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Showing 53 results for Safdari

Reza Safdari, Ensieh Nasli Esfahani, Sharareh Rostam Niakan Kalhori, Mahsa Mosadeghi Nik,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (Oct & Nov 2018)

Background and Aim: Diabetic foot ulcer is one of the most painful complications of Diabetes and affects various aspects of a person's life. Therefore, involvement of the patient in self-care can minimize its complications. The purpose of this study was to identify the effective factors in the Diabetic foot self-management for designing a managed-care based app for people with Diabetes who have risk factors for foot ulcers or wound infections.
Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study all physicians and nurses employed at ‘Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases Research Center’ of Tehran University of Medical Sciences who had a history of working with Diabetic patients at various levels of Diabetes and foot ulcers participated. The data collection tool was a questionnaire based on the likert scale that made by researchers, which included demographic and clinical information, education and lifestyle management and capabilities of application for self-management in Diabetic foot patients. Finally, descriptive statistics used to analyze the results in SPSS.
Results: After reviewing the rate of experts’ agreement with the components of the survey, all the cases over 51% approval rate were considered as required components. According to the opinion of the physicians respectively capabilities of application, education and lifestyle management and patient information and according to the opinion of the nurses’ education and lifestyle management, patient information and capabilities of application were important respectively.
Conclusion: Beside proper treatment of the disease, self-management strategies can be effective and useful. Effectiveness of the patients’ self-care by acquiring the necessary skills and involvement in self-care might be achievable.

Reza Safdari, Somaye Mahdavi, Leila Shahmoradi, Khdijeh Adabi, Shahram Tahmasebian, Mahnaz Nazari,
Volume 12, Issue 5 (Dec & Jan 2019)

Background and Aim: To provide effective care, health care providers need timely and appropriate information. Electronic records provide quick access and easy management of data. The aim of this study was to develop electronic health records for patients with hydatidiform mole and evaluation of completeness of medical records
Materials and Methods: This applied study was conducted in 2017. After verifying the minimum data set required for the system, data were extracted from patient records using a checklist and entered into SQL server. SQL server 2012 and Visual Studio 2013 to design electronic records and SPSS 20 for data analysis was used. Extent of data completion in patient records was also assesed.
Results: Data on the completion of paper records indicated that in 100% of cases, “address” item was filled in. The less completed data was related to carotene deficiency (%1.1). Our findings also showed that the eight most important items like age of first menstruation, first gestational age, interval between pregnancies, number of sexual partners, menstruation between pregnancies, contraceptive methods, social habits and radiotherapy, were not completed in all records.
Conclusion: Many of the important minimum data set for hydatidiform mole disease were either not completed or completed in limited numbers in paper records. By developing such health records, we can ensure better prevention and treatment, and regular follow-up for the patients and help them to save their time and costs.

Reza Safdari, Mozhgan Rahmanian, Shahrbanoo Pahlevany Nejad ,
Volume 12, Issue 6 (Feb & Mar 2019)

Background and Aim: Preeclampsia is one of the most prominent cases of pregnancy related diseases that threatens health at global level, especially in developing countries. In Iran, with 14% of outbreak, it is the second most common cause of maternal mortality. The main goal of this study was to identify the information requirements of the Android-based preeclampsia self-Management application.
Materials & Methods: This was a descriptive study that was done in 2018 in Amir_Almomenin Hospital affiliated to Semnan University of Medical Sciences in two stages of reviewing the sources and the need for data elements. In the review phase, after studying the articles and study, the data requirements and factors which affecting the prevalence of preeclampsia were identified and a survey of qualified physicians was done by designing a researcher-made questionnaire.
Results: This research results indicate that 63.9% of the respondents assigned to the elements mentioned in the demographic findings. 75.9% of them identified health information elements as very important. Also, 77.85% of the research community considered the elements in the lifestyle sector to be of the highest importance. All participants recognized that reminder in the program was necessary. Approximately 33.33% of them reconsidered sport education to be at the lowest level, while 45.24% rated it as being of the highest importance.
Conclusion: The information requirements of this program were determined in 6 groups of health history, educational tips, lifestyle, alarms, referral, and reporting. These programs can help pregnant mothers with preeclampsia to control their disease to minimize complications by observing proper nutrition and principles of treatment.

