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Showing 4 results for Exposure To Noise

Manouchehr Omidvari,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-1999)

Exposure to noise is a one of the common problems in any industrial places. Many solutions have been introduced to overcome the deleterious effects of noise pollution maintaining and repairing systems in the equipments, environmental control and hearing conservation systems are some of these solutions that could be mentioned.
There are various types of Hearing protection devices and each one is useful under special circumstances. Commonly, different Hearing protection devices have a particular brochure to introduce information about the manufacturers and the quality of noise reduction in that special production.
Three different methods are commonly used to determine the noise reduction factor in various Hearing protection devices. All these methods have been presented based on the mathematical evaluations and according to the spectral features of the sound existing in the environment and then the sound pressure level is determined in dBA. In the current article we will have a look on the mentioned arithmetic models and their special characteristics.

Rostam Sasani, Parvin Nasiri,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-1999)

Technology has made people to be exposed to a lot of sources of noise because of the instruments they use at workplace or at home. Dentists are a group of such people who are especially subject to different sources of noise such as high-speed air-turbine headpieces, operated at 300,000 to 400,000 revolutions per minute In the current study we were aimed at measuring noise at the dentists&apos office estimating hearing thresholds in dentists and determining the reason of hearing loss and finally determining the role that work experience e play in the hearing loss occurred.Dentists have been divided into groups based on the work experience and subjects were randomly selected from the dentists of various groups. Sound levels were measured in clinical settings and in a pre-clinical laboratory for estimation of hearing-damage risk among dentists,The findings demonstrated that all dentists regardless of age and gender suffered a notched hearing loss at 6000 Hz. Additionally hearing loss was worse in right ear.Since sound energy of high-speed air-turbine headpieces is mostly concentrated in high frequencies, it can lead in the most possible hearing loss at 6000Hz.

Mahin Sedaie,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-1999)

Many pregnant women are exposed to noise in the workplace. Noise can affect both fetus and pregnancy of pregnant women. Hormonal disturbances and nanism are of devastating effects of noise. An increased risk of shortened gestation has been shown in four studies Results. In a third study showed the length of gestation in female infants to be inversely correlated to maternal residential noise exposure. Decreased birth weight has also been associated with noise exposure in pregnant women.Some of the adverse impacts of exposure to noise is discussed here as an investigation report.

Saeid Farahani,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-1999)

The most common contributing factors in inducing hearing loss in adults are aging, exposure to noise and the interaction among these factors with other parameters. Individual parameters are also effective in the extent of hearing loss which is produced. Being aware of Vulnerability factors such as physical parameters, Auditory and non-auditory factors can be useful in considering a good hearing conservation program for noise induced hearing losses.In the current article we are aimed at introducing three important parameters and their sub-divisions pertaining to this issue.

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شنوایی شناسی - دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران Bimonthly Audiology - Tehran University of Medical Sciences
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