1- Department of Audiology, School of Rehabilitation, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Abstract: (21876 Views)
Background and Aim: Cervicogenic dizziness is induced by a specific neck position and the earth’s gravity has no effect on provoking of it. The precise incidence of cervicogenic dizziness is not certain but, 20-58% of patients following sudden head injuries experience its symptoms . In this article, the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of cervicogenic vertigo is discussed.
Methods: At first, articles of cervicogenic dizziness from electronic databases of Google scholar , PubMed, Scopus, Ovid and CINAHL were searched from 1987 up to 2012. Then, the articles in them vertigo, disequilibrium or nystagmus were consistent with neck disorders were searched.
Conclusion: Articles with title of cervicogenic vertigo (cervical vertigo) were limited. Clinical researches about cervicogenic vertigo up to now implicate on several points all signify that we cannot diagnose it certainly and there is not any specific single test for that. Recently, smooth pursuit neck torsion test (SPNTT) has introduced for diagnosis of cervicogenic vertigo that is not valid yet. There is no protocol for diagnosis of cervicogenic vertigo and diagnosis is often based on limited clinical experiences of clinicians. Physiotherapy, medication and manual therapies are options for treatment but there is no distinct and effective treatment for it and in just one article, a combination of treatments for cervicogenic vertigo as a protocol has recommended.
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