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Showing 1 results for Stability and Repeatability of the Speech Reception Thresholds
Marjan Sabri Leghayi, Alireza Karimi, Volume 6, Issue 1 (8-1998)
Background and objectives: This article is aimed at: 1.studying the relationship between Bone conduction pure tone thresholds and speech reception thresholds via bone conduction in normal patients 2.studying the stability and repeatability of the speech reception thresholds via bone conduction and 3. Comparing the characteristics of the function of the speech gain via bone conduction with that of air conduction.
Method: 60 normal hearing subjects (30 males and 30 females) were evaluated by air conduction pure tone audiometry, bone conduction pure tone audiometry and speech reception thresholds.
Results: Findings for the mentioned tests in all subjects were statistically insignificant. The results are prepared in tables and charts.
Conclusion: Pure tone thresholds and speech reception thresholds acquired by means of air conduction testing and bone conduction testing and the stability and repeatability were similar in both evaluations.
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