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Showing 16 results for Ghaderi

S Mehrabi, A Delavari, Gh Moradi, E Ghaderi,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (20 2009)

Background & Objectives: There is geographic variability in the prevalence of asthma. Since there is inadequate of study on asthma in Iran, this study was performed in order to determine the prevalence of asthma in Kurdistan province.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed as part of Iranian national survey to determine the risk factors of non communicable disease.
Results: This study includes 500 men and 500 women. Prevalence of history of asthma was 2.3%. There was no statistically significant association between asthma and place of residence, smoking and body mass index. Asthma were found in 6 (1.8%) of men and 17(5%) of women (p=0.02). Prevalence of asthma increased with increasing age (p<0.001)
 Conclusions: The prevalence of asthma in this study was similar with other studies in Iran and seems lower than similar countries.

N Shams Alizadeh , Ar Delavari , A Sheirdel, B Mohsenpour , E Ghaderi,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (22 2009)

Background and Objectives: Measuring the quality of life is one of the important indicators in evaluating health. The chronic disease is a one of the main cause of reduction in quality of life. The aim of this study was to assess the quality of life and its influential factors in 15-64 years old people in Kurdistan province, Iran.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study EUROHIS-QOL 8-item questionnaire was employed. Data was analyzed by SPSS statistical package.
After adjusting the possible confounders, the mean score of quality of life was less in smoker 1.41 score versus non-smoker, in women 1.52 score versus men, in hypertension patients 1.41 score versus non-hypertension. The mean score of quality of life was reduced 0.05 per each year.
Conclusions: It is recommended to implement some interventions to manage properly current chronic diseases in order to increase the quality of life. It also seems that EUROHIS-QOL (8-item) is a suitable tool to measure the QOL in Iranian culture.
A Souresrafil, M Hadian, H Ghaderi,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (Vol 10, No 2 2014)

  Background & Objectives : In recent years, the World Health Organization has paid more attention to the relationship between health and social conditions as determining the factors affecting people's health in the society. Social health factors (conditions in which people are born, grow up, work, and become old, and also the health system available for them) have caused inequalities in health and require more attention in health development. The purpose of this research was to identify the determining social and economic factors which are effective in mortality in these selected countries during 1998-2009.

  Methods: Countries were divided into 3 groups based on the human development index and 10 countries out of each group were studied randomly. The dependent variable in this research was overall mortality and the explanatory variables were Gini coefficient, unemployment rate, per capita Health expenditure, and also the result of multiplication of per capita income and Gini coefficient. To evaluate and assess the data, the generalized method of moment by Eviews 6 was used.

 Results: The findings showed that the most determining elements affecting the mortality rate in countries with a very high human development index were Gini coefficient (0.02), unemployment rate (0.0001), and the variable obtained by multiplying the Gini coefficient by per capita income (-8.1*10-6). In countries with a high human development index, the most determining elements affecting the mortality rate were unemployment rate (0.005), per capita expenditure (-0.0002), and the variable obtained by multiplying Gini coefficient by per capita income (-3.22*10-6). Also, in countries with a medium human development index, the most determining elements affecting the mortality rate were per capita expenditure (-0.0008), and multiplication of Gini coefficient and per capita income (1.47*10-6).

  Conclusion: It can be concluded that based on the level of development of the countries, various economic and social factors can affect the mortality and health level of those countries. Therefore, it is necessary for the countries to plan for their health system if they wish to eradicate or reduce inequalities and injustices. This plan should be based on their level of development, the factors determining mortality, and the health system of those countries.

J Hassan Zadeh , M Nasehi, A Rajaeifard, D Roshani , E Ghaderi ,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (Vol 10, No 2 2014)

Recently, capture-recapture studies have been used and researchers tend to use these studies in the health field. Therefore, we discussed the basic concepts of these studies. First, we described capture-recapture studies. Then, the important assumptions and calculations were presented according to the close population assumption. Statistical formulas were presented for two-capture methods and dependency between the two lists was discussed. Then, we addressed more than two capture methods.

