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Showing 1 results for Bioactive Glass Nanopowder
Ali Doostmohammadi, Mohammad Hossein fathi, Volume 16, Issue 1 (5-2007)
Background and Aim: Due to its ability in bonding with hard and soft tissue, healing and repairing of the bone, and proper replacing of the ossicles in middle ear, bioactive glass has come into consideration. The aim of this work was preparation, development and characterization of nanopowder bioactive glass obtained by the sol-gel technique. Materials and Methods: Bioglass powder was made by sol-gel technique and the presence of desired elements is tested by X-ray fluorescence analysis. Trans Electronic Microscopic (TEM) technique was used to evaluate the powders shape and size. The prepared bioglass powder was immersed in the simulated body fluid solution for 30 days. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was utilized to recognize and to confirm the formation of apatite layer on prepared bioglass powder. (XRD) as a structural characterization technique was used to investigate the microstructure. Results: The glass powder size was less than 100 nanometers. The formation of apatite layer confirmed the bioactivity of the bioglass powder and tests revealed that all the films had the signs of bioactivity. It was also found that at sintering temperatures above 900 ºC, crystalline phase Ca2SiO4 was formed. Conclusion: The sol-gel nanopowder bioglass can be used as a replacement for small bones such as ossicles in middle ear, and it leads to bone osteointegration and growth of the surrounding tissue.
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