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Showing 6 results for Nurse

S Salemi, M Shokoohi, S Eybpoosh, S Nejat, H Kashani,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (6-2010)

Background and objective: The significance of knowledge transfer and research utilization for health care decision makers in developed and developing countries have been paid more attention recently. Literature emphasizes that nursing practice should be based on utilizing of research. The aim of this study is to identify barriers of research utilization in Iranian clinical nurse’s practice.
Methods: The Funk Research Utilization Barriers Questionnaire including 29 items in 4 domains (organization barriers and limitations, quality of research, nurses’ values, awareness and skills and communication of research) was employed in this study.
Results: Three main barriers to research utilization were identified: 1)"the nurse does not have time to read research", 2)"the nurse does not feel she/he has enough authority to change patient care procedures", and 3)"the facilities are inadequate for implementation".
Conclusion: Considering the organizational barrier, it is recommended that academic organizations should support and adopt to utilize research findings particularly in nursing practice in Iran.
Z Moazzami, T Dehdari, Taghdisi, Ar Soltanian,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (5-2013)

Background & Objectives: Back pain represents one of the most common occupational problems in nursing. Since the correct posture has a key role in prevention of back pain, this study was performed to determine of operating- room nurses' readiness to adopt correct posture based on Transtheoretical Model (TTM) .
 Methods: This descriptive-analytical study included a convenience sample of 110 operating- room nurses employed at four hospitals in city of Hamadan. Participations completed a designed questionnaire to assess the readiness of change based on TTM.
 Results: The results of present study revealed that by increasing the stage of change (from precontemplation to maintenance), adopting correct posture in the nurses, increased as well (P=.01). Also, by increasing the stage of change, self-efficacy for adopting correct posture increased (P=.03) and perceived cons decreased (P=.02). Stage of change constructs could predict 68% variance of adopting correct posture in the nurses.
 Conclusion: The results of present study indicated that the majority of operating-room nurses are in pre-operational levels (precontemplation, contemplation and preparation) for adopting correct posture. Considering stages of change as an intervening variable may contribute in any future intervention for this group.
M Haji Aghajani , Aa Haghdoost, S Noori Hekmat , Gh Janbabaee, A Maher, Am Javadi, R Rahimisadegh, Mr Rajabalipour, H Haghighi, R Dehnavieh, S Emadi,
Volume 13, Issue 0 (3-2018)

Background and Objectives: The imbalance between the existing human resources and future needs of the health system disturb the service delivery process. The present study aimed at determining human resources needs in the health sector for a 10-year planning program. For this purpose, the researchers examined the geographical distribution of different groups of health system staff in 2016 and 2026.
Methods: This descriptive-analytic study was carried out in 2016. The population of this study included 46 universities of medical sciences. Data of the number and distribution of health care staff working in public, private, charity, and semi-public sectors of medical departments of medical universities were collected. The Qlik View software was used for data integration and designing information dashboards.
Results: At the beginning of 2016, the ratio of nurses, nursing groups, midwives, pharmacists, dentistry and general physician per 100,000 individuals was 133, 199, 32, 17, 22, and 53 respectively, which are estimated to reach 223, 272, 37, 26, 27, and 79 in 2025, respectively. The coefficient of dispersion variation of the above was 39%, 32%, 43%, 33%, 43%, and 44% in 2016, respectively, which are estimated to reduce by 2026 if the Iran medical roadmap is implemented.
Conclusion: The high dispersion index of the medical personnel relative to the population in the cities covered by medical universities indicates unbalanced distribution. If the estimates of the Iran's 2026 medical roadmap are implemented, more appropriate distribution of the medical staff is expected.
Mahbube Shali, Azam Ghorbani, Pegah Matourypour , Ehsan Salehi Morkani, Mohammad Salehpoor Emran, Alireza Nikbakht Nasr Aadi,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (9-2021)

