Showing 18 results for Miri
F Rasouli, P Haj Amiri, M Mahmoodi, N Rasool Zadeh,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (11 2000)
This is a quasi - experimental study, made with the objective of a comparsion between the impacts of two methods of training in characteristic signs ,symptoms and risky factors of increased intracranial pressure in head injury patients upon the cognitive domain of a number of nurses serving at some selected hospitals of Tehran Medical Sciences University in 1375 . The samples were made of 74 male and female nurses from CCUs and / orsurgery wards , who were divided randomly into two groups of 35 and 39 nurses respectively . The training approach concerning the former group was made through lectures, while that of the latter used computers .The data collection tool was a questionnarie consisting of two parts . The first part dealt with individual demographies and the second part included 40 questions . 25 of which were multiple choice and the remaining 15 were matching questions about the characteristic signs, symptoms and risky factors of increased intracranial pressure . The questionnaries werefdled in by the samples in two pre - test and post - test stages , while the researcher was present. The collected data were organized into 24 tables and are analized throughdescriptive and inferential statistic methods . Absolute , relative and mean indicatots , mean standard deflation , mean variation, standard deriation of mean variation , as well as McNemar, paired and student tests were used for the analysis.
The findings demonstrate that the number of those filling in the questionnaries increased following the application of lecture and computerized training methods..The statistic results of the paired test in relation with the lecture method ( t~12.312 , of - 34 ) show a meaningful difference in comparison with the computerized method ( t=q.528 , of- 35) atp< 0.01 level. The results of thestudent test, however, did not reveal a significant statistic difference when the impacts of the two approaches are compared. The study results, also make it clear that in lecture approach , the mean variation of the grades given to the cognitive domain shows a significant increase in terms of all the variables excluding those of : not obtaining information during education , in - service training courses , and other cases and records of serving at CCUs or neurology surgery wards for more than 48 months. At the conclusion , the applications of the results of this study are mentioned, and suggestions are made - on the basis of the findings here - to bring the findings and results of the study to Completion and also to make further studies.
P Hajamiri, Z Monjamed, F Tabari, N Bahrani,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (11 2000)
This research is a descriptive- analytic study which has been conducted inorder to determine the degree of tuberculous patients knowledge of their tubereulosis disease and its relation to therapeutic regimen in Tehran TB control centers.In this research , 120 tuberculous patients calling on tuberculosis control centers in Tehran andbeing under drug therdpyfor about 2-9 months were selected as subjects in this research . sampling hasbeeneasyaswellashaphazardlydatawasgatheredthroughaquestionnaire. the questionnaire used in this research includes 3 section . After gathering the data, descriptive and deductive statistics used in order to analyse the data more over, chi-square and fisher Exact Test used to study the relation between the knowledge variables and therapeutic regimen in accordance with demographic characteristics and chouporof coefficient used to determine correlation intensity.Research results concerning units under investigation showed that the majority on insufficient knowledge of their disease which the minority (%18) had a sufficient knowledge, the majority (%62) had a proper drug therapy while the minority (%1) did not the majority (%72) did not Take a efficient diet while the minority (%2) took a proper diet, the majority (%58) medium personal Health care while the minority (%15) folllowed a good personal health care, and generally the majority (%47) had a medium therapeutic regimen while the minority (%11) did not have sufficientRegarding the relation between the degree of knowledge and thrapeutic therapy which was the main objective in this research,the result ofperson,s correlation coefficient (z= 7.88, r-o.62 jshowed a direct correlation in such a manner that the degree of knowledge will increase with quality of therapeutic regimen.
M Mirian,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (10 2002)
The term: SID syndrome applies to sudden and unexpected death of the infant for which no diagnostic fetal factor has been found. It is also applied to sudden death of a less than one year old baby, the cause is not recognizable after complete post mortem study, and review of disease records.
Such a death will be a very bitter and sorrowful experience for the family, therefor the nurses are bound to support the family both mentally and spiritually.
Z.b Aghamiri , M Vigeh , R Latifnezhead , S Nabavi ,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (5 2006)
Background & Aim: Primary dysmenorrhea is highly prevalanet and causes much work loss and discomfort. Regard to critical role of women in family and society it is necessitate that to betaken proper investment for improving their mental and physical health.
