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Showing 1 results for Difference Limen for Frequency
Parisa Mirhaj, Ghassem Mohammadkhani, Mahin Sedaie, Mansoureh Adel Gharaman, Soghrat Faghihzadeh, Volume 14, Issue 1 (9-2005)
Objective: determining difference limen for Frequency (DLF)in string musicians. Materials &Methods: This case-control study was conducted on 15 string musicians with musicianship > 10 years (30 ears) and 15 normal hearing subjects (30 ears). They all were male and 20-30 years old. DLF was measured after otoscopy and immitance audiometry and pure tone audiometry. Results: DLF was significantly different between two groups of case and control. DLF in musicians is less than the normal hearing subjects. Conclusion: It seems that familiarization with notes results in better DLF in musicians comparing to others.
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