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Showing 3 results for Ghafourifard

M Ghafourifard, M Rafieian, N Shahgholian, M Mortazavi,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (26 2010)

Background & Aim: Intradialytic hypotension is the most frequent complication in patients receiving haemodialysis (HD). This complication not only contributes to the illness of the patients, but also decreases the efficacy of the HD. So, hypotension prevention is a major challenge for medical team, especially for nurses. One of the preventive methods that have recently been presented is the use of sodium profile and ultra filtration (UF) profile. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of linear sodium + UF profile (type1) with stepwise sodium + UF profile (type3) on systolic and diastolic blood pressure in HD patients.

Methods & Materials: In this crossover design study, 26 HD patients from two dialysis centers at Esfahan University underwent three kinds of treatment: (1) control, constant dialysate sodium concentration of 138 mmol/L with constant UF (2) linear sodium profile + UF profile (type1), a linearly decreasing dialysate sodium concentration (146-138mmol/L) in combination with a linearly decreasing UF rate and (3) stepwise sodium profile + UF profile (type2), a stepwise decreasing dialysate sodium concentration (146-138 mmol/L) in combination with a stepwise decreasing UF rate. Each treatment was applied in three dialysis sessions. Data were analyzed using repeated measure ANOVA test in the SPSS.

Results: Twenty six patients participated in the study. A total of 234 dialysis sessions were analyzed. There were no significant differences in the systolic blood pressure between three groups during predialysis and first and the second hours (P>0.05). The mean of systolic blood pressures were higher in the third hour and postdialysis during two types of profiles (1&3) compared with the routine care group (P<0.05). The mean of diastolic blood pressure was also higher in postdialysis during two types of profiles (1&3) compared with the routine group (P<0.05). There was no significant difference between the profiles 1and 3 (P>0.05).

Conclusion: In conclusion, sodium profile + UF profile is a simple and cost-effective method that modulate the dialysate sodium and ultra filtration rate and preserve the homodynamic status and blood pressure of patients during dialysis. Therefore, using sodium profile + UF profile (type1 & type3) is recommended in order to prevent hypotension and reduce nursing work during hemodialysis process.


Vahid Zamanzadeh, Leila Valizadeh, Azad Rahmani, Mansour Ghafourifard,
Volume 22, Issue 4 (1-2017)

Background & Aim: Although compassionate care is recognized as a core component of nursing care, there is not still a precise definition about this complex and challenging concept. This study aimed to analyze the concept of compassionate care in nursing using a hybrid model.

Methods & Materials: A three-phase hybrid model (theoretical, field work, and final analysis) was used in this study. In the theoretical phase, the concept of compassionate care was searched in main databases from 2000 to 2016. In the field work phase, in-depth, face to face interviews were done with 11 nurses. The content analysis method was used to analyze the data. Final analysis was done in the last phase.

Results: The results of the final analysis showed that compassionate care is a process in which nurses interactively communicate with patients, try to explore patients’ concerns by putting themselves in their positions and understanding their situations, and do their utmost to eliminate these concerns.

Conclusion: According to this concept analysis, the constructive interaction between nurse and patient is one of the most important features of compassionate care that has not been mentioned in previous definitions. Also in this study, the nurses emphasized that they did their best to resolve the patients’ concerns. Therefore, the current study could be the basis for future studies in the area of compassionate care.

Hadi Hassankhani, Javad Dehghannezhad, Azad Rahmani, Mansour Ghafourifard, Fariba Valizadeh,
Volume 28, Issue 4 (1-2023)

Background & Aim: Cancer is a disease that affects the quality of life of the patient, and palliative care is a solution that can improve it. However, home palliative care program has not developed in most countries of the world. The aim of this study is to improve a home palliative care program for cancer patients.
Methods & Materials: This research is an action research study that was conducted through quantitative and qualitative approaches in Tabriz over 2018-2020. Eighteen home care nurses were selected for interviews using purposive sampling in order to identify the care needs of cancer patients and the barriers to palliative care at home. In addition, a questionnaire to determine the attitude and knowledge was distributed among 60 home care nurses before and after the action stage. The qualitative data were analyzed using conventional content analysis method, and the SPSS software version 14 was used to analyze the quantitative data.
Results: The care needs of cancer patients were determined in five categories and barriers to palliative care in three categories. Cancer patients have physical, psychological, educational, financial and spiritual needs, and barriers to palliative care include poor instruction, families' desperation, and unprofessional caregivers. In the quantitative phase, nurses had average knowledge and negative attitude towards palliative care. Training through virtual space improved the knowledge and attitude of nurses, and the paired t-test showed that the mean score of nurses' knowledge after the action stage was significant.
Conclusion: according to the findings, to improve palliative care at home, the physical, psychological, educational, financial and spiritual needs of cancer patients should be considered. Removing barriers to palliative care including developing guidelines, supporting the families of cancer patients and training special nurses for palliative care at home can improve care in these patients.


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