Azita Yazdani, Ali Asghar Safaei, Reza Safdari, Maryam Zahmatkeshan,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (Aug & Sep 2019)

Background and Aim: Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer and the main cause of death from cancer in women worldwide. Technologies such as data mining, have enabled experts in this area to improve decision making in the early diagnosis of the disease. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to develop an automatic diagnostic model for breast cancer by employing data mining methods and selecting the model with the highest accuracy of diagnosis.
Materials and Methods: In this study, 654 available patient records of Motahari breast cancer Clinic in Shiraz" were used as the sample. The number of records was reduced to 621 after the pre-processing operation. These samples had 22 features that ultimately used ten were used as effective features in the design of the model. Three types of Decision tree, Naive Bayes and Artificial neural network were used for diagnosis of breast cancer and 10-fold cross-validation method for constructing and evaluating the model on the collected data set.
Results: The results of the three techniques mentioned all three models showed promising results in detecting breast cancer. Finally, the artificial neural network accounted for the highest accuracy of 94/49%(sensitivity 96/19%, specificity 86/36%) in the diagnosis of breast cancer.
Conclusion:  Based on the results of the decision tree, the risk factors such as age, weight, Age of menstruation, menopause, OCP of records duration, and the age of the first pregnancy were among the factors affecting the incidence of breast cancer in women. 

Reza Safdari, Hamid Choobineh, Mozhgan Sedaghatzadeh,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (Oct & Nov 2019)

Background and Aim: Infertility is a chronic disease with a long-term treatment and self-care leads to an increase in the level of knowledge and awareness about the disease. Moreover, smartphones provide access to information at any time and place; therefore, by using the mobile-based assisted reproductive technology, a self-care application program can be a good choice to help people gain awareness and improve the treatment. 
Materials and Methods: Library resources and related and similar applications were studied. Then, data items and the sections required for applied program were identified. To study their importance, a survey was performed on the working members of Iran Helal Infertility Specialty Center. Out of the 35 members of the research community, 20 were randomly selected. The survey questionnaire was made with 32 questions in three sections. In this survey, the data model framework was confirmed; however, the basis of the tools framework didn't need the confirmation of validity and reliability since the data model was designed based on the reference. With summarization of responses, data items and sections specified in designing the program were applied.
Results: The mean of the scores showed that the respondents had identified most of the items as essential. This survey had three main axes. The mean scores of axes of patient information, patient education, and disease management tools are 4.205, 4.402 and 4.275, respectively. The mean scores above 4 show that their effectiveness is very high.
Conclusion: Considering the results, the designed application program can be helpful for patients.

Reza Safdari , Niloofar Mohammadzadeh , Nasim Shokouhi, Azizeh Farzinmehr, Mehrshad Mokhtaran, Shahrbanoo Pahlevanynejad, Mahnaz Mirsane,
Volume 13, Issue 5 (Dec & Jan 2020)

Background and Aim: Pelvic floor disorders are a common disease which, with varying degrees of severity, disrupts daily life and also decreases the quality of life of the individual. This disease can be cured by lifestyle modifications and self-care education; on the other hand, smartphones have become a good platform for health services and therapeutic interventions. The aim of this study was to identify information and educational components for the self-care application of women with pelvic floor disorders.
Materials and Methods: This descriptive study was performed in Yas Hospital affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences. According to Morgan table, 30 gynecologists who were randomly selected were included in the study. The data gathering tool was a researcher-made questionnaire which its validity and reliability were confirmed (α=0.85) and its content was provided by reviewing the scientific sources.
Results: The results of the analyzes showed that from the experts’ point of view the interventional section including reminders, daily activities diaries and targeting with an average score of 4.14 has been of great importance. Since then, the applied and self-care section with an average score of 4.364is ranked second in priority.
Conclusion: According to a survey by experts who play a major role in the management of the disease. The essential components of this application were identified in three main sections consist of: electronic records, the interventional section and the practical and self-care and their subsections.

