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Showing 2 results for Electronystagmography
Parviz Eslami, Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-1992)
The study included 80 patients treated for sudden deafness over the last 5-7 years. Case history, laboratory findings, pure-tone audiogram and electronystagmography (ENG) findings were noted. If any abnormalities had been recorded in ENG studies, the studies were redone. ORL status was redefined and audiograms were obtained in all patients. When becoming ill, the 80 patients had not differed from the normal population in common cardiovascular risk factors. None of them had had signs of viral infection (paired serum samples had been taken at 2-week intervals routine examinations had been done for common viral antigens). As many as 31 of the 80 patients with acute hearing loss had had abnormalities such as spontaneous nystagmus (PN), hypoexcitability (HE) and directional preponderance (DP) in the bithermal caloric tests (+44 degrees C, + 30 degrees C) of their ENG studies. Twenty of the 31 patients still had abnormal ENG studies after 5-7 years. Only 1 subject had positional nystagmus, and none had subjective vertigo. Patients with an abnormal ENG study showed a poor recovery of the speech reception threshold, whereas those with a normal ENG study showed slightly significant (p less than 0.05) recovery.
Rahim Ghanbari, Volume 2, Issue 1 (4-1993)
We presented the case of a thirty three-year-old woman experienced an accident with a motorbike. She had not any history of otological, neurological or audiological problems before the accident neither any traumatic experience before this time.Patient explained a feeling of dizziness and vertigo after trauma and not being able of diagnosing her situation. She had a severe trauma in her forehead, and pain in her neck. Although no significant radiological findings were reported in the day of the accident. She has come back the day after the accidents with chief complain of vertigo, imbalance, nausea and vomiting. Patient had undertaken the audiological and balance system evaluations whose findings have been reported in the current article.
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