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Showing 27 results for Azadeh

Azadeh Ahmadzadeh Ghasab , Majid Heydari , Mohammad Ali Abbasi Moghaddam ,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (11-2013)

Background and Aim: Motivation and satisfaction of manpower are the most important variables in the field of organizational behavior and because of the strong relationship between these two variables with the job and organization productivity, it’s necessary to look job characteristics as increasing factor of employee satisfaction and performance in redesigning jobs. The objective of this study was determining motivating potential score (MPS) of the jobs and survey the relation between MPS and job satisfaction in staff employees of educational and research deputy of TUMS (Tehran University of Medical Science).

Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional and descriptive-analytical study. The research context was to staff employee of education and research deputy of TUMS. Sampling frame of the study was simple random sampling. Data collection method was a questionnaire. Reliability of the questionnaire was ascertained with pilot study with and confirm with Cranach's Alpha. T-test and Pearson correlation were the analytical methods.

Results: The results showed the jobs of the study population have skill variety, task identity, task significance and potential motivation but haven't job authority and feedback. The findings showed there was significant relation between motivating potential power and its dimensions with the job satisfaction ( P<0.05 ).

Conclusion : The job characteristic have great impact on the job satisfaction so this model can be used for redesigning the jobs to increase job satisfaction.

Mohammadreza Amiresmaili , Mahmood Nekoueimoghadam , Mahmood Moosazadeh , Fatemeh Esmaili , Mahboobeh Mirtajeddini ,
Volume 7, Issue 5 (1-2014)

 Background and Aim: Defensive medicine is a potential social problem which can bring about consequences for public health regarding the quality of personal care and wastage of limited health resources. In this study, the frequency of positive and negative defensive medicine behaviors was examined among general practitioners of Kerman city.

 Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among general practitioners in the city of Kerman. As data collection instrument, a questionnaire was given to a sample of 100 subjects. The obtained data were entered into SPSS 20 and analyzed using such descriptive statistics as frequency percentage and mean, and applying analytical tests such as chi-square and t-test.

 Results: In this research, 100 general practitioners were studied. The frequency of positive and negative defensive medicine behavior was 99% and 47%, respectively. Besides, the positive defensive medicine behavior in men was more than that in women (100% vs. 97.2%) on the contrary, the negative defensive medicine behavior in women was more than that in men (52.8% vs. 43.8%). Explaining in more detail about taking medicines properly and on time and avoiding the prescription of risky behaviors which might be useful to patients had the highest frequency among positive and negative defensive medicine behaviors, respectively.

 Conclusion : The present study showed that the frequency of defensive medicine was high in the studied population and that the application of factors related to this phenomenon by the participants of the present study was prevalent.

Maryam Ahmadi, Azadeh Bashiri,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (7-2014)

 Background and Aim: In order to better design an electronic health record system in the country, determining standardized data elements for creating an integrated information system is important. In this study, the minimum data set of radiology reporting system is determined.

 Materials and Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, 13 radiologists, 3 anesthesiologists, 3 general practitioners and 3 insurance experts working in the Imaging Center of Imam Khomeini hospital in Tehran were chosen. The research tool was a questionnaire having 11 parts. Content validity and test-retest method were used to measure the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, respectively. Data analysis was performed using the SPSS software.

 Results: The highest means reported were radiologists' written explanations and suggestions (9.6), image interpretation (9.5), the name of contrast material (9.4), the name of imaging procedure (9.3) type and date of previous measures (9.1), and the final diagnosis (9) and the lowest averages belonged to referring physician's address (4.8), relationship between patients and the primary individual insured (4.3), and religion (2.2).

 Conclusion: In an electronic health record system, due to the importance of radiology reports for the diagnosis and future management of a patient's clinical problems, it is necessary to pay attention to the minimum set of data related to these reports such as administrative, insurance, patient identity, and clinical data, and the results of radiological examinations for exchanging with electronic health record system.