M Hosseiny, Gh Moradi, Mm Gouya, A Janati, E Ghaderi,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (Vol 13, No 1, Spring 2017)

Background and Objectives: Evaluation is one of the main components of communicable diseases surveillance. Despite the World Health Organization’s emphasis for preparation of evaluation tools, there is no suitable tool in Iran. This study aimed to prepare a tool for evaluation of communicable diseases surveillance in hospitals and to pilot it.

Methods: Items were prepared in the first step and the first version of questionnaire was developed. Face validity and content validity were checked. Piloting of the questionnaire was done in Tabriz hospitals. Data were entered into SPSS 18. For evaluation of reliability, internal consistency was measured using Cronbach's α and Kuder-Richardson.

Results: According to the results, we developed a questionnaire containing 29 questions in 5 domains with 20 indexes. Fifteen hospitals (78.9%) had a communicable diseases reporting system. The goals of reporting system were not described in these hospitals and only 2 (13.3%) hospitals had supporting laws. None of the hospitals had complete access to the surveillance system and reporting tools.

Conclusion: The developed questionnaire can be a useful tool to evaluate the communicable diseases surveillance system in hospitals. The reporting systems in the hospitals are not complete.

E Goodarzi, Gh Moradi, A Khosravi, N Esmailnasab, B Nouri, A Delpisheh, E Ghaderi, D Roshani,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (Vol.14, No.2, 2018)

Background and Objectives: Life satisfaction is one of the important dimensions of health, which is influenced by health determinants. The aim of this study was to investigate the status of socioeconomic inequalities in satisfaction with life in women aged 15-54 in Iran.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, randomized multistage cluster sampling with equal clusters was done to select the participants. A total of 35,305 women aged 15-55 were enrolled in the study. Data analysis was done in two stages. In the first stage, social and economic inequalities were investigated using the concentration index and concentration curve method. In the second stage, a multilevel method was used to identify the determinants.
Results: The mean life satisfaction was 12.81±4.23. The concentration index for dissatisfaction with life was -0.06 [95% CI: -0.1, -0.02], indicating dissatisfaction with life in low socioeconomic groups. The results of multilevel analysis showed that age, marital status, occupation, place of living, education, and the economic class correlated with dissatisfaction with life in women (P<0.05).
Conclusion: There is inequality in dissatisfaction with life. Dissatisfaction is concentrated in the poorer groups of the society and varies in different provinces. Socioeconomic variables affect inequality in satisfaction with life in women, which need to be addressed to reduce inequalities.
Gh Moradi, S Vahedi, Kh Rahmani, M Zeinali, E Mostafavi, H Erfani, F Bonakdar, Mkh Ghanbari, B Amiri, E Ghaderi, Mm Gouya,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (Vol.15, No.2 2019)

Background and Objectives: Iran has long been considered to be one of the countries in the world with endemic brucellosis. The aim of this study was to review the surveillance system of brucellosis in Iran.
Methods: Data of this study were obtained from the surveillance system of the Center for Communicable Disease Control, the review of records, documents, books and published articles and also interviews with process owners and experts of brucellosis surveillance in 2017-2019.
Results: In the current surveillance system in Iran, all patients with brucellosis will undergo standard treatment for at least 2 months. The patient identified at each site, private or public sector, reports to the health center of the city. After reporting cases to higher levels, city health center carried out required epidemiologic investigation in the place of reported case in collaboration with its environmental levels. Finally, the individual assessment form, epidemiologic investigation form, for reported case is completed and registered in national surveillance database.
Conclusion: Although integration of the brucellosis surveillance program into the health system of the country and reporting and treatment of human cases in accordance with the country's protocol in recent years is well executed, brucellosis control in Iran requires the one health approach. Accordingly, it can be concluded that despite the decrease in the number of brucellosis cases in recent years, the weakness in livestock surveillance has led to many fluctuations in the health system's success in providing surveillance for human cases of brucellosis.
E Ghaderi, M Nasehi, J Hasanzadeh, Ho Barati, Taheri Sh, M Gholami, Mr Bazrafshan, R Taghizadeh Asl , M Shams,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (Vol.15, No.2 2019)