Methods & Materials: In this study 100 student suffer from primary dysmenorrhea were selected by targeted sampling and take their in two equal groups, case (acupressure group) and control (sham group) randomly. Initially in addition to personal identity, we recorded their history of menstruation, physical activity, vital signs, menstrual pain intensity. Treatment was given during two consecutive menstrual cycles coincident with pain and bleeding by acupressure in case group, and pressure in control group in two time of 15 minutes and 30 minutes interval during 6 hours after onset of dysmenorrhea in each cycle. In case group the treatment was given on lumbar, abdomine, foreleg and ear points, and in control group on placebo points by single blind method. Pain rating was done with use of V.A.S (Visual Analgesic Scale) in 30 min, 1 hr, 2hr and 3hr interval after treatment.
Results: The results showed that mean pain scores before (8.21.6) and after (2.61.3) in case group have significant difference. Also there is significant difference between mean pain score before and after treatment in case and control groups (p<0.001).
Conclusion: This study showed that acupressure at specific points in lumbar, abdominal, ear reduce the pan intensity and psychic and mental due to primary dymenorrhea. Therefore acupressure could be used as a non-medicament, inexpensive and safe method in decrease of pain of dysmenorrhea in girl and women.
Lida Nikfarid, Mahrokh Amiri, Maryam Shakori, Arash Ghanbarian,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (11 2008)
Background & Aim: Pulse Oximeter monitoring technology has become so common in intensive health care settings over the last decade that blood oxygen level is now considered as the fifth vital sign. However, it seems that medical and nursing staffs are not specially educated to operate with the devices. The aim of the study was to investigate the knowledge of medical assistants (residents), nurses and anesthesia technicians of pediatric intensive care units regarding Pulse Oximetery.
Methods & Materials: This is a cross-sectional study. The study population consisted of all nurses, first year to third year medical assistants, and anesthesia technicians who working in intensive care units in Pediatric Center. A questionnaire was used for data gathering that had three sections: the first section as demographic data (occupational condition, record of service in pediatric unit, having the experience of using Pulse Oximetery, having enough knowledge about Pulse Oximetery, and its educational program type) the second section (eighteen short answer questions) in order to determine the participants knowledge about Pulse Oximetery and the third section (four imaginary clinical scenarios) evaluating the participants interpretation on Pulse Oximetery reports and its changes in patients. The collected data were analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics (Fisher exact test) by SPSS v.15 and EPI6 computer softwares.
Results: The analyses showed that 77.4% of the participants did not pass any educational course regarding Pulse Oximetery, also 67.9% of them correctly identified what Pulse Oximeter measures, and 47.2% of the subjects correctly identified how a Pulse Oximeter works, and 13.2% identified its normal range, but only 26.4% had a correct understanding of the Oxhemoglobin dissociation curve and explained it completely true. It was found that the majority of the participants were wrong in their answers about Pulse Oximeter monitoring. They made mistakes in interpretation of the imaginary clinical scenarios.
Conclusion: The results of the study showed that the majority of pediatric intensive care unit staffs have little knowledge regarding Pulse Oximeter monitoring, then with attention to the vast usage of the technology the necessity of formal educational programs in colleges and retraining courses during employment about the device for health care providers is apparent.
A Azizi, F Amirian, M Amirian,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (29 2008)
Background & Aim: Youths are the most at risk group for HIV/AIDS in the world and education of the preventive measurements is the most effective way for decreasing the incidence of HIV/AIDS among them. Due to ever-increasing cases of HIV and the importance of education, we compared the effects of three educational methods (peer education, education by physician and giving pamphlets) on knowledge of female high school students&apos of Kerman shah on HIV/AIDS.
Methods & Materials: One thousand and five hundred female third grade students were recruited from 21 high schools using stratified random sampling method. An average of 73 students were selected from each school and participated in a pre-test exam using a questionnaire. Of 1500 students, 498 and 502 students were taught by general practitioners and peers, respectively. Pamphlets were presented to 500 other students. Twenty days after the educational intervention, the participants were contributed in a post-test exam using the very questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics via SPSS version 11.5.