Fereydoon Azadeh, Alireza Hemmati, Seyed Javad Ghazi Mirsaeid, Tania Azadi,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (7-2015)

Background and Aim: Online submission and peer review systems are formal channels of communication among authors, journal editorial boards, and reviewers. The review process starts after authors submit their manuscripts. The aim of this study is to examine the online article submission and peer review systems in terms of the capability in medical journals of Iranian Ministry of Health, and Medical Education. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive survey study, 199 approved Iranian medical journals were examined so that the characteristics of online submission and peer review systems could be investigated. To study author role features, a checklist was developed by the researcher. The data were analyzed by SPSS 18 and Microsoft Excel 2007. Results: The online submission and peer review systems considered in this study had most (84%) of the features of the author role. Among the systems reviewed, Kowsar system had the highest number of features. Conclusion: The results show that the studied systems consider some, but not all, of the required features. To meet the maximum required features of the author role, it seems necessary to take all standard research criteria into account

Nikzad Eisazadeh, Khorshid Vaskoei Eshkevari , Jayran Zebardast, Mohammad Malek Mohamadi , Samira Shasty,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (9-2015)

Background and Aim: Nurses’ knowledge and awareness about religious orders is undoubtedly so important in their relationship with patients in hospitals. So, the aim of this study is to compare the knowledge and attitude of nurses before and after their participation in religious orders workshop. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, religious knowledge and attitude of 480 nurses working in the hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) were evaluated. The research tool was a questionnaire and such factors as nurses’ age, sex, educational level, and type of employment were considered. The data were collected by a questionnaire and analyzed by SPSS software version 19. Results: Nurses demonstrated a higher level of knowledge and attitude in hospitals where Islamic orders workshop was held than the ones in other hospitals. In total, there was no significant difference among nurses regarding their age, sex, educational level, and type of employment however, nurses working in surgical wards and those with a postgraduate degree showed a higher level of knowledge and attitude than others. Conclusion: It is necessary to provide nurses with knowledge about religious orders because such knowledge may increase patients' satisfaction with the care they receive.
Nikzad Iesazadeh , Reza Salimi , Mohammad Mahdi Esfahani ,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (4-2016)

Background and Aim: Requisite to achieve a correct understanding of the meaning and purpose traditions In addition to the general regulations of understanding human speech, the application of certain rules and regulations "Methodology of  understand traditions" can be interpreted. The Principle of methodology of understand those traditions at odds with the theory (philosophical hermeneutics) who believe that the text should not be understood to mean the process of achieving text through the systematic understand. But, the interpreter has always been faced with a prior grasp with text and following the disclosure of the before understanding had about the text.

Materials and Methods: This was a review study that induced by library texts and search engines in order to identify and analysis of the related different references.

Results: Refer readers to specific individuals by the Ahl al-Bayt to achieve the correct meaning and intent and lawful of traditions the best evidence of systematic understanding of the traditions and the traditions of medicine.

Conclusion: Proof the above principle as the basis to understand the traditions must have a hand in self- traditions, both internal and external characteristics including "there are different levels of meaning", "similarity", "manuscripts", "application" and other characteristics have to searched. On the other hand, return to the traditional reasons that to explicitly methodology of understand of these religious texts were approved. Traditions indicating the logic of understanding that is includes traditions such as "supply of mutashabihat on the mhkmat", "supply of traditions on the verses and certain of traditions". The narrative implies the use of Ahl al-Bayt from the principles of common sense is the some of these reasons.

Azadeh Chatrooz, Leila Goudarzi , Mohammad Roshani, Seyed Hadi Hosseini, Aslan Nazari, Ghasem Rajabi Vasokolaee,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (9-2016)

Background and Aim: Safety is an important component in the quality of health care that lack of attention to it leads to harmful results. This study was conducted to estimate the safety management status in selected hospitals affiliated with Tehran University of Medical Sciences. 
Materials and Methods: This analytical-descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in four selected hospitals affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Science in 2012. Data collection was performed through a valid and reliable questionnaire (Safety management) involved 112 questions in 3 parts: organization, safety and event committee’s management, investigation of organization and hospital’s structure and evaluation standards for surgery rooms by safety management views, in 5 options of Likert criteria. SPSS software frequency, mean and standard deviation and Kruskal–Wallis were used for statistical analysis of data’s.
Results: In the evaluation of the hospital organization factor and its structure from safety management approach, each hospital’s organizational structure form safety management view was in a suitable condition (72.50). The result also showed that in respect to evaluation of surgery rooms for safety management, the highest average of calculated score was for hospitals number 1 (90.00) and the lowest was related to hospital number 4 (69.09). 
Conclusion: According to the results, safety in hospital was in an acceptable level. But it seems that continuous monitoring and safety management training courses is essential.