Background and Objectives: Social marketing is a method that acts through identifying the needs and demands of the audience and specifying the components of the behavioral market using the results of developmental research. So far, social marketing has not been used to involve the private sector in the tuberculosis (TB) control program. The aim of this study was to design a Public-Private Mix (PPM) program using social marketing.
Methods: This qualitative study was conducted using focused group discussions (FGD) with six different groups, including tuberculosis coordinator physicians, specialists from different fields in the private section, and managers of selected private laboratories and hospitals in Karaj in 2013 and the components of the PPM program were determined according to the results of the qualitative study.
Results: Most of the participants believed that participation of the private sector in the TB program was associated with significant challenges, including the lack of a well-defined process for communicating with the private sector, lack of a suitable platform, lack of appropriate monitoring tools, private sector’s lack of compliance, private sector’s lack of familiarity with national TB program protocols, lack of appropriate incentive and punitive measures, lack of appropriate feedback to the private sector, and monopoly in laboratories.
Conclusion: To run PPM in the TB program, it is necessary to involve laboratories in the program voluntarily. It is also essential to provide an informational and incentive package containing effective and low-volume tutorials; the package should facilitate feedback and promote respect for the private sector.
Gh Moradi, E Ghaderi, M Sargolzaei, H Fallahi, S Eybpoosh, K Tayeri, S Akbarpour , K Entezarmahdi, Kh Rahmani,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (Vol.15, No.2 2019)

Background and Objectives: Iran is one of the Middle Eastern countries that implemented the HIV / AIDS control and surveillance program many years ago. The purpose of this study was to review the HIV / AIDS surveillance system in Iran.
Methods: This was a review research to assess the processes, structures and achievements of the HIV/AIDS surveillance system in Iran. The information sources of this study included data from the surveillance system, reports and documentation, and published guidelines, reviewing existing structures and views of managers and practitioners of the HIV/AIDS surveillance system in Iran.
Results: In Iran, all cases with HIV / AIDS as well as people with high risk behaviors are referred to behavioral disease counseling centers in order to receive health care services. Harm reduction in people with risky behaviors in the form of counseling centers, drug addicts' centers, and women's counseling centers in collaboration with governmental and non-governmental organizations, and attention to the second generation of HIV/AIDS surveillance, particularly conducting behavioral studies, are other components of the HIV / AIDS surveillance system in Iran
Conclusion: Although the HIV / AIDS surveillance system in Iran has a large structure with many achievements in reducing new HIV cases, especially in some high-risk groups such as injecting drug users, as well as reducing HIV transmission from infected mothers to their children, strengthening this surveillance system, especially for sexual high-risk groups, is essential for controlling HIV/AIDS in the country.
E Ghaderi, M Salehi Vaziri , E Mostafavi, Gh Moradi, Kh Rahmani, M Zeinali, Mr Shirzadi, H Erfani, Sh Afrasiabian, S Eybpoosh,
Volume 15, Issue 3 (Vol.15, No.3 2019)

Background and Objectives: To provide an overview of the national program of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever surveillance in Iran, its current achievements, and challenges.
Methods: In this mixed method study, the relevant reports, documents, and guidelines, as well as published literature and surveillance data were gathered and critically reviewed. The opinions of the key informants at local and governmental levels were assessed through structured interviews.
Results: The program was integrated into Iran’s primary healthcare (PHC) network in 1999. The involved organizations include CDC, medical universities, Pasteur Institute of Iran (PII), and Veterinary Organization. Case finding is based on standard definitions of suspected, probable, and confirmed cases. Laboratory confirmation is necessary for diagnosis and is provided within 48 hours after receipt of the specimen by the National Reference Laboratory of PII. CCHF treatment is primarily supportive. Antiviral therapy with ribavirin is also considered. Both therapeutic services are free. Education mainly focuses on high-risk groups and healthcare workers. Major achievements of the program include rapid diagnosis and treatment of cases, prevention of nosocomial transmission, identification of high-risk provinces and major transmission routes, improved outbreak preparedness, development of laboratory tests for detection of other arboviruses, and reduction of CCHF case fatality rate.
Conclusion: Program implementation has had a positive impact on early detection and proper control of annual outbreaks. However, some aspects of the program still need improvement, including promotion of the general and high-risk populations’ awareness and regional collaborations (especially among neighboring countries) for infection control in humans, livestock, and vectors.
E Ghaderi, Gh Moradi, S Sharafi, Kh Rahmani, Sh Ahmadi, B Mohsenpour, M Nasehi,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (Vol.15, No.4 2020)

