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Showing 2 results for Hearing Protection Devices
Saeed Farahani, Ahmad Keshani, Volume 4, Issue 1 (5-1996)
Hearing conservation is one of the useful programs in industrial audiology. Few studies have been reported on this issue. Performing this program is always accompanied with some problems, In a way that lacking enough attention can cause deviation from the main instructions in the program. In the current study we will first of all, have a look on the academic foundations of a hearing conservation program and then will discuss performing such a program in Pars- Minoo Company which have been performed by the audiology department of Tehran university of medical sciences in the winter 1995 in Tehran.
Manouchehr Omidvari, Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-1999)
Exposure to noise is a one of the common problems in any industrial places. Many solutions have been introduced to overcome the deleterious effects of noise pollution maintaining and repairing systems in the equipments, environmental control and hearing conservation systems are some of these solutions that could be mentioned.
There are various types of Hearing protection devices and each one is useful under special circumstances. Commonly, different Hearing protection devices have a particular brochure to introduce information about the manufacturers and the quality of noise reduction in that special production.
Three different methods are commonly used to determine the noise reduction factor in various Hearing protection devices. All these methods have been presented based on the mathematical evaluations and according to the spectral features of the sound existing in the environment and then the sound pressure level is determined in dBA. In the current article we will have a look on the mentioned arithmetic models and their special characteristics.
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