1- Department of Psychology, Payame Noor University-Center of Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (13008 Views)
Background and Aim: Stress is associated with life satisfaction and also development of some physical diseases. Birth of a disabled child with mental or physical disability (especially deaf or blind children), impose an enormous load of stress on their parents especially the mothers. This study compared stress levels of mothers with hearing impaired children and mothers of normal children or with other disabilities. Methods: In this study, cluster random sampling was performed in Karaj city. 120 mothers in four groups of having a child with mental retardation, low vision, hearing impairment and with normal children were included. Family inventory of life events (FILE) of Mc Cubbin et al. was used to determine stress level in four groups of mothers. Results: The results of this research indicated a significant difference (p<0.05) between stress levels of mothers with hearing impaired children and mothers of other disabled and normal children in subscales of intra-family stress, finance and business strains, stress of job transitions, stress of illness and family care and family members "in and out&apos&apos. There was no difference between compared groups in other subscales. Conclusion: Since deafness is a hidden inability, the child with hearing impairment has a set of social and educational problems causing great stress for parents, especially to mother. In order to decrease mother&aposs stress, it is suggested to provide more family consultation, adequate social support and to run educational classes for parents to practice stress coping strategies.
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