|||  Journal title: Audiology | Publisher: Tehran University of Medical Sciences | Website: http://aud.tums.ac.ir | Email: aud@tums.ac.ir   |||
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Showing 1 results for Military Service

Zahra Jafari,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-1999)

Introduction: Several animal studies have been performed that demonstrates a relationship between the amount of magnesium ion in the plasma and the hearing thresholds following exposure to noise, Mg++ has been considered as an effective factor in  prevention of noise induced hearing loss in animals.The aim of this study was to discover whether Mg for a long period of time have a protective effect on occurrence of Noise Induce Hearing loss.
Method: The subjects were randomly chosen among individuals who were under training in army service for two months. The subjects were treated in a double-blind manner by placebo and magnesium ion. Threshold estimation and blood examination was performed for all subjects before and after treatment. All subjects were exposed to noise during 8 weeks training in the army.
Results: The statistical difference between two groups which was treated with placebo and magnesium ion was significant.
Discussion: This study is compatible with previous in vivo observations and animal studies demonstrating the protective effects of magnesium on noise-induced impairment of inner ear.

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شنوایی شناسی - دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران Bimonthly Audiology - Tehran University of Medical Sciences
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