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:: Volume 21, Issue 4 (19 2012) ::
aud 2012, 21(4): 84-93 Back to browse issues page
Validity and reliability of oral picture-naming test in aphasic adults
Behnoosh Tahanzadeh1 , Zahra Soleymani * 1, Seyyedeh Maryam Khoddami1 , Azar Mehri1 , Shohre Jalaie2
1- Department of Speech therapy, School of Rehabilitation, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
2- Department of Statistics, School of Rehabilitation, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Abstract:   (11333 Views)

Background and Aim: One of the common problems in many types of aphasia syndromes is word retrieval and/or production difficulty. So, designing a valid test that can examine this problem based on related processes and influencing factors is important. Picture confrontation naming is a typical method for assessing and treatment of word retrieval impairments. The aim of this study was determining the validity and reliability of oral picture-naming test in assessing word retrieval ability of aphasic adults.
Methods: Content and face validity of the test, that contains the line drawings of 115 Persian nouns, were assessed by speech therapists, graphists and painters. Then, the test was administered on 10 aphasics and 30 age-, gender- and education-matched normal subjects in two steps. Construct validity and internal consistency of test were investigated. External consistency was analyzed by test-retest method.
Results: The content and face validity of all items were more than 90 and 85 percents, respectively. There was a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of patients and normal subjects (p<0.001). The internal consistency of 0.98 was determined for the test. The intra-class correlation coefficient of this test was 0.98.
Conclusions: The oral picture-naming test had good content, face and construct validity. Also, internal and external consistencies were high. So, this test is a valid instrument for assessing naming ability of aphasic patients by a variety and big set of picture.

Keywords: Oral picture-naming test, word retrieval, aphasia, validation
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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2011/11/25 | Accepted: 2012/07/30 | Published: 2013/10/15
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Volume 21, Issue 4 (19 2012) Back to browse issues page
شنوایی شناسی - دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران Bimonthly Audiology - Tehran University of Medical Sciences
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