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Showing 7 results for Dyslexia
Amad Reza Nazeri, Volume 3, Issue 1 (4-1996)
We aimed at discussing some common auditory disorders in children with dyslexia. In such patients delayed reading, memory dysfunction, spatial and visual perception and hearing abnormalities are reported with various degrees.Investigations have not led to distinct findings about the etiology of the abnormality. We will discuss this abnormality with an audiological point of view.
Bijan Shafiei, Samira Tavakol, Leyla Alinia, Mohammad Reza Maracy, Leyla Sedaghati, Roghayah Foroughi, Volume 17, Issue 2 (2-2009)
Background and aim: Reading is one of the most essential skills in this century. Reading disorders can cause several problems for the person who has reading disorder. Early assessment and diagnosis play an important role in treatment of this disorder. The main purpose of this study was to develope a screening inventory reading test (IRT) for first to fifth grade student in Isfahan in order to early diagnosis of reading disorder. Materials and Methods: The test, consisting of 100 words context and four comprehension questions, named Inventory Reading Test (IRT), was evaluated by several speech therapists. It was standardized by testing on one thousand boys and girls, 200 students in every grade, that were selected through a multi-stage random sampling method. Test was performed on two other groups, a normal and a reading-disordered. Results: Scores of reading accuracy and velocity were highly correlated with the test total score. Test reliability was calculated as 0.77 by Cronbach`s alpha measure. There was significant difference between two groups mean score (p=0.01). Conclusion: IRT seems to be an appropriate tool for screening reading disorder of first to fifth grade students.
Leila Sedaghati, Roghayeh Foroughi, Bijan Shafiei, Mohammad Reza Maracy, Volume 19, Issue 1 (3-2010)
Background and Aim: Reading is undoubtedly an essential skill for everybody in these years. Reading disorders or dyslexia can cause several problems for those who suffer from them. Early assessment and diagnosis play an important role in treatment of this disorder. The main aim of this study was determining the prevalence of reading disorder in first to fifth grade elementary school students. The subbasic aim was introducing the screening Inventory Reading Test (IRT) for diagnosis of the Students with reading disorder at elementary schools. Methods: A total of 200 students (boys and girls) in five elementary education grades in Isfahan were selected through multi-stage random sampling method and assessed by IRT in 2008. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed using SPSS Software package version 13.0 for Windows. Results: This survey revealed the highest prevalence of reading disorder in the first grade male students (25%), and the lowest in fifth grade female students (0%). The incidence of dyslexia in all grades generally was 10%. The overall incidence was 66% for male students and 34% for female students. Conclusion: Reading disorder is more prevalent among male students than female students and the Inventory Reading Test is a satisfactory tool for rapid diagnosis of reading disorder.
Sima Tajik, Mansoureh Adel Ghahraman, Ali Akbar Tahaie, Fahimeh Hajiabolhassan, Leila Jalilvand Karimi, Shohreh Jalaie, Volume 21, Issue 4 (12-2012)
Background and Aim: Auditory temporal processing reveals an important aspect of auditory performance, in which a deficit can prevent the child from speaking, language learning and reading. Temporal resolution, which is a subgroup of temporal processing, can be evaluated by gap-in-noise detection test. Regarding the relation of auditory temporal processing deficits and phonologic disorder of children with dyslexia-dysgraphia, the aim of this study was to evaluate these children with the gap-in-noise (GIN) test. Methods: The gap-in-noise test was performed on 28 normal and 24 dyslexic-dysgraphic children, at the age of 11-12 years old. Mean approximate threshold and percent of corrected answers were compared between the groups. Results: The mean approximate threshold and percent of corrected answers of the right and left ear had no significant difference between the groups (p>0.05). The mean approximate threshold of children with dyslexia-dysgraphia (6.97 ms, SD=1.09) was significantly (p<0.001) more than that of the normal group (5.05 ms, SD=0.92). The mean related frequency of corrected answers (58.05, SD=4.98%) was less than normal group (69.97, SD=7.16%) (p<0.001). Conclusion: Abnormal temporal resolution was found in children with dyslexia-dysgraphia based on gap-in-noise test. While the brainstem and auditory cortex are responsible for auditory temporal processing, probably the structural and functional differences of these areas in normal and dyslexic-dysgraphic children lead to abnormal coding of auditory temporal information. As a result, auditory temporal processing is inevitable.
