speech noise presented ipsilaterally in both groups.Finding: The correlation of mean of SDS in +5, 0 and -5 dB signal to noise ratio between study group and control group, is significant.
Masoud Eslami Vazilaei, Dr.abdollah Mousavi, Volume 11, Issue 1 (5-2002)
Method & Material: This descriptive analytical survey was performed in pars Hospital, Tehran on 45 children (22 girls, 23 boys aged 2-5 years, 1377-78 (solar).Finding: In 2-3 years old group, accurdacy of PTA test (87/7%) was more than FNS test (66%). In 3-5 years old group, Specificity & NPV showed no significant differences, between two test.
Conclusion: Since the PTA showes greater possibility of false positive response than FNST, the accuracy of the latter test is greater the PTA.
Davood Rostamian, Abdollah Moussavi, Volume 11, Issue 1 (5-2002)
Objective: This study was aimed to survey the hearing status of the patients with definite MS. The results of this study may help to confirm the diagnosis and to improve our knowledge of different aspects of this disease and to optimize the treatment and rehabilitative techniques. Material & Methods: This study is performed in audiology clinic of rehabilitation science faculty of Iran medical science university as an assesive-analytic procedure in winter of 2000 in 40 MS patients (Referred from the MS clinic of Shohada Hospital) of 20 to 45 years old. All the patients have no history of otologic problems. The results of conventional audiologist tests (PTA, SRT, SDS, imittance audiometry) and ABR findings of MS patients were compared to the results of control group. Results: The differences between the means of low, high and mid frequency PTAve in MS patients and control group were statistically significant (P<0.05). There was no significant difference between two groups in the speech test&aposs results, statistically. The results of ART test show statistically significant differences between experimental and control groups. The only differences in ABR results were seen for the absolute latency of the wave V and IPLs (I-V, III-V) between two groups. The amplitude ratio of V/I in MS patients 1.5 was within the normal range (0.5 to 2). There was a statistically significant relationship between mean of mid frequency PTAve and prolongation of absolute latency of the wave V. The relationship between ABR and SDS and also between ART and ABR were not statistically significant. Finally, the results of this study suggested that low, high and mid frequency PTAve, ART, absolute latency of the wave V, and IPLs III-V, I-V can be used ascomplementory method to confirm the diagnosis of MS with other conventional methods such as: MRI, CSF analysis, SEP and VEP.
Marjan Shahriari, Yahya Modarresi, Ali Ghorbani, Mohammadreza Keihani, Volume 12, Issue 1 (5-2003)
Objective: A research was conducted to assess the phonological awareness in hearing-impaired children in comparison to normal children. In this context, we discussed about the ability of these children in identification of rhyme and word segmentation to syllables. Method and Material: The sample of this study is composed of 320 children, 160 normal & 160 hearing-impaired with a hearing-loss. Of over 70 dB, studying in the 1st t 4th grade of the primary schools in Tehran. They are divided into two groups at each level (20 girls & 20 boys). Results: 1) Hearing-impaired children&aposs scores on test related to rhyme and syllable is lower as compared with normal children. 2) Hearing-impaired children are more potent on test of word segmentation to syllables in comparison to that related to rhyme, while normal children are more successful on test of word segmentation to syllables as compared with that related to rhyme. Discussion: Hearing is an important factor in phonological awareness. Formal education at special schools doesn&apost compensate for the hearing impairment as to development of the phonological awareness.
Karim Sattari, Abdollah Mussavi, Aliasghar Kakoujouybari, Mohammadreza Keihani, Bahram Jalaei, Volume 12, Issue 1 (5-2003)
Objective: A survey on hearing state of blind schoolboys in Tehran. Method and Material: This cross-sectional descriptive survey was conducted on 640 ears of 320 blind schoolboys of 5-23 years old as a hearing screening in Tehran blind schools, 2000-01. Results: 20.94% was hearing-impaired of whom 13.75% had bilateral and 7.19% had unilateral hearing loss. 15.16% of students suffered from sensory-neural hearing loss (SNHL), 1.56% from conductive hearing loss (CHL) and 0.62% from mixed hearing loss (MHL), that is, SNHL occurred 10 times more than CHL. Hearing loss was often mild and moderate, and audiogram configuration was primarily high tone loss (HTL). On the whole, 8.13% of students needed medical treatment, 15.13% needed audiological rehabilitation and 3.44% of them were in need of both medical and rehabilitation Intervention. General information about hearing problem was very low among students, their parents and teachers, which was 26.87%, 20.9% and 22.39%, respectively. There is significant relation between SNHL and parents&apos relationship. Conclusion: The prevalence of hearing loss in blinds is higher than in normal-visions. It is often sensorineural. So, it is important to identify these children through hearing screening (Using more high frequencies) and to conduct medical as well as rehabilitative intervention.