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Showing 7 results for Fundamental Frequency

Ali Ghorbani, Farhad Torabinejad, Leila Armandi,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (2-2006)

Background and Aim: Human’s voice is observable and measurable like his other behaviours. Investigations have shown that characteristics of voice differ in males and females and possibly in different languages. Clinically, knowing natural voice characteristics is helpful for distinguishing voice pathologies. So the purpose of this study was to measure and compare the fundamental frequency human voice.

Materials and Methods: subjects were young males and females of Iranian Fars, Turk and Kurd races. First the subjects were asked to read some Persian sentences , then their voice samples were analysed by Dr.Speech software.

Results: Fundamental frequency mean is 168±46 Hz and 120±48 Hz for females and males , respectively , which shows significant difference. There is no significant difference between fundamental frequency mean of different races.

Conclusion: There is significant difference between fundamental frequency of males and females , but this difference is not attributable to their mother tongue. Key words: voice, fundamental frequency, Iranian, Fars , Turk , Kurd.

Mahdi Shaker Ardakani, Zahra Soleymani, Farhad Torabinejad, Seyyedeh Maryam Khoddami, Mahmoud Alipour Heydari,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (6-2007)

Background and Aim: Objective measurement is general and acoustic measurements in particular have become a substantial aspect of stuttering assessment during the last few decades. Measurements do not replace the perceptual judgment, but they allow a more precise diagnosis, provide more evidence for therapeutic interventions, and are useful as feedback for patients in therapy. The purpose of this investigation was to compare some adult male stutterers&apos and nonstutterers&apos acoustic features.
Materials and Methods: Adult male stutterers and nonstutterers participated this case-control  study. Their fluent reading of 20 sentences in Farsi, prolongation of  vowels /a/ and /i/, and rhythmic counting from 1 to 20 were analyed with Dr. Speech software.
Results: There were no significant differences between two groups in fundamental frequency (f0) and standard deviation of f0 in three speech samples (vowels /a/ and /i/, reading 20 sentences, and rhythmic counting from 1 to 20). No significant difference were between two groups for jitter and shimmer.
Conclusion: Non significant differences between two groups are somewhat due to investigation of this parameters in fluent speech of stutterers  and nonstutterers.

Ali Ghorbani, Arezoo Saffarian, Farhad Torabinezhad, Yoonos Amiri Shavaki, Mohammad Reza Keyhani,
Volume 19, Issue 2 (6-2010)

Background and Aim: The voice of human being changes during lifetime with different patterns in males and females. In addition to assessment of changes due to aging, some studies examined the voice changes among various languages and ethnical groups. This study is performed to evaluate the fundamental frequency changes in normal 9-50 year-old Persian (Farsi) speaking individuals.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 320 voice samples in normal voiceless environment were recorded. The mean of fundamental frequency of vowels and counting is measured by Dr Speech software (real analysis program). Data analysis was performed by MANOVA test and the profiles of their changes were plotted.
Results: The profile of mean of fundamental frequency changes was different in males and females. The mean of fundamental frequency was equal in both genders until 13 years old and the samples of voice had low pitch (Mean: higher than 200 Hz). MFF after 13 years old significantly decreased in males specially in vowels (p<0.001). The changes in vowels and counting were similar. The mean of fundamental frequency in both genders, between 20-40 years old had  relative constancy.
Conclusion: The mean of fundamental frequency changes of vowels and counting in females and males result from diverse dimensions of larynx and other anatomical differences. Significant changes of mean of fundamental frequency in both genders after 13 years old result from puberty in males. The proportional consistence of mean of fundamental frequency between 20-40 years old is probably due to the uniformity of body in this age range.

Mehri Safari, Ali Ghorbani, Yunos Amiri Shavaki, Farzad Izadi,
Volume 20, Issue 2 (9-2011)

Background and Aim: Vocal cord nodule is one of the voice disorders causes hoarseness and breathy voice. Voice therapy is one of the treatment approaches. We aimed to find out the effects of voice therapy on vocal acoustic characteristics in these patients.
Methods: In this case series, five women with vocal nodule (14 to 45-year-old) participated in a 9-week voice therapy program developed by Boone. Vocal hygiene and voice practices were measured every day using a questionnaire. Moreover, structure and movements of vocal folds were examined using videolaryngostroboscope by a laryngologist before and after voice therapy to evaluate the effectiveness of program. For collecting voice samples we used sustained /æ/ in comfortable loudness for all patients and data were analyzed using Speech Studio.
Results: After voice therapy, fundamental frequency in four of five subjects were decreased but it was not significant (p=0.225). However, jitter in all of five subjects was significantly decreased (p=0.043). After voice therapy, shimmer in three of five subjects were decreased that was not significant (p=0.345).
Conclusion: Voice therapy can be used for the remedy of acoustic vocal characteristics and elimination or contraction of vocal cord nodule.