Background and Objectives: It is necessary to apply appropriate coping methods to reduce destructive physical and psychological effects of stress during Covid-19 pandemics. This study was conducted to explore nurses' experiences of stress coping techniques during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Methods: The present study used a qualitative methodology with interpretive phenomenology method. Purposive sampling was used. The participants, including nurses working in hospitals affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences, shared their experiences through in-depth, individual and semi-structured interviews. The transcripts of interviews were analyzed based on the Dickelmann's approach using the MAXQDA 12 software.
Results: The participants included nine nurses (six females and three males) with a mean age of 45 ± 5.3 years. The results of data analysis showed four main categories and fifteen subcategories conceptually named based on their nature. The main categories were self-support, family shelter, hospital support umbrella, and community support on both extremes.
Conclusion: The participants practiced different coping strategies to deal with stress and anxiety. In addition to individual mechanisms, nurses sought help from other sources of support, such as family, workplace, and community. Based on the experiences of nurses participating in the study, it is recommended to teach nursing staffs coping methods with stress, especially in times of crisis such as the Covid-19 pandemic.
Mahnaz Shoghi, Khadijeh Yahyavi, Raheleh Mohammadi,
Volume 20, Issue 2 (9-2024)

Background and Objectives: The use of modern and technology-based educational methods can play a significant role in enhancing nurses' capabilities in stress management and improving their responses to stressful situations. Therefore, this study aims to determine the impact of stress management on the stress responses of nurses working in pediatric departments of educational hospitals affiliated Iran University of Medical Sciences through a multimedia software intervention.
Methods: In this quasi-experimental study, a random sampling method was employed to select 102 nurses (51 individuals in the intervention group and 51 in the control group) working in general hospital departments. The inclusion criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of stress management training on the stress responses of nurses included having at least a bachelor’s degree, a minimum of 6 months of work experience in pediatric wards, no reported psychological disorders, and no use of psychiatric medications based on self-reports. Additionally, participants were required to have access to a computer capable of running DVDs and familiarity with its operation, with no prior experience or readiness to participate in a stress management workshop within the last 6 months. Conversely, the exclusion criteria were participant dissatisfaction, change of department, and hospital relocation. This assessment is shared in improving the skills and response to the stress of nurses in pediatric department of medical centers. To measure the stress responses, the Inventory Response Stress questionnaire was utilized, which was completed by both groups prior to the intervention. Subsequently, the educational content regarding stress management was provided to the intervention group for duration of 8 weeks. At the end of the eighth week, both groups completed the stress response questionnaire again. Data analysis was performed using SPSS version 22 software, with statistical tests including Fisher's exact test, Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis H test, and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).
Results: No significant difference was observed in the mean of stress response in the intervention (29.69 ± 23.66) and control (33.20 ± 27.95) groups before the intervention (p = 0.661). The average stress response score in the intervention group (19.65 ± 16.74) was significantly lower than the control group (32.67 ± 28.17) after the intervention (p < 0.001).
Conclusion:  These data demonstrated the positive effect of the stress management program on nurses' stress response who participated in this study.

Parvaneh Isfahani, Mohammad Sarani, Somayeh Samani, Aliyeh Bazi, Seyedeh Masoumeh Hosseini Zare, Ahmad Siar Sadr, Maryam Sadat Hosseini, Seyedeh Mahboobeh Hosseini Zare,
Volume 20, Issue 2 (9-2024)

Background and Objectives: Depression is one of the most prevalent mental disorders among students associated with a major decline in academic and social performance. This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of depression in Iran's nursing students.
Methods: the research was conducted as a systematic review and meta analysis, all published scientific articles related to the prevalence of depression in nursing students were searched in 5 databases (Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, SID, Magiran) and Google Scholar search engine and then their quality was evaluated. The heterogeneity of the studies was investigated using the I2 index and meta-regression model to evaluate heterogeneity-prone variables at a significance level of 0.05. Ultimately, 9 articles met the criteria for inclusion in this study and were analyzed using Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) software.
Results: Based on the random model, the prevalence of depression in Iranian nursing students was equal to 3.2% (2.1 – 4.5; 95% confidence level). Results showed that the highest prevalence of depression in nursing students was 6.2% (5.3-7.1; 95% confidence limit) in Sistan and Balochestan province in 2004, while the lowest prevalence was 0.8% (0.5-1.2; confidence limit 95%) in Esfahan and Qom provinces in 2016. Also, there was a significant relationship between the calendar year, sample size, average age, and prevalence of depression in Iranian nursing students (P<0.05).
Conclusion: The results showed that the prevalence of depression in nursing students was 3.2%, which decreased with the increase of the calendar year and average age. Nevertheless, policymakers and managers must take measures to reduce depression.

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