Results: The students&apos mean age was 16.78 (SD=0.7). The mean scores of pretests and post-tests in all 3 groups were significantly different (P<0.001). The mean score for the group taught by general practitioners (10.7±3.6) was higher than the scores of other two group scores (8.8±3.4 and 7.3±3.9, respectively for peer education and pamphlet groups) after the interventions. Bonferroni statistical test showed the significant difference (P<0.001).
Conclusion: Education presented by general practitioners seems to be more effective than the other two ways in increasing students&apos knowledge about HIV/AIDS.
A Azizi, F Amirian, M Amirian,
Volume 17, Issue 1 (4 2011)
Background & Aim: Considering the importance and high prevalence of hepatitis C among substance abusers, especially injection drug users, this study aimed to determine the prevalence and risk factors of Hepatitis C in self-introduced substance abusers in Farabi Addiction Hospital in Kermanshah in 2007.
Methods & Materials: A total of 263 drug addicts&apos medical files were assessed during the study. Data (individual characteristics and results of serological tests) were gathered through the files. Data were analyzed by measuring frequency of correlation between the variables (Chi square test and logistic regression).
Results: The mean age was 31.82±9.18 years mean duration of drug abuse was 121.7±29.1 months for prisoners. From 263 individuals in the study, 22.1% were infected with HCV. The most common ways of substance use were injection (33.1%), and fumigation (32.3%). There was no history of imprisonment in 74.9% of individuals and 52.9% had no history of drug injection. There was a history of physical or mental disorder in 25.5% of individuals. The Chi square statistical test showed significant relationship between HCV infection and substance abuse, and the way of consumption and the t-test showed significant relationship with average daily consumption frequency. The highest relative risk ratio was for positive history of physical or mental illness (OR=8.33), and positive history of imprisonment (OR=5.94). Having multiple sexual partners increased the risk of being infected with the HCV (OR=2.92).
Conclusion: The risk of HCV infection was independently increased with having a history of imprisonment, having multiple sexual partners, presence of physical or mental illnesses, and consumption methods in substance abusers.
Leila Amiri Farahani, Tooba Heidari, Fereshteh Narenji, Mohammad Asghari Jafarabadi, Vahideh Shirazi,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (24 2012)
Background & Aim: Several factors have been reported to be influential in development of the premenstrual syndrome. There are no studies available on relationship between premenstrual syndrome with body mass index in Iran. This study aimed to determine this relationship among university students.
Methods & Materials: This was a cross-sectional study conducted on a random sample of 500 students living in the dorms of Arak University of Medical Sciences. The participants had not stress, anxiety and severe depression on the basis of the DASS21. Data were gathered using Social Status Questionnaire, including demographic, menstrual status, reproductive and eating habits and body mass index measurement items. The participants completed the abbreviated form of premenstrual syndrome evaluation within seven days of bleeding up to two days after onset of bleeding for one cycle. Using logistic regression analysis, the association was assessed by adjusting for confounding variables.
Results: A majority of the students had normal BMI (<25) (90.8%). The results showed that the risk of premenstrual syndrome in the participants with high BMI was 2.43 times more than the participants with normal BMI (OR=2.43 CI=8.33-1.66).
Conclusion: High BMI increased the risk of premenstrual syndrome. Interventions to decrease the BMI should be designed and implemented in overweight and obese patients with premenstrual syndrome.
Khodayar Oshvandi, Khodadad Keshmiri, Mohsen Salavati, Zahra Emkanjoo, Saeid Musavi,
Volume 19, Issue 3 (12-2013)
Background & Aim: Several studies have shown that the self-care activity of patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillator is inadequate. This study was conducted to assess the effect of an educational program based on the Orem’s self-care model in self-care ability of the patients .
Methods & Materials: This clinical trial was conducted among 66 patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillator. Four educational sessions were held based on the patient's needs and Orem’s self-care model. Data was collected using a self-report questionnaire at baseline and one month after the intervention. Data were analyzed using statistical tests (x2, t-test, paired t-test) in the SPSS-18 .
