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Showing 1 results for High Frequency Hearing Thresholds

Nematollah Rouhbakhsh, Dr. Abdollah Mousavi, Dr. Gholamreza Babaei, Mehrnaz Karimi,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (5-2001)

Method and Materials: This cross - sectional survey is carried out in pediatric clinic department of audiology faculty of rehabilitation, TMSU, on spring 1998. 102 top grade ranking children with normal hearing threshold

Results:1- The thresholds were not significantly different at any frequency (P>0.05) in test re-test trials.
2- The test minus re-test threshold for individual ears showed clinically reliable and acceptable range 0-10dB SPL for at least
99.74% of the ears at all frequencies.
3- The threshold differences between right & left cars in two test sessions were not significantly different (P>0.05) except for 14KHz.
4- High- frequency threshold in two test sessions showed no significant difference between girls & boys at all frequencies (P>0.05) (except for 16 & 20 KHz in right ear and 10 KHz in left ear).
Conclusion: This test can be used for evaluation of individual high-frequency threshold in all frequency as test re-tests tria1. Moreover, this test may use as a beneficial tool for monitoring different endogenous and exogenous auditory pathologies.
Consideration: it is found that this research is valid only among situation of this project. Any generalization needs further research.

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شنوایی شناسی - دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران Bimonthly Audiology - Tehran University of Medical Sciences
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