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Showing 3 results for Haj Amiry

F Rasooli, P Haj Amiry, M Mahmoodi, S Abdoli,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (10 2002)

This research is a descriptive - analytic study which has been conducted in order to assess the application for prevention of osteoporosis, on menopausal women referred to the health care centers of Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 2001.The research subjects were composed of 336 menopausal women who had been selected by two-stage sampling.The results of the research showed only 4.8% of research subject had adequate calcium intake.Also 5.1% of research subjects have been treated by hormonal drugs, 7.7% of research subjects have taken non hormonal drugs adequately, and (78/3%) had no physical activity.Also the results showed, the application of preventive agents for osteoporosis was influenced by the variables such as: age menopausal characteristic, educational level, marietal status, family income, history of bone fracture, family history of osteoporosis, having employed relatives engaged in medical group, also receiving and having preventive information.
F Rasooli, P Haj Amiry, M Mahmoudi, M Shohani,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (6 2004)

Introduction: Menopause, the permanent cessation of menstruation, is an important event in the long process of climactrium, signaling a change from the years of fertility to infertility. Postmenopausal women have many physical and mental problems.

Materials and Methods: The objective of this study was to determine the mental problems of menopausal women referred to the health care centers of Ilam University of Medical Sciences in 2003. The research tools in this analytical-descriptive study were a questionnaire, record sheet and standard tests composed of Beck and Cattle scales. The data were collected by interview. The samples consisted of 150 menopausal women who had been selected by random sampling method. The data analysis was done by SPSS software.

Results: The results showed that short-term memory disorder (39.3%), mild depression (32%) and mild anxiety (27.7%) were the most common mental problems. There was a significant relationship between depression and marital status (p=0.029) and having knowledge about menopause (p = 0.04). Anxiety had no relationship with any variables (p>0.05) but there was an association between depression and anxiety (p = 0.002).

Conclusion: The findings show that the menopausal women suffer from mental problems, which influence their quality of life and community health. Thus, planning educational and health care programs to help them overcome these obstacles is essential.

M Shaban, P Haj Amiry, A Mehran, S Kahrary,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (6 2004)

Introduction: Massage of the limbs is a safe procedure that could have therapeutic effects and cause physical and psychological relaxation of patients in intensive care unit (ICU).

Materials and Methods: This survey is a quaziexperimental study that assessas immediate effects of foot massage on patient’s vital signs in a general ICU. After a pilot study, a sample size of 50 patients was chosen. A questionnaire about demographic data and a 3-table checklist for recording vital signs (heart rate, peripheral O2 saturation and mean arterial pressure) was used. The data gathered by interview and physiologic measurement. For every patient, vital signs were recorded every 1 minute interval for 5 minutes (after completing the demographic data). Then foot massage was applied for five minutes and during the massage patients’ vital signs recorded every minute. Immediately the patients’ vital sings were recorded every minute for five minutes. The mean of each parameter was calculated and compared the values at baseline, during massage, and after massage.

Results: The findings showed that there was a significant difference between mean heart rate, mean arterial pressure and mean spO2 before and during foot massage (p<0.0001). Difference between mean heart rate, mean spO2 and mean arterial pressure during and after foot massage was not significant but, deference of mean heart rate and mean arterial pressure before and after massage was significant (p< 0.0001). Difference of mean spO2 before and after massage was also significant (p<0.003).

Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, foot massage has a potential beneficial effect on patients vital signs and last at least for 5 minutes. This effect could be due to increasing relaxation which moderates the changes of vital signs, caused by stress.

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