Results: There were no significant differences in the self-care awareness, tendency to self-care, self-care skills, and self-care ability between the control and intervention groups. After the intervention, the self-care awareness score remained 22.06 ± 3.26 in the control group and increased (28.69 ± 1.51) in the intervention group (P<0.000). There was also significant difference in the tendency to self-care between the control (25 ± 3.31) and intervention (28.9 ± 1.33) groups (P<0.000). The self-care skills differed significantly between the control (14.9±3.06) and intervention (29.03±1.15) groups after the intervention (P<0.000). After the intervention, the self-care ability was also significantly different among the control (61.96±8.06) and intervention (86.63±2.93) groups (P<0.000) .
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that implementing educational programs based on the Orem’s self-care model can improve self-care ability in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillator. Applying this method is recommended in nursing interventions to promote health status of the patients .
Arezoo Karimi, Salman Daliri, Koroush Sayeh Miri,
Volume 22, Issue 3 (10-2016)
Background & Aim: Violence during pregnancy affects both mother and fetus. This study was performed to investigate the relationship between physical, sexual and psychological violence during pregnancy and low birth weight in the world as a meta-analysis.
Methods & Materials: This study is a meta-analysis that was performed on articles published in Persian and English languages from the beginning of 1995 to the end of 2015. Articles were extracted by searching in the databases of Scopus, Medline, EMBASE, Pubmed, Web of Science, Google scholar, Science Direct, Irandoc, Magiran, Medlib, and SID using key words of violence during pregnancy, low birth weight, physical, sexual and psychological violence and their compounds. The results of studies were combined using a random effects model in the meta-analysis. The heterogeneity of studies was evaluated using the I2 index and meta-regression, and the data analysis was performed using STATA software v.11.2 and SPSS software v.16.
Results: Of 254 found articles, 16 relevant articles with the sample number of 117287 people were included in the study. The results of meta-analysis showed that physical OR:1.61 (CI95%:2.04–2.28), psychological OR:1.26 (CI95%:1.02–1.56) and sexual violence OR:1.26 (CI95%:1.02–1.56) during pregnancy, lead to an increase in the rate of low birth weight infants in the exposed mothers.
Conclusion: Physical, psychological and sexual violence during pregnancy lead to an increase in the rate of low birth weight infants in the exposed mothers. Therefore, maternal screening and counseling by trained general practitioners and professionals before and during pregnancy are recommended.
Background & Aim: Birth weight is one of the most important indicators for evaluating the community health status.Violence during pregnancy affects both mother and fetus and leads to irreversible consequences. This study was performed to investigate the relationship between physical, sexual and psychological violence during pregnancy and low birth weight in the world as a meta-analysis.
Methods & Materials: This study is a meta-analysis that was performed on articles published in Persian and English languages from the beginning of 1995 to the end of 2015. Articles were extracted by searching in the databases of Scopus, Medline, EMBASE, Pubmed, Web of Science, Google scholar, Science Direct, Irandoc, Magiran, Medlib, and SID using key words of violence during pregnancy, low birth weight, physical, sexual and psychological violence and their compounds. The results of studies were combined using a random effects model in the meta-analysis. The heterogeneity of studies was evaluated using the I2 index and meta-regression, and the data analysis was performed using STATA software v.11.2 and SPSS software v.16.
Results: Of 254 found articles, 16 relevant articles with the sample number of 117287 people were included in the study. The results of meta-analysis showed that physical OR:1.61 (CI95%:2.04–2.28), psychological OR:1.26 (CI95%:1.02–1.56) and sexual violence OR:1.26 (CI95%:1.02–1.56) during pregnancy, lead to an increase in the rate of low birth weight infants in the exposed mothers.
Conclusion: Based on the results, physical, psychological and sexual violence during pregnancy lead to an increase in the rate of low birth weight infants in the exposed mothers. Therefore, the relevant authorities are recommended to identify at-risk mothers and control their exposure toviolenceby implementing educational and interventional programs, maternal screening and counseling by trained general practitioners and professionals before and during pregnancy.