Background and Objectives: Over the past decades, the Iran’s anti-tuberculosis campaign has become highly structured and many achievements have been made. The purpose of this study was to describe the characteristics of the TB surveillance system and its components in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Methods: The data of this study were obtained from the surveillance system of the Center for Communicable Disease Control, a review of the records, documents, books and published articles, and also interviews with process owners and experts of TB surveillance during 2017-2019.
Results: Case finding and treatment and follow-up of TB patients and their household contacts are done In the TB surveillance system. The implementation of the DOTS, (DIRECTLY OBSERVED TREATMENT SHORT-Course) is a major component of the TB surveillance system. Patient registration is done in an online application, which allows extracting and reporting the important indicators of the program. In this surveillance system, there is a special sensitivity to the treatment of patients, so the incidence of multi drug-resistant TB in the country is lower than that of the neighbors. The presence of regional laboratories that cover the entire region of the country is one of the strengths of the TB surveillance program in Iran.
Conclusion: Despite budget problems, the anti-TB program in Iran has many achievements. However, new strategies need to be considered to reduce the incidence of TB.
E Mostafavi, Gh Moradi, Kh Rahmani, F Jahanbakhsh, S Eybpoosh, M Keypour, E Ghaderi, H Erfani, K Hajibagheri, M Zeinali, M Khodabandehloo, M Shirzadi,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (Vol.16, No.1 2020)

Background and Objectives: The purpose of this study was to present a summary of the rabies surveillance program in humans in the country, its achievements and its strengths and weaknesses.
Methods: This study was a review of the country's plan for surveillance and control of rabies in humans. The sources of information included the data, reports, documents, and published guidelines. The viewpoints of stakeholders and experts were also reviewed in this study.
Results: Since rabies is a zoonotic disease, its effective management requires a good collaboration between several organizations. Moreover, because Iran is located in an endemic region, there is a need for the development of regional and international cooperation for the success of disease prevention, control and management. Animal services for biting and rabies control are provided free of charge in more than 700 centers in the country. Major achievements of the program include timely preventive treatment for animal bite cases, knowledge of the geographical distribution of the disease, identification of high-risk provinces, and decreasing the percentage of human deaths.
Conclusion: The program has performed well for rabies secondary prevention. Some aspects of the program, however, still need to be improved, including improvement of educational programs targeting general population and high-risk groups, animal bite prevention, vaccination of domestic dogs, controlling the population of stray dogs, rabies control in wild animals, and proper waste collection and disposal.
Mm Gouya, Sm Zahraei, Gh Moradi, M Karami, S Mahmodi, Sh Shah Mahmoodi , E Ghaderi, F Kaveh, A Norouzinejad , K Hajibagheri, Kh Rahmani,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (Vol 16, No.2 2020)

Background and Objectives: : According to the global strategy for polio eradication, targeted surveillance of the disease is one of the main tasks of the health system. The purpose of this study was to review the status and surveillance of poliomyelitis/acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) in Iran.
Methods: The present study was a review on the processes, structures and achievements of the poliomyelitis/AFP surveillance system in Iran during 2017-2019. The data of this study were obtained from the surveillance system of the Center for Communicable Disease Control; a review of the records, documents, books and published articles; and interviews with process owners and experts of poliomyelitis/AFP surveillance.
Results: The polio eradication program in Iran is based on the action plan of the World Health Organization that was introduced initially in 1988. Currently, the surveillance system of AFP is active at three levels: country, university, and city. The number of poliomyelitis cases in the country decreased from 50 cases per year in 1985 to zero in 2001, and Iran has been a polio-free country since 2001. The final report on polio eradication in Iran was approved by the regional commission on polio detection in April 2006.
Conclusion: The surveillance system of AFP has had a proper effectiveness throughout the country. Maintaining this situation in the country requires an increase in the sensitivity of the surveillance system of the disease, regular monitoring of vaccine coverage, strict implementation of international health regulations, especially on the eastern borders of the country, and providing technical assistance to neighboring countries.
E Ghaderi, J Hassanzadeh, A Rezaianzadeh, M Nasehi, H Barati, Mr Bazrafshan , F Mazooji, M Ghorbanian, N Ghavidel, S Razi,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (Vol.16, No.3 2020)