Reza Safdari, Seyed Sina Marashi Shooshtari, Marzieh Esmaeili, Fozieh Tahmasbi, Zohreh Javanmard,
Volume 13, Issue 6 (Feb & Mar 2020)

Background and Aim: The importance of managing medicines and medical devices as vital resources in healthcare industry cannot be ignored. Therefore, the application of coding systems could be of great help in the control of the required processes. This study aims to develop a coding system for medicines and medical devices in Iran.
Materials & Methods: This descriptive study was planned to be carried out in four phases from September 2018 to August 2019. To identify the requirements of designing a coding system for the classification of medicines and medical devices, library resources were studied, and the existing coding systems in the area of medicines and medical devices came under scrutiny. Then, based on the expert opinion on the results, the initial model of the coding system was designed.
Results: Thirty-five coding systems were identified and investigated. To design the proposed system, two coding systems -- ATC/DDD and UMDNS -- were selected as a core for medicines and medical devices, respectively. Then, based on expert opinion, the axes for the place of consumption and the placement of products and also the application of Quick Response (QR) code for data encoding were added.
Conclusion: The design and development of a comprehensive coding system–which is in compliance with the international protocols and capable of including both medicines and medical devices simultaneously – could be very helpful. Besides, using the location axis in the structure of coding system can improve the management of these products.

Reza Safdari, Majid Alikhani, Foziye Tahmasbi, Zohre Javanmard,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (Apr & May 2020)

Background and Aim: The incidence of osteoporotic fractures, which leads to morbidity and mortality in the elderly, is increasing worldwide. Mobile health application could empower patients to engage in managing their own health. This has a significant impact on improving health outcomes in chronic diseases. For this reason, this study was conducted to develop a mobile-based self-management application for patients with Osteoporotic fractures.
Materials and Methods: In this descriptive-developmental study, initially, the data required in this research were collected through searching in library resources, clinical guidelines and application review. Then, a questionnaire was applied by physician to validate and determine the significance of these elements and the rational design of application was provided with the obtained elements. Finally, the application was developed in Android Studio environment and then evaluated.
Results: The main application parts include: Disease prevention information, fracture risk assessment tool and information for self-management in osteoporotic fractures care which was divided into two parts: Hip fracture and other fractures. Moreover, provides functions like exercise program adjustments, reminders and patient records. The application functions were evaluated and was able to meet the expectations.
Conclusion: This is a mobile application with validated content and can be used to help patients with osteoporotic fractures to manage their disease and to obtain self-management skills.

Azita Yazdani, Reza Safdari, Roxana Sharifian, Maryam Zahmatkeshan, Marjan Ghazi Saeedi,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (Jun & Jul 2020)

Background and Aim: When clinical decision support systems are developed, implementing solutions that enable these systems to be -used on a large scale can reduce the production costs associated with the creation, maintenance and by sharing these systems, producing multiple clinical decision support systems will be prevented. In recent years, one of the approaches used for this purpose in combination with clinical decision support systems is the service-oriented architecture approach. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role and importance of service-oriented architecture in delivering scalable architectures of clinical decision support systems focusing on different approaches to this architecture.
Materials and Methods: This article is a simple review article. Bibliographic databases of IEEE Explore, Science Direct, Springer, Web of Science, and Scopus were reviewed. The keywords "Service Oriented Architecture" and "clinical decision support systems" were used as keywords along with related terms for searching these databases.
Results: The clinical decision support systems based on service-oriented architecture brings benefits such as Facilitate knowledge maintenance, reducing costs and improving agility. Point-to-point communication, enterprise service bus, service registry, clinical and engine guiding engine, and service choreography and orchestration are general architectural designs that are evident in the use of web-based clinical decision support systems based on a service-oriented architecture approach.
Conclusion: Service-oriented architecture is a potential solution for delivering scalable platforms for clinical decision systems.

