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Showing 1 results for Auditory Brain-Stem Responses
Mehrnaz Asadifar, Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-1992)
Here we have mentioned the case of a Caucasian man affected with human immunodeficiency virus during blood injection in a heart surjury.He demonstrated vertigo, dissequilibrium and neurological problems secondry to his disease 4 years later. Auditory and vestibular system disfunction became obvious based on the neurological examinations. optokinetic nystagmus, ataxia in addition to lack of response by caloric stimulation was attained in electronystagmographic examination.absolute latencies and interpeak intervals were prolonged in the auditory brain-stem responses(ABR).abnormal low scores were obtained in SSI test bilaterally.organic brain lesion and severe anxiety have been diagnised during psychological examination.Human immunodeficiency virus was detected in brain, cerebellum and brainstem cells by means of autopsia.meanwhile the pathologic changes were cosistent with neuro-otological findings.
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