Fereydoon Azadeh, Seyed Javad Ghazi Mirsaeid, Mitra Gharib, Abdolahad Nabiolahi ,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (5-2017)

Background and Aim: Today journals are one of the main platforms to exchange information between researchers. This study aimed to assess the status of Approved Latin indexing journals in the field of medical science citation indexes Web of Science and Scopus databases.
Materials and Methods: This study was a cross-sectional descriptive survey. Statistical population of the study was 83 titles Latin journals approved by the Ministry of Health that examined indexing situation of them in Web of science and Scopus databases between the years 2005-2010. Data collection tool was a controlled checklist that was established by consult with experts and specialists in related areas and its reliability was estimated 90 percent. Data were analyzed using the software spss16.
Results: Survey the status of journals showed that slightly less than 26 percent of titles indexed in Web of Science. Also in Scopus Citation Index 69 percent of journals was indexed. Compare criteria for indexing journals in Web of Science and Scopus database show that bibliography information of not indexed journals considered and in some journals (29/30 percent) number of international standards were not mentioned. Also, some journals contact information (postcode publication 9 percent) was not included.
Conclusion: In general, it was observed that despite the enormous growth of scientific journals between examined years, terms of adaption with the criteria of indexing are in unfavorable condition and managers of Latin scientific journals should try to improve their quality and quantity.

Abolfazl Taheri, Fereydoon Azadeh, Mohammad Moradi-Joo, Omid Yousefianzadeh,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (Supplement 1 2017)

Background and Aim: In medical sciences, students need problem-solving and decision-making abilities to cure diseases. The present study aims to survey the critical thinking disposition between freshman and senior students in School of Allied Medical Sciences in 2012- 2013 academic year.
Materials and Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, 250 students were selected randomly and their critical thinking disposition was assessed. "The Ricketts critical thinking disposition scale (2003)" consists of 33 multiple choice questions; the scale was used by the researcher to assess the critical thinking disposition. Finally, the data was analyzed by t-test and ANOVA using SPSS software.
Results: The mean of students’ critical thinking disposition was 3.54 which shows that this ability was on the average among students. Also, the t-test results showed that there was a difference between freshmen and seniors. The critical thinking disposition was compared between students in various fields; the results did not reveal a significant difference.   
Conclusion: In spite of the high critical thinking disposition achieved by senior students and the similar guidance in different fields of study for enhancing the disposition, the variable is not at the ideal and expected level. Therefore, it is necessary to use certain materials and measures in educational planning so that the disposition level can get close to the ideal level.

Fereydoon Azadeh, Zahra Jadidi, Hamid Haghani,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (Supplement 1 2017)

Background and Aim: Creating personal information collections will bring the management needs. The purpose of this study was to determine the use level of personal information management and each of its four activities by Faculty members of Allied Medical Sciences Schools in Tehran, Shahid Beheshti and Iran Medical Sciences Universities in 2014 year.
Materials and Method: This applied study was an analytical survey. The participants of the study were Faculty members of Allied Medical Sciences Schools in Tehran, Shahid Beheshti and Iran Medical Sciences Universities. All participants (120) were studied. PIM was surveyed by using a questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were used for data analysis. In order to determine the significant differences, analytical statistics were applied. The validity was confirmed by the number of professors feedback and reliability calculated by the Cronbach's alpha 0.91.
Results: Storage with average of 73.59% and organization with average of 62.11% were at "good" level. Maintenance with an average of 54.4% and refind with an average of 59.93% were at "medial" level. "Personal information management" with an average of 62.51% was at "good" level. According to the research hypotheses test, the use of personal information management and each of its elements by members of the community in terms of university, academic rank and gender were not statistically significant.
Conclusion: Usage level of personal information management by faculty members is far from ideal situation. The main reasons can be included not having enough time, working pressure and lack of sufficient acquaintance with the activities required to personal information management.

Jayran Zebardast, Nikzad Eisazadeh, Khorshid Vaskoei Eshkevari , Abolalfath Ghafari , Fatemeh Mirbazegh,
Volume 11, Issue 5 (1-2018)

Background and Aim: Nurses’ knowledge, attitude and performance towards the principles of Islamic ethics are remarkable in nursing care in Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS). 
Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the knowledge, attitude and performance of 551 nurses were evaluated based on their age, sex, education, and type of employment in TUMS hospitals (by a valid questionnaire). All data were analyzed by SPSS. In this study, a questionnaire was designed through a Focus group discussion and then its validity was evaluated. Moreover, the reliability of the questionnaire was estimated by test-retest method.    
Results: Our study showed that female sex, work experience of 15-20 years, type of employment, and higher education were associated with a higher level of knowledge, attitude and performance towards principles of Islamic ethics. Also, according to our analysis, there was a significant relationship between age and level of knowledge, attitude and performance of the principles of Islamic ethics (p<0.05)  especially at the age of 40's.  
Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, there is a significant relationship between educational indices and work experience, and the age of nurses with the level of knowledge, attitude and practice regarding the principles of Islamic ethics. It is suggested that educational courses about Islamic ethics be presented based on nurses’ educational levels and age. 