Reza Safdari, Farnoosh Larti, Kamyar Fathi Salari, Saman Mohammadpour,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (Aug & Sep 2020)

Background and Aim: Cardiovascular diseases and medication errors are among the leading causes of morbidity and mortality around the world. Electronic prescribing and Medication Administration(ePMA) systems can prevent medication errors to some extent. This study aimed to determine the information requirements of ePMA systems.
Materials and Methods: This descriptive study was conducted in Imam Khomeini Hospital of Tehran and School of Allied Medical Sciences affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) in the summer of 2019 in two phases: literature review and survey-based questionnaire. Information items obtained from reviewing the texts of 100 articles were organized in three questionnaires. In the survey phase, questionnaires were distributed among physicians, nurses, and the experts of health information management(HIM) and medical informatics, using census sampling method. The reliability of the questionnaires was measured using Cronbach's coefficient alpha. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS.
Results: The findings showed that based on specialists’ point of view, patients' demographic information items and unique identifiers gained the highest average, above 4.7. Physicians agreed most with clinical information, including medication history and generic names. From the nurses’ point of view, the information items of the patients’ problems and the procedures performed and the types of drug doses obtained a complete average of 5.
Conclusion: The need for information items varies among different users of ePMA systems, but there may be items that are common for them. Future studies should further investigate financial and pharmaceutical information requirements based on the perspectives of other hospital pharmacy and accounting staff.

Nahid Einollahi, Reza Safdari, Marsa Gholamzadeh, Elham Haghshenas, Horieh Masourian,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (Oct & Nov 2020)

Background and Aim: Mobile-based programs have been developed as tools to help both patients and physicians in various fields especially in dermatology. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to review the features and contents of dermatology applications.
Materials and Methods: The methodology was comparative and descriptive. Applications in the field of dermatology were evaluated and compared through this research. Inclusion criteria included applications that have been downloaded more than 100 times in Google Play and App Store and applications designed in diagnosis in various fields of dermatology such as treatment, management, remote consulting, and self-care areas. Exclusion criteria included those developed before 2010 and those related to the non-dermatology areas. Besides, different features were considered for comparison based on literature review and expert consultation. Next, the recognized applications were reviewed and compared based on determined categories.
Results: Based on criteria, a total of 33 applications were identified through searching. Of these, 33.3% of Apps were in the field of education, and 24.2% were in self-care. Regarding disease, applications were categorized into nine different domains. Of these, 61% of applications were covering different types of skin diseases. Also, in examining the frequency of the features of the evaluated programs, providing recommendations and suggestions with 57.57% and educational contents and the possibility of uploading images with 51.51%, respectively, had the highest frequency among the features of the programs.
Conclusion: Analysis showed that education and self-care domains have a high rank among others. It indicates that developing such applications could facilitate patient education and self-management by himself or caregivers. However, this area needs more attention and the using health information technology capabilities to make applications smarter in this area.

Reza Safdari, Abdorreza Naser Moghadasi, Sahar Khenarinezhad, Ehsan Ghazanfarisavadkoohi,
Volume 14, Issue 5 (Dec & Jan 2021)

Background and Aim: Taking a wide range of medications in Multiple sclerosis (MS) patients can lead to side effects and drug interactions. Therefore, the use of intelligent systems such as drug monitoring systems can help in the effective and timely treatment of MS disease. In this regard, the present study was conducted to design, development, and evaluation of the drug monitoring system for multiple sclerosis patients.
Materials and Methods: The present descriptive-developmental study was performed in four stages. In the first stage, by searching the library resources and valid guidelines, the minimum data set was determined and provided to neurologists and MS fellowships in the form of checklists for validation. Then the software was designed logically and coded based on the opinion of experts. In the last stage, the software was evaluated by end-users.
Results: The information elements in the software design were categorized into patient demographic information, medical history, clinical signs, imaging procedures, laboratory tests for ocrelizumab and fingolimod drugs, counseling, and treatment data. Finally, the performance of the drug monitoring system was evaluated with an average of 7.9 and was approved by users.
Conclusion: The results of software evaluation showed that the drug monitoring system can help general practitioners, neurologists, and MS fellowships in monitoring and follow-up of patients and lead to increased patient safety.

