Showing 2 results for Afsharzadeh
M Mirsadraei, N Baroogh, M Mahmoodi, P Afsharzadeh,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (11 2000)
This research is a descriptive study which had been preformed to identity theknowledge , Attitude and practice of the health Workers of south area inTehran and Quom about prevention of malaria disease in 1995. the sampleswere consist of 50 health workers, who had been selected by a class samplingmethod from a targer population .
The data collection instruments were a questionnair and a check list.The questionnair had four separate sections as follow :l)The demographic with 8 questions2) The knowledge with 20 multiple choice questions3)The attitude section with likert type questions4) The evaluative Section of practice with 8 questions in order to analysis the data, it was used discriptive and deductive type of statistics.The information has been summerized in 17 tables and 11 graphs .The results Showed that: most of the subjects have had moderate knowledgeand practice about the prevention of malaria. a negative attitude showd thatthere is also asignificantrelationshipamongknowledge and practice withhaving affected patients also there is no significant relationship betweendemographic data and their attitudes Analysis of the data , it indicated a
significant relation ship between knowldge and attiluds knowledge practice,also attitude and practice of health workers.At the end application of the results, findings and the suggestion, were madefor the future resercher,
G.f Ameri, F Govari, T Nazari, M Rashidinejad, P Afsharzadeh,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (8 2002)
The adult age occurs when somebody reaches 65 years of age. It consists of gradually destruction of the structure and organism of the body during a long period. It leads to transformation of structure and process of different organs, such as: turning the hair white, hair falling, skin wrinkling, visual and hearing reducing, back curving, muscle power reducing, memory and perception disordering and reducing in capacity and function of pulmonary and cardiovascular systems.Theories presented in the field of the adult age consisting of: A) biological theories classified by three groups: 1. Immunity theory 2. Cellular aging theory 3. Free radical theory B) psychological theories Qsociological theories that are classified by four groups: 1. Theory of non-commitment 2. Activity theory 3. Continuity theory 4. Interaction theoryEach of the above theories provides justifications regarding the aging process and it is of importance to be aware of those theories in order to establish an information network for practically determinations regarding the adult age.