Abdollah Naami , Azadeh Chatrooz ,
Volume 11, Issue 5 (1-2018)

Background & Aim: Planning in medical tourism is important. This study was conducted to assess factors, elements and development plans of medical tourism and situation study and analysis of Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS).
Materials and Methods: This mixed method study was conducted in 2017. In systematic review, published studies searched between years 2006 to 2016. In the second phase, medical tourism data of TUMS explored as retrospective cross sectional and expert viewpoint analysis in medical tourism concept. 
Results: 39 published articles were assessed. According to results, admissions and total payment of foreign patients in all hospitals of TUMS in 2016 were 21788 and around 18.5 billion Tomans respectively.
Qualitative results showed that, there were not transparence program and suitable physical area and TUMS needs to comprehensive planning, supportive infrastructure of foreign patients, correction of transportation system and improve marketing.
Conclusion: Despite the history of TUMS hospitals in attraction of foreign patients and analyzing it, there were many limitations to achieve good situation. Although assessing patients viewpoints can provide a platform to solve problems and limitations according to priorities. 

Fereydoon Azadeh, Seyed Javad Ghazi Mirsaeid, Nadia Motamedi, Mohammad Zarei,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (5-2018)

Background and Aim: Ranking of hospital libraries based on standard criteria and taking pattern of top libraries would improve the quality of library services. The purpose of this study was to rate hospital libraries based on LibQual criteria and Vikor model. 
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted in a survey method. The statistical population was 3850 actual users of the library of 8 governmental hospitals (with capacities up to 320 beds) in Tehran in 2016. To achieve the goals, The LibQual questionnaire and AHP technique were used. The validity of both questionnaires has been confirmed in various studies. Cronbach's alpha coefficient greater than 70 percent For LibQual questionnaire and inconsistency rates less than one percent for Vikor questionnaire confirm the reliabilities. Data analysis was performed using the expert choice software. Ranking were done using the Vikor technique.
Results: According to three main dimensions for LibQual, "library as a place" weighing 0.379 was the first preference, and "quiet space for individual activities" weighing 0.364 was the first in this dimension too. The dimension of "information control" weighs in 0.318 at the second, and "service impact" weighs 0.303 was in the third grade. In the ranking based on the Vikor criteria, the Library of Firoozgar hospital was in the first place.
Conclusion: The library of Firoozgar hospital in Iran university of medical sciences was the forefront and could be an exemplar for the other libraries.

Zahra Ghasemi Aghbolaghi, Fereydoon Azadeh, Fatemeh Sheikhshoaei,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (Jun & Jul 2018)

Background and Aim: In the field of scientometrics, little attention has been paid to stem cells. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to draw a Scientific Map of stem cells area (co-word analysis) based on the papers indexed in Web of Science database in selected countries during the years 2011-2013.
Materials and Methods: This study is based on descriptive method, and it was conducted by scientometrics and co-word analysis technique. In this study, 34,142 articles were analyzed from Web of Science database. The search system of Web of Science is a tool for collecting data. Data analysis was done using Web of Science analysis system and CiteSpace software.
Results: Most productions in stem cells are in English and belong to America. Stem cell, cell differentiation, in vitro, gene expression, mesenchymal stem cells, embryonic stem cells and transplantation are the most frequently used words and hot topics in this field.
Conclusion: The growing trend in this area has caused different subject fields to enter stem cells areas. Considering the high frequency of embryonic stem cells in the field, it can be said that different diseases such as spinal cord problems and heart diseases can be treated using these cells.

