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Showing 1 results for Auditory Rehabilitation and Training of the Child
Robabeh Taghavi, Volume 2, Issue 1 (4-1993)
It is difficult for clinicians to make parents aware of any disease or permanent handicap of their children.It is crucial to have vivid picture of the reactions to such crisis in order to manage severe psychological effects of the mentioned situations such as depression and unhappiness. Confronting the situation parents have diverse feelings regarding the pregnancy period, birth time and handicap diagnosis and these are the factors that shape the parent’s upcoming reactions. Common feedbacks to the crisis are refusing the problem, keeping their child away from society, the emotions that provoke disappointment, asking about the reasons for hearing loss, referring to religion, condemning the physician, feeling sin and changing doctor frequently. When parent accept the situation and that hearing could not recurrent and understanding the natural reasons back on their child’s handicap, they can manage the situation constructively.
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