The Comparison of Voice Onset Time (VOT) of Stutterers and Nonstutterers
Eiraj Frotan * |
Abstract: (8565 Views) |
Timing of speech activities are under fine control of an adult, so that time intervals between the phonemes in spectra of phonemes are less than l0ms.In stutterers temporal features of speech such as VOT (time interval between the release of the burst of consonant and onset of vocal vibration) are not under careful control of them, so causing symptoms of nonfluency.In this cross-sectional analytical- descriptive survey VOTs of stutterers (30M. 7F) in first & third syllables of 18 words, which started with /PTK/ & /bdg/ consonants are measured.Statistics tests and t-test, repeated measures, multiple range tests and coefficient regression.Findings:1- Mean VOTs of first and third syllables of stutterers in comparison with first and third syllables of nonstutterers are significant (VOTs of stutterers are longer than nonstutterers) (P<.05).2- Mean VOTs of first syllable in comparison with third syllable in stutterers and nonstutterers are significant (VOTs of first /cv/ syllables are longer than third /cv/ syllables) (P<.05).3- There is a significant difference between VOTs of consonants in adjacency of different vowels (P |
Keywords: phonemes, time intervals, stuttering |
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Type of Study: Research |
Published: 2013/08/27
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