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Showing 4 results for Tympanometry
Jamileh Fatahi, Dr. Abdollah Mousavi, Mahin Sedaei, Soqrat Faghihzadeh, Volume 8, Issue 1 (5-2000)
Methods and Materials:This cross - sectional analytical study examines the clinical utility of the external ear resonance (EER) peak amplitude measurement as an index of the possible middle ear effusions. The EER peak amplitude and frequency of 180 ears in 98 children of 7-9 years old were recorded. 120 of them (30 girls & 30 boys) had normal hearing and showed type A tympanograms. The remomder (60 ear of 38 boys) showed type B tymoanograms. These children were examined at the clinic of audiology department, rehabilitation faculty, Tehran University of medical sciences and health services, year 1376 hijri.The tests included: 1) Otoscopy, 2) Pure tone air - condition test, 3)Tympanometry and 4) E.E.R peak amplitude and frequency measurement through test - retest. Results: 1- The average of E.E.R peak frequency for normal hearing girls, normal hearing boys and hearing impaired boys is 3206 Hz (SD=564), 3202 Hz (SI)- 634) and 2953 (SD=37l) respectively. 2- The average of E.E.R peak amplitude is 16.0 dB SPL (SD=2.6), 16.6 dB SPL (SD= 3.0) and 23.5 dB (SD=3.0) for normal hearing girls, normal hearing boys and hearing impaired boys respectively. 3- The correlation of the mean of E.E.R peak amplitude and frequency for two normal groups, girls and boys, is not significant (p>0.0l). 4- The mean test/retest variability in the E.E.R peak amplitude is 16.0 dB SPL and 3.1 Hz for frequency. These results indicate high validity and consistency of E.E.R characteristics measurements. 5- E.E.R peak amplitude is significantly ccre1ated with the presence of type B tympanogram (p-0.00) we find a 6.9 dB SPL increase in average E.E.R peak amplitude in boys with type B tympanograms in comparison to boys with type A results but correlation of average E.E.R peak frequency of two groups is significant too (p=0.00). * The results are valid only within the context of this research. * The results of this research have been compared with similar studies in abroad.
Nematollah Rouhbakhsh, Dr. Abdollah Mousavi, Dr. Gholamreza Babaei, Mehrnaz Karimi, Volume 9, Issue 1 (5-2001)
Method and Materials: This cross - sectional survey is carried out in pediatric clinic department of audiology faculty of rehabilitation, TMSU, on spring 1998. 102 top grade ranking children with normal hearing threshold Results:1- The thresholds were not significantly different at any frequency (P>0.05) in test re-test trials. 2- The test minus re-test threshold for individual ears showed clinically reliable and acceptable range 0-10dB SPL for at least 99.74% of the ears at all frequencies. 3- The threshold differences between right & left cars in two test sessions were not significantly different (P>0.05) except for 14KHz. 4- High- frequency threshold in two test sessions showed no significant difference between girls & boys at all frequencies (P>0.05) (except for 16 & 20 KHz in right ear and 10 KHz in left ear). Conclusion: This test can be used for evaluation of individual high-frequency threshold in all frequency as test re-tests tria1. Moreover, this test may use as a beneficial tool for monitoring different endogenous and exogenous auditory pathologies. Consideration: it is found that this research is valid only among situation of this project. Any generalization needs further research.
Majid Ashrafi, Mohammad Reza Fathololumi, Mahin Sedaei, Jamileh Fatahi, Shohreh Jalaei, Volume 13, Issue 1 (5-2004)
Objective:Determining the prevalence of hearing loss and correlated factors in clients referring to audiology clinic of Buali hospital. Method and Material: This cross-sectional analytic-descriptive survery was carried out on six thousand and twenty ears of 3010 clients (1651 ,ae amd 1359 female) in Audiology clinic of Buali hospital , during Sept 2000 to Sept 2001. Results: Hearing loss is the most common reason for referring the clients (20.5%). 1319 ears (21.9%) Showed sensorineural hearing impairment and conductive and mixed hearing loss are observed in 1059 (17.6%) and 234 (3.9%) ears, respectedly. Hearing loss degree most cases is mild (14%) in both ears. There is no significant difference between male and female hearing threshold means (p>0.05) ‘ but a significant difference between hearing thresholds is observed in terms of age (p<0.05). Audiogram configuration in most cases is flat (55.1%). Otoscopic examination reveals abnormal condition in 2333 ears (38.8%) . 37.2% of the studied cases have abnormal tympanogram mostly type B (15.9%). 2.2% of the clients wear hearing aid that mostly have B.T.E ones (1.5%). 6.2% of the clients , depends on their hearing impairment type and degree need rehabilitation services. Conclusion: The results are Valid only in the context of this study and it&aposs generaliztion needs further researches.
Mohammed Magued Mashaly, Mohammmed Ebrahim Shabana, Ahmed Mohammed Mohi El Deen, Volume 14, Issue 2 (2-2006)
Background and Aim: Standard tympanometry provides a valuable tool for evaluating middle ear abnormalities although it often fails to distinguish different pathologies that effect the ossicular chain. Multi-frequency tympanometry (MFT) has made it possible. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the role of MFT for distinguishing chronic middle ear pathologies. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 60 patients. One ear was selected from each patient (60 ears) and were classified into 4 groups according to the type of their middle ear pathology adhesive otitis media middle ear effusion atelectasis and retraction pocket. The following parameters were elicited from MFT: static admittance, resonant frequency, and phase angle. The clinical results were compared with the operative findings. Results: There is significant difference between resonant frequency and phase angle of 4 groups. No statistical correlation exists between phase angle and resonant frequency. The operative results of MFT are correlated with the operative findings. Conclusion: The most significant parameter derived from MFT to distinguish between the 4 groups seems to be the resonant frequency.
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