Abstract: (12337 Views)
In an international project in 1987, the world health organization (WHO), UNICEF, UNFPA and the world bank suggested the maternal safety program and the following objectives were considered:1. Reducing maternal mortality from 1990 to 2000 to the half of thepresent rate throughout the prenatal care2. Availability of the whole pregnant women to the prenatal care,qualified personnel during the delivery and required facilities fortransferring women in high risk pregnancies and midwifery emergencies.3. Availability of appropriate services and information to prevent low ageand high age pregnancies ,short interval pregnancies and multiparous.Since 1987, an international cooperation has been established to support the maternal safety program.Relating to this program, essential changes in the structure of the health services system, in laws and policies and also in training programs of medical doctors ,midwives and other related professions have been made.The international confederation of midwifery (ICM), a professional organization of midwifery, and also midwifery societies in the developed countries are the most active organizations involved in providing maternal safety program. Some researches relating to this program was performed in some undeveloped and developing countries such as Africa, Asia and latin America. Some confernces and congresses were also held.Researchers have indicated that traditional midwifery can not be successed in reducing the rate of maternal mortality unless be supervised by qualified midwives.Since in our country and some other developing countries, the rate of maternal mortality and morbidity is high, therefore the maternal safety program should be perfectly performed and midwives should do their best in applying this program.WHO declared midwives are responsible for the maternal safety program performance, and they will be supported by WHO in different ways, WHO also announced the year 1998 as the maternal safety year.Thus, as midwives, we should recognize our essential role in this program and in other national and international reproductive health programs.
Type of Study:
Research |
Nursing Care Published: 2013/08/7 | ePublished: 2013/08/7