Azam Orooji , Mostafa Langarizadeh , Maryam Aghazadeh, Mehran Kamkarhaghighi, Marjan Ghazisaiedi , Fateme Moghbeli,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (Oct & Nov 2018)

Background and Aim: Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that has the ability of analyzing complex medical data. Using artificial intelligence is common in diagnosing, treating and taking care of patients. Warfarin is one of the most commonly prescribed oral anticoagulants. Determining the exact dose of warfarin needed for patients is one of the major challenges in the health system, which has attracted the attention of researchers. The purpose of this study was to determine the exact dose of warfarin needed for patients with artificial heart valves using artificial neural networks (ANN).
Materials and Methods: A total of 9 multi-layer perceptron ANNs with different structures were constructed and evaluated based on a dataset including 846 patients who had referred to the PT clinic in Tehran Heart Center in the second half of the year 2013. Finally, the best structure of ANN for warfarin dose was investigated. All simulations including data preprocessing and neural network designing were done in MATLAB environment.
Results: The effectiveness of ANNs was evaluated in terms of classification performance using 10-fold cross-validation procedure and the results showed that the best model was a network that had 7 neurons in its hidden layer with an average absolute error of 0.1, turbulence rate of 0.33, and regression of 0.87. 
Conclusion: The achieved results reveal that ANNs are able to predict warfarin dose in Iranian patients with an artificial heart valve. Although no system can be guaranteed to achieve 100% accuracy, they can be effective in reducing medical errors.

Sonia Hajizadeh, Hamid Choobineh, Azadeh Omidkhoda, Shaban Alizadeh, Mohammad Jafar Sharifi, Zeinab Kavosh,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (Aug & Sep 2019)

Background and Aim: Recurrent pregnancy loss(RPL) is known as two or three pregnancy losses before 20th week of pregnancy. RPL accounts for 5% of abortions in women and has a devastating effect on the marital status of families. One of the reasons for RPL is hemostatic complications; thus, we studied the correlation between factor XI polymorphism and RPL in patients who referred to Helal Infertility Center(Rouyesh).
Material and Methods: In this case-control study, 144 patients with a history of miscarriages(at least two) and 150 healthy female with a minimum of one successful birth and no abortion were enrolled. DNA extraction was taken from leukocytes of whole blood. To investigate the polymorphisms, polymerase chain reaction was run, and the presence of polymorphism was analyzed using RFLP method.
Results: Regarding FXI polymorphism, TT, CT, and CC genotype frequencies were 59.7%, 36.1%, and 4.2%, respectively. In healthy control group, the TT, CT, and CC frequencies were 45.3%, 49.4%, and 5.3%, respectively.
Conclusion: TT homozygote genotype could be an RPL risk factor(p<0.05); however, in its CT heterozygote form, C allele could have a protective role against RPL.


Mahdi Isazadeh, Zahra Sadat Asadi, Mahdi Tahmasebi Gharajehmalek, Manijeh Soleimanifar,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (Apr & May 2020)

Background and Aim: Currently, electronic health(e-health) tools are known as an effective means of communication and educational tool in the field of health to manage conditions in sensitive situations. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the level of electronic health literacy of patients referring to a selected military hospital.
Materials and Methods: The present descriptive-analytical study was performed on 204 patients who referred to a selected military hospital in Tehran in 2019. Data collection tools included a demographic information questionnaire and an e-health literacy questionnaire. SPSS software was used for data analysis, and the level of significance was set at 0.05.
Results: The mean score of electronic health literacy was 29.28±5.47. The level of e-health literacy of patients with different educational backgrounds was significantly different. Also, the electronic health literacy of patients using the Internet differed significantly. Patients' e-health literacy had a significant correlation with their educational level(p=0.02, r =0.169) and using the Internet(p<0.001, r=0.328).
Conclusion: Higher education is associated with higher levels of e-health literacy, and can be improved by creating internet training areas to access health information to improve e-health literacy.

Mohamad Jebraeily, Ali Rashidi, Taher Mohitmafi, Rooghayeh Muossazadeh,
Volume 14, Issue 6 (Feb & Mar 2021)

Background and Aim: Electronic prescription systems can improve patient safety and the quality of health care services. These systems must provide the capabilities required to reduce medical errors and enhance the performance of health care providers. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the capabilities of the e-prescription system from the perspective of physicians in the polyclinics of the Social Security Organization (SSO) of Urmia.
Materials and Methods: The present study is a descriptive cross-sectional study that was conducted in 2020. The study population consisted of 82 physicians working in 3 polyclinics of the SSO in Urmia, which was determined by census. The instrument used in this study is a self-designed questionnaire that the validity of it was determined based on the opinions of experts and its reliability was evaluated by Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Data analysis was performed using SPSS software.
Results: The results showed that in the section of documentation and access to information, the highest score was related to the possibility of drug prescribe (4.58), request for examination and radiology (4.44). In terms of decision support capabilities, the highest score for providing alerts related to drug interactions (4.18) and controlling the amount of medication prescribed for chronic patients (3.83) and also in the field of technical capabilities, the highest score related to easy to use (3.87) and fit of user interface (3.66).
Conclusion: The e-prescription system under survey has gained fewer score in some capabilities, such as access to pharmaceutical information based on reliable sources, advice to treatment options based on original diagnosis and the customized system. Therefore the system developer should be improved capabilities of it through communicating properly with users and understanding their real needs.

