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Kamran Heydari Tari, Dr. Yones Lotfi, Dr. Firouz Azordagan, Dr. Abdollah Mousavi, Dr. Mohammad Kamali, Volume 9, Issue 1 (5-2001)
Method and Materials: This cross- sectional analytical survey is carried out in department of audiology, rehabilitation faculty, IUMS, 1997-1998 on 10 normal and 28 sensory damaged ears out of 27,8 to 40 years old male individuals were evaluated according to following critria:Hearing threshold up to 7OdBHL.Normal middle ear status. Results: There is good correlation between kiessling&aposs procedure and R-N.A.L, P.O.G.O 11 and Lyharger procedures in determining gain of hearing aid in individuals with flat and raising audiogram. There is poor correlation between them in individuals with high frequency sensory hearing loss. Conclusion: Kiessling&aposs procedure can he used instead of Lyharger, R-N.A.L, P.0.0.0 11 procedures in children, difficult to test and multihandicapped persons who are not able to cooperate in behavioral audiometry.
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