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Showing 1 results for Stroke
Soofia Naghdi, Maede Khalifeloo, Noureddin Nakhostin Ansari, Mohammad Akbari, Shohreh Jalaie, Davood Jannat, Volume 22, Issue 2 (7-2013)
Background: Balance disorders are common in patients following stroke. There are a number of physiotherapy modalities to treat balance impairments, one of which is vibration. The effects of vibration on balance disorders after stroke have not been investigated. This case report demonstrates the short-term effects of plantar vibration on the balance impairment of a patient with stroke.
Case presentation: A 72-years-old man with right hemiplegia resulted from stroke was admitted for vibration therapy after not responding to standard rehabilitation interventions. He complained of balance problems despite walking independently. Main studied outcomes were timed up and go test and posturography. Foot sensation, ankle plantar flexor spasticity, and the passive range of ankle dorsiflexion were assessed, as well. Vibration with a frequency of 100 Hz was introduced to the sole of the affected foot for 5 minutes. After intervention, all tests were improved compared to the baselines.
Conclusion: This case showed that the vibration was effective for improving balance disorder after stroke.
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