Reza Ghanei Gheshlagh, Mahboubeh Nazari, Vajiheh Baghi, Sahar Dalvand, Asghar Dalvandi, Kourosh Sayehmiri,
Volume 23, Issue 3 (Autumn 2017)
Background & Aim: Needlestick injuries (NSIs) are a serious occupational hazard for health care providers and nurses that are often not reported for various reasons. Several studies have reported a different rate of this great challenge. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to estimate the prevalence of under-reporting of NSIs in healthcare providers in Iran.
Methods & Materials: By searching national and international databases including SID, Magiran, Google Scholar, IranMedex, Science Direct, PubMed and Scopus, 19 published articles were extracted. Data analysis was carried out through the random-effects model, and heterogeneity was investigated by I2 index. The data were analyzed using the Stata software version 12.0.
Results: The rate of non-reporting of NSIs in 19 relevant articles in Iran with the sample size of 9274 was 59% (95% CI: 49-69). The rate of under-reporting of NSIs in the healthcare providers (64%) was higher than in nurses (55%). Based on the meta-regression results, there was no significant relationship between the prevalence of under-reporting of NSIs and the year of publication (P=0.138), sample size (P=0.390) and age (P=0.918).
Conclusion: The results of the study showed that more than half of health care providers did not report NSIs. Notifying health care providers about the risks of NSIs and properly dealing with the injured cases is necessary in order to increase the reporting of NSIs.
Elham Amiri, Hossein Ebrahimi, Maryam Vahidi, Mohamad Asghari Jafarabadi, Hossein Namdar Areshtanab,
Volume 23, Issue 4 (winter 2018)
Background & Aim: Moral sensitivity has various dimensions including personal sentiments, scientific competency, and reasoning and decision making capabilities. To achieve this, some personal traits and educational preparedness are needed. The aim of this study was to determine nurses’ moral sensitivity and its relationship with demographic and professional characteristics in hospitals affiliated to Tabriz University of Medical Sciences.
Methods & Materials: This descriptive, correlational study was conducted on 198 nurses working in the medical wards of hospitals affiliated to Tabriz University of Medical Sciences in 2016. Census sampling method was implemented. Data were collected through a demographic and professional characteristics form and the Moral Sensitivity Questionnaire (MSQ). The data were analyzed by the SPSS software version 13 using descriptive statistics, T test, Pearson correlation coefficient and ANOVA.
Results: The mean score for nurses’ moral sensitivity was 4.84±0.48 (out of 7). The highest scores were related to the domains of “Interpersonal orientation” and “following the rules”. The lowest scores were related to the domains of “experiencing moral conflict” and “modifying autonomy”. There was a significant and inverse correlation between age and “modifying autonomy” (P=0.008, r=-0.193) and also between age and “following the rules” (P=0.034, r=-0.156). Moreover, there was a significant and inverse correlation between work experience and “following the rules” (P=0.009, r=-0.187).
Conclusion: Given that the nurses gained a low score in the domain of “modifying autonomy”, it is suggested that client centered care and patient’s autonomy be emphasized in developing nursing curriculum and in service training programs.
Zahra Farghadani, Zahra Taheri-Kharameh, Alireza Amiri-Mehra, Hadis Ghajari, Majid Barati,
Volume 24, Issue 2 (7-2018)
Background & Aim: Insufficient health literacy is a major barrier to self-care in patients with heart failure. The purpose of this study was to determine relationship between health literacy and self-care behaviors in patients with heart failure.
Methods & Materials: In this correlational study, 100 patients with heart failure who were referred to teaching hospitals in Qom were selected through the convenience sampling method in 2017. The data collection tools were the heart failure-specific health literacy scale, the self-care of heart failure index (SCHFI) and the hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, the Pearson’s correlation coefficient and multiple liner regression analysis on the SPSS software version 16.
Results: More than half of the patients had a moderate level of self-care. The highest and lowest health literacy scores were respectively related to critical health literacy (10.47±2.56) and functional health literacy (9.14±3.74). The result of multiple regression analysis showed that only functional health literacy was a better predictor of self-care behaviors in patients with heart failure (β=0.30, P=0.014).
