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Showing 1 results for Otoscopy Examination
Ahmadreza Ghasempour, Dr. Abdollah Mousavi, Dr. Mohammad Reza Keyhani, Volume 8, Issue 1 (5-2000)
Objectives :Determining the frequency distribution of hearing disorders among the student of public elementary school by Otoscopy, Puretone Audiometry, impedance Audiometry and questionnaires. Methods and Materials: This study was can-led out in a cross - sectional descriptive survey - on 1000 students (500 girls and 500 boys) among the student of primary school of EslamAhad Gharh, academic year 1376-77 Results: 1- Otoscopy examination abnormal conditions of external ear canal was found in 13.65% of cases mostly impacted ceruman (13.3%). Abnormal conditions of external ear canal was more prevalent in girls than boys and the difference was statistically meaningful in the right (P V=0 .012) and left (PV=0.043) ear. Abnormal tympanic membrane was seen in 6.75% of cases mostly retraction (295%). 2- Impedance Audiometry: 11.05% abnormal tympanograms were observed, mostly type C (4.1%). 3- Pure Tone Audiometry: An overall 9.7% hearing loss was found in this population including 3.5% bilateral and 6.2% unilateral hearing loss. 4.15% of population suffered from SNHL observed mostly in boys and conductive. Hearing loss mostly in girls and the difference was statistically meaning in the left ear (PV=0.03).25.8% of cases were in need of medical care and surgery and six of them (l.e 0.6%) were in need of rehabilitation services.Family background showed on effects on the hearing disorders.Only 11. 4% of parents, 13.4% of teachers and 14.4% of afflicted students were aware of the problem.
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