Hiwa Mohammadi, Reihane Mohammadi, Farhad Torabinezhad, Mansour Rezaei,
Volume 20, Issue 2 (9-2011)

Background and Aim: Formant structure and vowel space are the most important acoustic characteristics of speech sounds. The purpose of this study was to determine formant frequency and vowel space in six Persian vowels.
Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive-analytic study was performed on 60 Persian students of Tehran University of Medical Sciences (30 males, 30 females) with their age ranging from 18 to 24 years. The subject articulated six Persian vowels in isolation and data was recorded by real-analyzer software. Then, the first three formant frequency of each vowel was determined for each subject. Vowel formant frequency averages were measured separately for each vowel and each gender. Vowel space was plotted. The difference between F0 in two groups was compared by Leven and independent sample t tests.
Results: Maximum and minimum values of F0 in both group was related to /æ/ and /a/ (135 Hz in males and 239 Hz in females) and /i/ (146 Hz in males and 239 Hz in females). Besides, F0 in females was significantly higher than males (p<0.001). Maximum and minimum values of F1 were related to /æ/ and /i/. Furthermore, maximum and minimum values of F2 were related to /i/ and /u/. Maximum and minimum values of F3 were related to /i/ and /u/.
Conclusion: The lowest vowels were /æ/ and /a/ and the highest was /i/. The frontest was /i/ and the backest was /u/. the spreadest vowel was /i/ and the roundest was /u/.

Mahshid Aghajanzadeh, Ali Ghorbani, Farhad Torabinezhad, Mohammad Reza Keyhani,
Volume 21, Issue 1 (3-2012)

Background and Aim: Voice disorders assess with the help of laboratory equipments and perceptual evaluation. Voice samples involve vowel prolongation, text-reading or conversational speech. In Iran, Rainbow text and Grandfather text, were developed for assessing voice.
Methods: This study was cross-sectional and descriptive-analytical. Mean and fundamental frequency variations range in 120 normal males and females aging from 20-59 years old were studied. Voice samples of reading both texts were gathered and compared.
Results: Mean fundamental frequency in males in Grandfather text was 137.93 with SD 1.2 and in Rainbow text was 135.09 with SD 1.1 (p>0.05), in females Grandfather and Rainbow texts were 206.07 with SD 0.9 and 204.23 with SD 2.1, respectively (p>0.05). Fundamental frequency variations range in Grandfather text in males was 88.10 with SD 0.8 and in females was 116.77 with SD 1.3 and in Rainbow text in males was 90.92 with SD 1.1, in females was 116.08 with SD 1.2 (p>0.05). Mean fundamental frequency of males in each text didn&apost show significant difference in age groups and just in 50-59 age group of the female population showed significant difference. Fundamental frequency variations range didn&apost show significant difference in males and females in both texts.
Conclusion: These two texts were the same in measurement of average and fundamental frequency variations range in adults. Significant difference showed between 50-59 age group of the female population and other groups.

Rahimeh Roohparvar, Mahmood Bijankhan, Saeed Hasanzadeh, Shohreh Jalaie,
Volume 22, Issue 3 (10-2013)

Background and Aim: Fundamental frequency (F0) of onset is a reliable acoustic cue of voicing differences in plosive consonants. The purpose of present study was to acoustically analyze of the F0 amount of oral plosive consonants in the initial position of words in cochlear-implanted children and normal hearings.

Methods: In this study, the F0 of onset was measured in the speech production of 47 prelingual deaf children who were cochlear implanted about 61 months before the test (range: 47-76 months, SD: 8.6) and the results were compared with 60 normal hearing children who were 60 months old (range: 49-73, SD: 6.5).

Results: Using repeated measurement tests, it was shown that in all places of articulation, the amount of F0 of onset in voiceless plosives was higher than that of voiced ones, because of the low position of larynx and hyoid bone in voiced plosives. On the other hand, in most cases, the F0 of cochlear-implanted children was lower than that of normal hearings and in voiced plosives, there were significant differences (p=0.005) between cochlear implanted and normal hearing children. There was not any significant difference between the F0 of onset in girls and boys.

Conclusion: In all places of articulation, the mean amount of F0 of onset for voiceless plosives was higher than that of voiced plosives. There was significant difference between F0 of onset in cochlear implanted and normal hearing children.

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شنوایی شناسی - دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران Bimonthly Audiology - Tehran University of Medical Sciences
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