Conclusion: The findings showed that functional health literacy was an important predictor of self-care behaviors among patients with heart failure. It seems necessary to design effective interventions in order to improve patients’ skills for analyzing functional information and decision making in self-care.
Saeed Keshmiri, Amir Hossain Darabi, Rahim Tahmasebi, Katayoun Vahdat, Azita Noroozi,
Volume 27, Issue 2 (7-2021)
Background & Aim: Considering the importance of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance to end the corona disease pandemic, the study was conducted to determine the factors affecting the vaccine acceptance based on the behavioral change wheel mode and its components (capability, opportunity, and motivation).
Methods & Materials: In this cross-sectional study, 1102 adults aged 18 years and older living in Bushehr province were selected by multi-stage sampling method from February 16 to 28, 2021. To collect the data, a questionnaire including demographic characteristics, questions on the constructs related to the behavioral change wheel model components and questions on the COVID-19 vaccine acceptance was completed on WhatsApp platform. Data was analyzed using the SPSS software version 22.
Results: The results of the study showed that most participants tended to receive the Iranian vaccine (726 people or 65.9%). Among the demographic factors, only gender was associated with vaccination, and men were more likely to accept to be vaccinated (P=0.022). Among the model constructs, the most predictive construct was related to social support in the opportunity component (P<0.001, β=0.55 and B=0.183). In the motivation component, social role (P<0.001 and β=0.118 and B=0.162) and in the capability component, behavioral regulation (P<0.001 and β=0.152 and B=0.155) had the highest predictor of vaccine acceptance. In general, constructs of opportunity component had the greatest impact on vaccine acceptance.
Conclusion: In order to increase the acceptance of COVID-19 vaccination, opportunities should be provided through social support, vaccination should be introduced as a social role, and behavioral regulation, in other words, understanding of the ability to vaccinate to prevent the disease and break the disease transmission chain should be promoted.
Narges Nargesi Khoramabad, Akbar Javadi, Rasool Mohammadi, Atefe Khazaee, Akbar Amiri, Nasrin Moradi, Ronak Garavand,
Volume 28, Issue 3 (10-2022)
Background & Aim: Today, COVID-19 has become a serious threat to global health. Due to their certain conditions, hemodialysis patients are more at risk than others. Therefore, self-care in these patients is more necessary. We aimed to assess the self-care of hemodialysis patients against COVID-19 disease and the factors influencing self-care.
Methods & Materials: In this cross-sectional study, 219 patients referred to the dialysis ward of selected public hospitals in Lorestan province, were selected by the census method and examined. Patients' information was collected by a demographic questionnaire and a researcher-made questionnaire on self-care against COVID-19. Data were analyzed using the SPSS software version 22, with the significance level of 0.05.
Results: The mean score of self-care against COVID-19 in patients was 186.33, and most patients had a good level of self-care. There was a significant relationship between the self-care score and place of residence (P<0.001), and comorbidity (P=0.044). Among the multiple sources of information, there was a significant difference in the self-care score between cyberspace (P=0.047), and family and relatives (P<0.001). Also, comorbidity, urban residence, and academic education level significantly predicted self-care.
Conclusion: According to the results of this study, developing proper training programs is suggested considering the factors influencing self-care. Also, capacities such as cyberspace and patients' families should be used to make the training more effective.
Fatemeh Keshmiri, Fatemeh Bahramnezhad,
Volume 29, Issue 2 (7-2023)
Background & Aim: Various factors play a significant role in shaping the professional identity of nursing students, and among these factors, the impact of the hidden curriculum holds utmost importance. However, this process remains still unknown. The aim of the study is to explore the role of hidden curriculum in the formation of professional identity among undergraduate nursing students.
Methods & Materials: This is a qualitative research using the grounded theory approach. The participants in this study included 35 undergraduate nursing students from Tehran University of Medical Sciences during the 2020-2021 academic year who participated in semi-structured interviews. The interviews lasting between 30 and 60 minutes were conducted with each participant. Subsequently, the interviews were transcribed and analyzed following the framework proposed by Strauss and Corbin in 2008.