Mohammad Zarbi, Reza Safdari, Nahid Einollahi,
Volume 14, Issue 6 (Feb & Mar 2021)

Background and Aim: Medical diagnostic laboratories are among the most important centers in the treatment cycle of patients. Today, the conscious choice of such laboratories is one of the challenges that patients face in the treatment process. This study was conducted with the aim of improving the knowledge of software users in the field of laboratory sciences and also facilitating the conscious and intelligent selection of the laboratory required by users. 
Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive-developmental research with an applied approach. The steps consisted of library studies, questionnaire-based needs assessment, collection of knowledge and identity data, design through drawing UML diagrams, implementation using Java programming language, and software evaluation.  
Results: A comprehensive system of laboratory information and experiments can be performed in all laboratories in Tehran, based on factors such as location access, types of laboratories and types of tests, a system was designed that allows users to access the most appropriate laboratory centers with high speed and less mobility, sufficient information, and in accordance with their needs. The evaluation was done using a researcher-made questionnaire whose validity and reliability were confirmed. The target population consisted of eleven specialists and forty ordinary users. According to the Likert criterion, the results obtained from the answers of all participants in the study to the questions of the questionnaire were higher than 4.05.  
Conclusion: The software showed that the factors that had priority in the need assessment significantly increased user satisfaction and also provided ease of use of laboratory services in accordance with users' needs.

Eng. Meisam Fallahnezhad, Reza Safdari,
Volume 15, Issue 3 (Aug & Sep 2021)

Background and Aim: Large amounts of hospital costs are not reimbursed annually by health insurance as deductions. Therefore, reducing deductions is very important for the hospital. In the study of design and implementation of analytical dashboard of insurance deductions based on medical intelligence business, to improve financial management with the aim of focusing on assessing the level of satisfaction and its applicability has been done.
Materials and Methods: To design the questionnaire, first 27 questions were prepared through library studies and interviews with members of the hospital board of directors, and the validity and consistency of its items were determined through content validity and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. Data were analyzed in SPSS software and the results were used to design and implement the dashboard.
Results: The study is of development-applied type. In the first phase, to determine Content Validity Ratio CVI (Content Validity Index), and CVR (Content Validity Ratio) a researcher-made questionnaire was provided to 20 experts. In the second phase, by building a data warehouse in SQL (Structured Query Language), the information of the tables related to the deductions of the hospital HIS system was transferred to it and the operational information of the organization was extracted and converted into DW format and the map information was tested. OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) services were then loaded on the created analytics database. In the last step, Power BI tool was selected and used to create business intelligence mechanisms, display and visualize information. In the third phase, using the QUIS (Questionnaire for User Interface Satisfaction) standard questionnaire, the level of satisfaction and usability of the dashboard was evaluated by 15 experts.
Conclusion: In this study, two questionnaires were used. CVR was measured in all items of the first questionnaire, more than 0.50 and CVI was measured in the upper areas of 0.90 and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was obtained between 0.8 and 0.9, which indicated a good level. The second questionnaire was to evaluate the level of satisfaction and usability of the dashboard that the average of the total evaluation based on the indicators of the QUIS questionnaire is equal to 85.40. Therefore, the level of satisfaction and usability of the dashboard was “very good” for the evaluators.

Reza Safdari, Seyyed Farshad Allameh, Ms Fariba Shabani,
Volume 15, Issue 6 (Feb & Mar 2022)

Background and Aim: Many risk factors can cause biliary system diseases. Hence, this category of diseases is amongst the most common ones. Active patient cooperation is very important in disease management, self-care, and clinical outcomes improvement. A mobile phone application has a high potential in supporting the patients’ self-management. Therefore, this study was conducted to recognize and define data elements to develop a self-care application for biliary patients.
Materials and Methods: The current descriptive study was conducted in 2 stages, resource investigation, and data elements’ need assessment. In the first stage, scientific articles available in databases were used for defining required data elements to develop the application for biliary patients, and a checklist of data elements was prepared. In the second stage, a questionnaire was made based on the checklist. Content and face validity were accepted by the research team and the reliability was calculated 87.2%, using the Cronbach’s alpha test. The mentioned questionnaire was given to Gastroenterologists at Imam Khomeini Hospital complex, and the elected data elements were recognized.
Results: In this application, data elements were categorized into seven sections, including demographic and clinical information, data related to the biliary system diseases, postoperative lifestyle information of the biliary patients, reminders, disease management, and informing. Sixty point five percent of the responders gave the highest importance to data elements in the demographic and clinical data section. Data elements related to patients’ education were considered highly important by 54.2% of the responders. Forty three point eight percent gave the highest importance to data elements in interventional applications’ sections, and only 4.2% gave the least importance to this section.
Conclusion: Based on the identified data elements, a self-care application was designed and developed and can be used as a supplement to specialized care for biliary patients.

