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Showing 1 results for Perylimphatic Fluid
Ghasem Mohammad Khani, Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-1999)
Many researchers have reported that after the sound trauma, RNA and DNA in the outer hair cells and ganglion cells will decrease. Some scientists have also mentioned the mitochondrial enzyme deficits in cochlear cells. Sound stimulation will induce the decrease of enzyme activities which are effective in the process of energy production. This process happens because of the reduced ATP synthesis and in turn the damage to receptors due to energy disruption. The moderate oxygen deficiency can also be considered as a potential factor in the amplitude changes of the potential of cochlear microphonic due to irrita6ing sounds. On the other hand, since the organ of corti is far from blood tissue, logically, Anaerobic Glycogen should be considered as the main factor in the metabolism of the organ of corti.In addition to that, there are evidences which demonstrate intense acoustical stimulation can increase Na+ and decrease K+ in endolymphatic fluid and a contrary effect in perylimphatic fluid in scala vestibule.
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