Results: After analyzing the data, three main categories and 12 subcategories have emerged. The theory developed in this research was formed through the core category of “identity instability within the nursing profession”. The main categories that emerged were “ambiguity and lack of motivation in professionalization”. The study identified "the governance of a discriminatory culture" as the underlying process, while “the promotion of demotivation resulting from inefficient patterns” served as the basis of this study.
Conclusion: Based on the study's findings, the process of developing a professional identity can be metaphorically likened to a river. In this analogy, discrimination serves as the clouds hovering over this river, casting a shadow on the identity development process. While inefficient patterns can be likened to lightning bolts that further complicate the process. Furthermore, the rocky bed of the river, symbolizing the lack of motivation among learners towards professionalism, makes it even more challenging to build a strong professional identity.
Nadia Jalal Razaghi, Khadijeh Hajimiri, Mina Hashemiparast,
Volume 29, Issue 3 (10-2023)
Background & Aim: In recent years, significant changes have occurred in the dynamics of childbearing within familial context. Notably, Iranian families have witnessed a noticeable decline in the desire for childbearing and having additional children. The aim of this study was to explore the determinants of childbearing decision-making among women and men of reproductive age.
Methods & Materials: This study adopts a qualitative research design using the conventional content analysis approach in 2023. The participants comprised 19 married women and men of reproductive age living in Zanjan, who were purposively selected to ensure maximum variation. After obtaining informed consent, the participants were invited to participate in individual, semi-structured interviews. Data collection continued until data saturation was reached, with concurrent analysis conducted throughout the process. The textual data were managed using MAXQDA software, version 2020.
Results: Throughout the inductive data analysis process, seven main categories emerged as determinants of decision-making about childbearing. These categories included social role modeling, reflection within family structure, social and economic requirements, contemporary concerns in parenting, avoidance of responsibility and comfort-seeking, unpleasant past experiences and age-related challenges. Among these categories, social and economic requirements emerged as the most prevalent concept across all interviews, with a total of 505 open codes associated with this category.
Conclusion: The normalization of reduced childbearing rates within the society, accompanied by shifting values and attitudes towards the significance of children, as well as economic and social problems have contributed to an increasing preference for smaller families. Furthermore, the desire for fewer children can be viewed as a response to the individualistic tendencies of women and men, as well as a means of avoiding parenting concerns.
Farzaneh Miri, Ali Navidian, Nasrin Rezaee,
Volume 29, Issue 4 (1-2024)
Background & Aim: A large number of drug users make attempts to cease drug use; however, a relapse tendency often emerges subsequent to the cessation period. The present study aimed to examine the effect of emotion regulation skill training on self-control and psychological distress among opioid-dependent people hospitalized at Zahedan Psychiatric Hospital.
Methods & Materials: This quasi-experimental study was conducted over the fourth quarter of the year 2022, focusing on 80 drug users who underwent treatment at Baharan Psychiatric Hospital in Zahedan. The participants were selected using convenience sampling and subsequently assigned to either the intervention group or the control group. The intervention group received a total of 10 sessions of training in emotion regulation skills. The self-control and psychological distress questionnaires were used to collect the data. The data were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistical tests through SPSS software version 22.
Results: The mean and standard deviation of the psychological distress score among opioid addicts in both the intervention group (P<0.001) and the control group significantly decreased (P<0.005). To account for the significant effect of pre-test scores, an analysis of covariance test was conducted, indicating a statistically significant difference in the average psychological distress scores between the two groups after the intervention (P<0.001). Similarly, the self-control score in both the intervention and control groups showed a significant increase in mean and standard deviation (P<0.001). The analysis of covariance test, considering the significant effect of the pre-test scores, also showed a statistically significant difference in the average self-control score between the two groups after the intervention (P<0.001).
Conclusion: The findings showed that emotion regulation skills training among individuals with opioid dependency is associated with a significant decrease in psychological distress and a significant increase in self-control. Consequently, these findings suggest that such regulation may exert positive and inhibitory influences on behaviors contributing to the recurrence of substance use. In light of these findings, it is recommended to implement training programs focused on developing emotion regulation skills as a means to improve psychological distress and self-control among individuals undergoing addiction recovery.