Shahrbanoo Pahlevanynejad, Reza Safdari, Mojgan Rahmanian, Mohammad Saleh Safari,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (3-2022)

Background and Aim: Preeclampsia is one of the most serious cases of high-risk pregnancies that endanger women’s health worldwide, especially in developing countries. Preeclampsia is a specific pregnancy syndrome with a prevalence of about 7-14%, which is one of the three leading causes of death in pregnant women. Preeclampsia is the second most common cause of maternal mortality in Iran and accounts for 14% of maternal mortality. The present study was conducted to design, create and evaluate mobile-based preeclampsia self-care application.
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted in four stages to assess the needs of information elements, design, create and evaluate preeclampsia self-care application. In needs assessment step, 42 specialists, assistants and personnel related to the subject working in the Amir Al-Momenin (AS) Educational, Research and Treatment Center affiliated to Semnan University of Medical Sciences participated. The program was then initially evaluated by 7 physicians, and finally the suggestions provided by users in the design of the program were applied and the final version of the program was completed. The application was designed in the Android Studio environment and then its usability was evaluated using the opinions of 20 mothers and the QUIS tool.
Results: The information elements and functional capabilities required by the program were determined. In addition, the program established communication between the patient and the provider, also created the possibility of care management and control of the disease process. The performance of the program was evaluated by physicians and experts and then evaluated by pregnant mothers in terms of usability. The findings showed that users were satisfied with the application.
Conclusion: The use of mobile-based applications is a useful way to increase knowledge and promote the health of pregnant mothers and facilitate their access to medical information and acquire the necessary skills in their disease. This program helps pregnant mothers with preeclampsia to control their disease by observing proper nutrition and treatment principles to minimize the complications of their disease.

Mouna Rafizadeh, Reza Safdari, Jaleh Shoshtarian Malak, Shaban Alizadeh,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (5-2023)

Background and Aim: Simulation-based Mobile Education is one of the necessities of the new era as well as an escalating field to meet the needs of different educational systems and levels. Considering the increasing application of simulation-based technologies, and the popularity of Augmented Reality (AR) in the field of education, the present research aims to facilitate the initial steps in understanding the technical requirements and software used in developing these types of apps.
Materials and Methods: The data required for this research was collected by searching in library resources to identify the commonly used platform/software in designing and developing AR-based educational apps. At the same time, the included studies’ app features/sections were also extracted, and the total of this information was presented in a table. After indicating the mainly used software in the development of these types of apps, a simple app architecture and a how-to-develop model using the most practical software were illustrated.
Results: “3D Model display” and “multiple-choice questions” were identified as the minimum (basic) features of an AR-based educational app. To identify the most commonly used software in creating AR-based educational apps, articles were reviewed, required information was extracted, and gathered in form of a table. The results of the review showed that Unity 3D and Vuforia have the highest usage statistics in creating these types of apps. Finally, a simple model of the process of developing AR-based educational app and a sample output of this type of app were presented based on this information.
Conclusions: Simulation-based education is one of the prominent and growing topics worldwide. Augmented Reality is one of the most renowned and widely used technologies in this field. The results of this study encompass a set of basic features of an AR-based educational app as well as the software that can be used to create such apps. Therefore, this study can assist researchers interested in this field in navigating the simplest path to developing an AR-based educational app by providing them with an initial technical understanding of AR-based education.