Background and Objectives: A great number of tuberculosis (TB) patients present to the private sector to receive care; therefore, integrating TB control programs into private sector activities can enhance the control of TB. The Public-Private Mix (PPM) program is suggested by the World Health Organization to engage the private sector in TB control programs. In this study, a plan designed for PPM was piloted Karaj, Alborz Province, Iran.
Methods: In this community trial, pre-intervention assessment covered 18 months prior to the study. The intervention was a PPM package that was integrated into the health system by Karaj County Health Center. Then, three-month post-intervention data were collected. Analysis was performed with the SPSS 16 software using chi-square test.
Results: After the intervention, there was an increase of 40.7% in suspected cases of TB per month and an increase of 101.7% in smear positive TB cases diagnosed by Karaj laboratories. The ratio of smear positive cases to all suspected TB patients was 4.57% before and 6.56% after the intervention. The percentage of three sputum sample positive patients was 75.5% and 89.9% before and after the intervention, respectively.
Conclusion: The developed PPM program markedly improved the case detection; therefore, it is suggested to fix the potential defects of the program and implement it in all parts of the country.
M Ostadghaderi, Aa Hanafi Bojd , Sh Nematollahi, K Holakoui-Naeini ,
Volume 17, Issue 1 (Vol 17,No.1, Spring 2021 2021)

Background and Objectives: The incidence of colorectal cancer has increased significantly in Iran in recent decades. The pattern of occurrence varies in different populations. A study was conducted to perform a spatial analysis of colorectal cancer and some of its risk factors in Iran using GIS.
Methods: The data of this descriptive-analytic study included colorectal cancer incidence as a dependent variable and physical activity, Body Mass Index and smoking as independent variables recorded by the Cancer Department, Center for Non-Communicable Diseases Management, the Ministry of Health and Medical Education and the care system for non-communicable disease risk factors according to province and gender in 2009. Data was analyzed using the ArcGIS 10.3 software and spatial correlation analysis, hot spots analysis, and geographic weighted regression model.
Results: The spatial relationship between the disease and some of its risk factors was confirmed by the model of geographical weight regression, according to which the northern and central provinces had the highest risk of colorectal cancer compared to other regions of the country.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that spatial analysis could be useful in identifying disease patterns, prioritizing the factors affecting it, and controlling the disease through strategic planning and interventions.
Elham Rahimi, Ebrahim Ghaderi, Ehsan Mostafavi, Mohammad Hossein Panahi, Manoochehr Karami,
Volume 19, Issue 1 (Vol.19, No.1, Spring 2023)

Background and Objectives: The publication of outbreak investigation reports is critical for disseminating lessons learned from outbreaks. While there are existing reporting guidelines for outbreak investigations, there is a gap in specific guidelines for reporting food-borne and water-borne outbreaks. This study aims to introduce a specific framework and reporting guideline for food and waterborne outbreak investigations in Iran.
Methods: The initial draft of the framework for reporting food and waterborne outbreaks was derived from existing general reporting guidelines for outbreak investigations. Additionally, a systematic review of studies reporting outbreaks of waterborne and foodborne diseases from 2010 to 2022 was conducted without language restrictions to extract relevant information. Expert opinions were then sought to finalize and adapt the reporting guideline.
Results: The reporting guideline framework for outbreaks of waterborne and foodborne diseases consists of eight parts: title, abstract (background, methods, results, conclusion), introduction, methods (study characteristics, study type, variables under investigation), results (participant information, statistical results, laboratory results, environmental investigation results), discussion, conclusion, and conflict of interest.
Conclusion: This specific reporting guideline for food and waterborne outbreak investigations can be utilized by outbreak investigation teams, rapid response teams, and researchers to effectively report the results of outbreak investigations in this domain.

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