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Showing 3 results for Eftekhar

N Mamishi , F Behroozishad , Ma Mohagheghi , Z Eftekhar , Z Shahabi ,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (5 2006)

Background & Aim: Knowledge of nursing is necessary for caring people suffering from pain. Regarding pain management and nursing role in order to put into practice exact pain management and availing comfort, possessing knowledge and positive attitude toward nursing care in this population have an important role.

Methods & Materials: This descriptive (cross- sectional study) determines cancer nurses knowledge and attitudes regarding pain management in hospitalized patients in related wards in Tehran University of medical sciences. Total of 113 nurses (from 132 questionnaires were sent, 113 of them were completed) who work in cancer wards in Tehran University of medical science hospitals were selected by convenience sampling (accidental sampling). For data gathering, questionnaires were used. Statistical analysis was performed using 2 test, t-test and Pearson correlation coefficient. To compare results and for describing the results, descriptive analysis were used. Results:

Results indicates that knowledge and attitude of samples is in a high school (level of knowledge 76% and level of attitude 86.6%). The correlation between knowledge and attitudes is (R=0.350), (p=0.000) that means there is a direct relation between nurses knowledge and attitudes and by increasing one of them، the other will increase.

Conclusion: Some of features like level of education, taking part in continuing education, working in chemotherapy and radiotherapy ward, operating room and facing to cancer patients, influence on nurses knowledge and attitudes.

F Mirzaaghaee , Z Moinfar , S Eftekhari , M Karimi Khezri , M Mazidi , M Aliramezani , M Sedaghat ,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (6 2006)

Background & Aim: Osteoporosis is a metabolic disease which is the result of gradual destruction of bone mass and its most serious and frequent complication is hip fracture. Because adolescent females are the high risk group of affecting this disease, the purpose of this study was to assay female students’ knowledge’s about osteoporosis and its risk factors.

Methods & Materials: A cross-sectional study with a 31-item questionnaire was used in this research. A convenience sample of 1000 adolescents in grade 1-3 who attended at 6 high schools participated in this study. Using SPSS software, the data were analyzed by chi2 and T tests.

Results: According to 22 questions about knowledge, sufficient knowledge of students was estimated 40.8%. Among 10 factors related to the family, only correlation between father occupation and knowledge was significant statically (p=0.049). Knowledge was higher in independent- medicine versus dependent medicine occupations.

Conclusion: Overall, the knowledge of these assayed female students about this disease and its risk factors including sex, race, smoking, sun exposure, exercise, calcium- rich foods and menopause and its complications was limited.

R Seyed Emami, H Eftekhar Ardebili, B Golestan,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (8 2011)

Background & Objective: Regular and adequate physical activity is a major factor in maintaining good health throughout entire life course. Levels of inactivity are high in all countries. Effective educational interventions are needed to promote physical activity in all populations. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of a heath education intervention on physical activity knowledge, attitude, and behavior in health volunteers of Tehran in 2008.

Methods & Materials: All active female health volunteers of Tehran, district 14 (n=100) were recruited for this experimental study. Data were gathered using a questionnaire of knowledge, attitude, and behavior regarding physical activity. The questionnaire was completed by all participants in two phases of pre- and post-intervention (four weeks after the intervention). Health education intervention strategies were presented to the intervention group during three educational sessions with one week interval between the sessions. Data were analyzed using related statistical tests.

Results: Findings showed significant statistical differences in knowledge, total physical activity rate per week, and the mean sitting time per day between the control and intervention groups after the intervention (P<0.05). While, these variables were not significantly different before the educational intervention among both groups.

Conclusion: The health education intervention presented in this study was effective in promoting knowledge, total physical activity rate per week, and mean sitting time per day among the female health volunteers.

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