Sanam Lotfi, Reza Safdari, Dr Kurosh Jafarian,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (10-2023)

Background and Aim: Nutrition recommender systems are one of the most prominent technologies in the field of nutrition informatics that help users to have a healthy diet. These systems are able to suggest the most appropriate foods and meal plans considering the child's physical condition. Considering that children are the most vulnerable age group, one of the most important health goals in the early years of a child's life is achieving balanced and correct nutrition, and as a result this study was conducted with the aim of designing, creating and evaluating a children's nutrition recommendation system.
Materials and Methods: This research was conducted in 2022 in three stages to assess the needs of the informational elements of the nutrition recommender application. First, in order to determine data capabilities of the program, data needs analysis has been done. In the following, based on the needs assessment, the application was designed and its final version was created. The application was created in the Android Studio environment and then its technical applicability was done using the Nielsen questionnaire by 5 medical informatics and health information management experts.
Results: The required information capabilities of the program were determined and after the statistical analysis of the questionnaire, most of the items raised in it were deemed necessary by the experts participating in the research with a high percentage (90%) and were included in the application program. Then the design and creation of the nutrition recommender application for children 1 to 5 years old was done in the Android Studio programming environment. Finally, the use of Nielsen's exploratory evaluation questionnaire and its technical applicability were evaluated by experts. The average severity of the problems related to Nielsen's ten principles was 1.3, which is classified as minor problems.
Conclusion: Using the nutrition recommender application will be a useful solution to increase parents' awareness of the child's growth status in terms of age, height and head circumference. This program has improved nutritional health, improved mental health, and better growth of children and will play a significant role in preventing the occurrence of diseases by using appropriate nutritional recommendations.

Reza Safdari, Sharare Rostam Niakan Kalhori, Afzal Shamsi, Homa Hajizadegan,
Volume 17, Issue 5 (12-2023)

Background and Aim: Atherosclerosis of coronary arteries is the most common heart disease and indication of coronary artery bypass graft(CABG). After CABG, patients need proper self-care and lifestyle changes to increase their quality of life. The present research aimed to the conceptual design of self-care Android software, focusing on the third phase of cardiac rehabilitation.
Materials and Methods: This descriptive research has been carried out in two main phases and a total of six steps in order to assess the informational and functional needs of self-care software and design its conceptual model. After searching in reliable scientific sources and guidelines and checking the available Persian software, through the content validity index questionnaire of Lavshe, Welts and Bassel, 23 people from the medical staff with a history of caring for heart patients participated in the step of determining the requirements and the results were analyzed using SPSS Software. Descriptive analysis was done. Finally, the software model was prepared using integrated modeling language and th mind map was drawn.
Results: Sixty two items were identified in 6 general categories (personal information, medical records, interventions, personal health record, essential information, emergency communication). In the phase of determining the requirements by the experts, 52 items were accepted and 10 items were included in the conceptual model of the application program with minor changes and revisions.
Conclusion: Using mobile health in self-care and cardiac rehabilitation will be a suitable solution in order to increase treatment, follow-up and optimal continuation of self-care in patients. By having different functions, this tool can facilitate lifestyle change and help patients in secondary prevention of cardiovascular events and improve their health.

Miss Fariba Moalem Borazjani, Azita Yazdani, Reza Safdari, Seyed Mansoor Gatmiri,
Volume 17, Issue 6 (2-2024)

Background and Aim: Kidney failure is a common and increasing problem in Iran and worldwide. Kidney transplantation is recognized as a preferred treatment method for patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Machine learning, as one of the most valuable branches of artificial intelligence in the field of predicting patient outcomes or predicting various conditions in patients, has significant applications. The purpose of this research was to predict kidney transplant outcomes in patients using machine learning.
Materials and Methods: Since CRISP is one of the strongest methodologies for implementing data mining projects, it was chosen as the working method. In order to identify the factors affecting the prediction of kidney transplant outcomes, a researcher-created checklist was sent to some of nephrologists nationwide to determine the importance of each factor. The results were analyzed and examined. Then, using Python language and different algorithms such as random forest, SVM, KNN, deep learning, and XGBoost the data was modeled.
Results: The final model was multilabel, capable of predicting various kidney transplant outcomes, including rejection probability, diabetic reactions, malignant reactions, and patient rehospitalization. After modeling the input data features, the model was able to predict the four kidney transplant outcomes such as rejection, diabetes, malignancy and readmission with an error rate of less than 0.01.
Conclusion: The high level of accuracy and precision of the random forest model demonstrates its strong predictive power for forecasting kidney transplant outcomes. In this study, the most influential factors contributing to patient susceptibility to the mentioned outcomes were identified. Using this machine learning-based system, it is possible to predict the probability of these outcomes occurring for new cases.

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