Zahra Soleymani, Parvin Nemati, Azam Barkhordar, Ahmadreza Baghestani, Volume 22, Issue 4 (1-2014)
Background and Aim: Rapid automized naming test is an appropriate tool to diagnose learning disability even before teaching reading. This study aimed to detect the cut-off point of this test for good readers and dyslexics. Methods: The test has 4 parts including: objects, colors, numbers and letters. 5 items are repeated on cards randomly for 10 times. Children were asked to name items rapidly. We studied 18 dyslexic students and 18 age-matched good readers between 7 and 8 years of age at second and third grades of elementary school they were recruited by non-randomize sampling into 2 groups: children with developmental dyslexia from learning disabilities centers with mean age of 100 months, and normal children with mean age of 107 months from general schools in Tehran. Good readers selected from the same class of dyslexics. Results: The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.849 for letter naming, 0.892 for color naming, 0.971 for number naming, 0.887 for picture naming, and 0.965 totally. The overall sensitivity and specificity was 1 and was 0.79, respectively. The highest sensitivity and specificity were related to number naming (1 and 0.90, respectively). Conclusion: Findings showed that the rapid automized naming test could diagnose good readers from dyslexics appropriately.
Tahere Sima Shirazi, Abdollah Moossavi, Laya Gholami Tehrani, Nikta Hatamizadeh, Mehdi Rahgozar, Maryam Ghelmanipoor, Volume 23, Issue 1 (4-2014)
Background and Aim: Several studies have demonstrated deficits in rapid naming in dyslexic readers however the extent of deficit is different in various orthographies. This study was intended to survey the naming speed in Persian children with dyslexia. Methods: Rapid automatized naming (RAN) task of 19 children with dyslexia were compared with 31 nondyslexic children. Participants were selected from the students of the second grade of primary schools in Tehran city, Iran, with normal intelligence [intelligence quotient]. Nondyslexic children were at the age of 7.7 to 8.7 years (mean=7.6) and dyslexics were 7.8 to 9.4 years old (mean=8.1). Reading accuracy and speed were assessed by text reading (Diagnostic Reading Test), and high frequency word, low frequency word and nonword reading (Reading and Dyslexia Test). Results: Dyslexic readers needed more time than non-dyslexics when naming objects (p<0.001), numbers (p=0.001) and letters (p<0.001). The mean of dyslexics z-scores were -1.98 on objects, -1.96 on numbers and -3.35 on letters. 42% of dyslexics did not show any deficit on rapid automatized naming task. All of the subtests were correlated to reading speed (p<0.050), but among subtests of rapid automatized naming task, only letter naming was correlated to reading accuracy (p<0.050). Conclusion: More than half of dyslexics cases showed an apparent deficit in naming speed (objects, numbers and letters), which was more evident at letters. Naming speed was related to reading accuracy and reading speed although the relationship was stronger with the second one.
Mohsen Shokoohi-Yekta, Salahadin Lotfi, Reza Rostami, Ali Akbar Arjmandnia, Negin Motamed-Yeganeh, Ali Sharifi, Volume 23, Issue 3 (8-2014)
Background and Aim: Auditory and visual processing along with phonological and visual spatial working memory are the problems that patients with dyslexia struggle with. So, the aim of this project was to investigate the effectiveness of computerized cognitive training on the working memory performance of children with dyslexia. Methods: The study conducted under the quasi-experimental method with pre- and post-test along with the control group. 25 children with dyslexia aged 7 to 12 years in grades 1-5 assigned to the experimental (15) and control (10) groups the experimental group received 30 sessions of the Brain Ware Safari intervention program. NAMA scale and Working Memory Test Battery for Children (WMTB-C) were conducted to assess reading and working memory performance of the subjects. MANCOVA, ANCOVA and effect sizes were utilized to analyze the data. Results: There were significant differences between pre- and post-tests of the experimental and control groups on the forward and backward block recall subtests of WMTB-C and not the mazes memory. Regarding the subscales of NAMA scale, we found no significant differences in the reading performance but analysis of effect sizes showed positive effects at least on the 6 subscales. Conclusion: The Brain Ware Safari computerized cognitive training can improve visual spatial working memory of children with dyslexia and probably may affect the reading performance.