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Showing 1 results for Variability
Zahra Agharasouli, Arash Bohlooli, Mohammad Reza Keyhani, Farhad Torabinezhad, Volume 14, Issue 1 (9-2005)
Objective: This research is designed to study palatographic specification of lingual- palatal consonants in Persian language. Since there is not any research about the lingua-palatal contacts in Persian language, this research is designed to determine these "normal" contact patterns and variability of Persian consonant production. Materials and Methods: In this study 16 consonants have been studied. Subjects were 4 normal adults. Each person repeated every consonant 10 times in (CVCV) syllable with vowel /a/. Frame of maximum contact for each consonant was determined. Individual and overall representative frames obtained from those frames. Results: There are different patterns of variability between Persian consonants. Consonants /n/, /ſ/, and /l/ display more variable articulation and stops and affricates display less variable articulation than others. Conclusion: Persian consonants have different contact patterns. These findings are in accordance with previous studies in other languages.
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