Roghayeh Gandomkar, Azim Mirzazadeh, Amin Hoseini Shavoun,
Volume 16, Issue 5 (Dec 2022)

Background and Aim: Evaluation of hospital environments with reliable and valid tools is considered to be one of the essential prerequisites for continuous improvement of the hospital learning environment. The present study aimed to translate and evaluate psychometric properties of the short version of the PHEEM questionnaire among the residents of Tehran University of Medical Sciences residents. 
Materials and Methods: This was a psychometric evaluation study. After translation and back translation, the questionnaire was provided to 18 experts. The content validity was qualitatively checked using the coefficients of content validity ratio (CVR), content validity index (CVI), and face validity. Then, the revised questionnaire was distributed among 20 residents. Face validity was evaluated by qualitative method and cognitive interview to check the questionnaire items in terms of difficulty level, appropriateness, and ambiguity. The test-retest method checked initial reliability by redistributing the questionnaire to the same residents with an interval of two weeks. In order to determine construct validity, the modified questionnaire was distributed among 548 medical residents from 24 specialized fields. The sample was selected using the convenience sampling method. Then the data were analyzed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Internal consistency was calculated using Cronbach’s alpha.
Results: The questionnaire’s content validity ratio (CVR) and content validity index (CVI) were 0.93 and 0.88, respectively. Based on the results of face validity, some minor changes were made to the vocabulary of most items, and item 12 was wholly changed. The ICC coefficient was more than 0.90 in all dimensions. In the exploratory factor analysis using the principal component method (PCA), the Kaiser-Meyer-Elkin value was 0.83. Bartlett’s test of sphericity was statistically significant (P<0.001), which confirms the functionality of the correlation matrix. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of the questionnaire was 0.83, which indicates the internal consistency of the questionnaire items. 
Conclusions: According to the results, the PHEEM short-version questionnaire has good reliability and validity (face, content, and structure) among medical residents. Therefore, this measure can be used to evaluate residents’ perceptions regarding the quality of the educational environment of hospitals.  


Majid Babaei, Shila Hasanzadeh, Sadeq Rezaei, Davoud Alirezazadeh Sadaghiani, Mohammadreza Sheikhy-Chaman,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (5-2023)

Background and Aim: As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the global and Iranian economies have been affected in various ways. The tax sector seems to have reacted relatively quickly to this pandemic. This study examined the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on tax revenues in West Azerbaijan Province.
Materials and Methods: This descriptive-analytic and cross-sectional study was conducted in the second half of 2021. Primary data for 17 cities of West Azerbaijan Province were provided by the General Administration of Tax Affairs of this province in the form of 9 variables in Excel Format. The data were related to 2019 (Before the COVID-19 pandemic) and 2020 (After the COVID-19 pandemic). The data were analyzed by SPSS using descriptive statistics (Frequency, Percentage, Median, Interquartile range) and analytical statistics (Wilcoxon signed rank test) at a 5% significance level.
Results: Based on the descriptive results, the COVID-19 pandemic caused an increase in the tax revenues of West Azerbaijan province in the fields of government employees’ salary tax, stock transfer tax, inheritance tax and stamp duty tax and a decrease in these revenues in the areas of private employee’s salary tax, income tax on legal entities, business income tax, property transfer tax and value-added tax. Based on the analytical results, the impact of this pandemic on the private employee’s salary tax (P=0.003), income tax on legal entities (P=0.019), business income tax (P=0.013), property transfer tax (P=0.015) and value-added tax (P=0.001) was found to be negative and significant. Furthermore, the effect on stock transfer tax (P=0.030) and inheritance tax (P=0.001) was positive and significant. On the other hand, the impact of this pandemic on government employees’ salary tax (P=0.287) and stamp duty tax (P=0.356) was not statistically significant.
Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic hurt most of the tax revenue sectors. To compensate for the decreased income in vulnerable sectors, the government must develop international trade with comprehensive support from the non-governmental sector while creating new tax lines. Also, stabilizing the financing cycle and designing mechanisms to prevent tax evasion, especially in high-paying jobs, can be fruitful.

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