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Showing 1 results for Dehghannezhad

Hadi Hassankhani, Javad Dehghannezhad, Azad Rahmani, Mansour Ghafourifard, Fariba Valizadeh,
Volume 28, Issue 4 (1-2023)

Background & Aim: Cancer is a disease that affects the quality of life of the patient, and palliative care is a solution that can improve it. However, home palliative care program has not developed in most countries of the world. The aim of this study is to improve a home palliative care program for cancer patients.
Methods & Materials: This research is an action research study that was conducted through quantitative and qualitative approaches in Tabriz over 2018-2020. Eighteen home care nurses were selected for interviews using purposive sampling in order to identify the care needs of cancer patients and the barriers to palliative care at home. In addition, a questionnaire to determine the attitude and knowledge was distributed among 60 home care nurses before and after the action stage. The qualitative data were analyzed using conventional content analysis method, and the SPSS software version 14 was used to analyze the quantitative data.
Results: The care needs of cancer patients were determined in five categories and barriers to palliative care in three categories. Cancer patients have physical, psychological, educational, financial and spiritual needs, and barriers to palliative care include poor instruction, families' desperation, and unprofessional caregivers. In the quantitative phase, nurses had average knowledge and negative attitude towards palliative care. Training through virtual space improved the knowledge and attitude of nurses, and the paired t-test showed that the mean score of nurses' knowledge after the action stage was significant.
Conclusion: according to the findings, to improve palliative care at home, the physical, psychological, educational, financial and spiritual needs of cancer patients should be considered. Removing barriers to palliative care including developing guidelines, supporting the families of cancer patients and training special nurses for palliative care at home can improve care in these patients.


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