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Showing 2 results for Tinnitus Masker
Aliasghar Danesh, Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-1992)
It has always been attempted that systems connected to the ear through hearing aids efficiently meet the patient expectations. It is recommended to avoid using occluded earmolds when the hearing is normal or there is mild hearing loss. In order that natural sound reaches to the ear, the ear canal should stay open as much as possible.To achieve the above goal and the suitable acoustic modifications, non-occluding ear molds are beneficial.
Mohammad Reza Ranayie, Khosro Gourabi, Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-1999)
In the current investigation we gathered information about the hearing thresholds, types of hearing loss, types of tinnitus, and also the prescribed tinnitus maskers for the veterans. We were aimed at determining the percentage of tinnitus, audiogram shape and its relationship with tinnitus, and the percentages of veterans using tinnitus maskers. The needed information was prepared by studying the audiograms and file of the patients. The results of the investigation have been prepared here in details.
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