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Showing 1 results for Persian Speaking Adults

Mohammad Mosleh,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (5-2001)

Method and Materials: This research is carried out for development and evaluation of 25 phonemically balanced word lists for Persian speaking adults in two separate stages: development and evaluation.In the first stage, in order to balance the lists phonemically, frequency -of- occurrences of each 29phonems (6 vowels and 23 Consonants) of the Persian language in adults speech are determined. This section showed some significant differences between some phonemes&apos frequencies. Then, all Persian monosyllabic words extracted from the Mo ‘in Persian dictionary. The semantically difficult words were refused and the appropriate words choosed according to judgment of 5 adult native speakers of Persian with high school diploma.12 openset 25 word lists are prepared. The lists were recorded on magnetic tapes in an audio studio by a professional speaker of IRIB.In the second stage, in order to evaluate the test&aposs validity and reliability, 60 normal hearing adults (30 male, 30 female), were randomly selected and evaluated as test and retest.Findings:1- Normal hearing adults obtained 92-1 0O scores for each list at their MCL through test-retest.2- No significant difference was observed a/ in test-retest scores in each list (‘P>O.05) b/ between the lists at test or retest scores (P>0.05), c/between sex (P>0.05).
Conclusion: This research is reliable and valid, the lists are phonemically balanced and equal in difficulty and valuable for evaluation of Persian speaking adults speech recognition.

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شنوایی شناسی - دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران Bimonthly Audiology - Tehran University of Medical Sciences
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