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Showing 11 results for Raei

Z Monjamed, F Nik Shekarnia, S  varaei, N Bahrani,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (1 1999)

This study is a descriptive research in order to determine educational facilities and present the kinds of program staff development of nursing officeinhospitalsofuniversity of medical sciences and health services in Tehran, IRAN. The purpose of this research was determinated of the educational space (clossroom, library, Lecture and conference room), educational equipment, educational staff patterns, kinds of nursing staff development program and comparing between educational facilities and present the kinds of nursing development program of nursing office in three medical science university in Tehran. The units that participated in this research was 41 educational facilities and kinds of nursing staff development program of nursing office in three medical science university in Tehran (Tehran, Iran and shahid Beheshti) and no samphing was made. The tools was check list and Questionnarie. Each variable compared with educational standards of hospitals. (Standard 1100% excellent, desire was above 75% and undesired was under 75% and each 100 active bed haveing one educational supervisor).The finding indicated that scale confirmity with standard about educational space in three university was 50% (undesirable) and about educational equipment was 56% (undesirable) and about educational staffing pattern was 79% (desirable) and present kinds of nursing staff development was 56.5% (undesirable). The finding indicated that university medical of science Iran 66.5%, Shahid Beheshti 59.76% and Tehran 55.3% Scale confirmity with stundards have prossess.
M Mirsadraei, N Baroogh, M Mahmoodi, P Afsharzadeh,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (11 2000)

This research is a descriptive study which had been preformed to identity theknowledge , Attitude and practice of the health Workers of south area inTehran and Quom about prevention of malaria disease in 1995. the sampleswere consist of 50 health workers, who had been selected by a class samplingmethod from a targer population . The data collection instruments were a questionnair and a check list.The questionnair had four separate sections as follow :l)The demographic with 8 questions2) The knowledge with 20 multiple choice questions3)The attitude section with likert type questions4) The evaluative Section of practice with 8 questions in order to analysis the data, it was used discriptive and deductive type of statistics.The information has been summerized in 17 tables and 11 graphs .The results Showed that: most of the subjects have had moderate knowledgeand practice about the prevention of malaria. a negative attitude showd thatthere is also asignificantrelationshipamongknowledge and practice withhaving affected patients also there is no significant relationship betweendemographic data and their attitudes Analysis of the data , it indicated a significant relation ship between knowldge and attiluds knowledge practice,also attitude and practice of health workers.At the end application of the results, findings and the suggestion, were madefor the future resercher,
Z Monjamed , Sh  varaei , A  kazemnejad , F  razavian ,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (6 2007)

Background & Aim: Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the most common chronic diseases with unknown causes and it is the most important cause of disability especially in adulthood that can have a considerable impact on patients&apos quality of life.

Methods & Materials: This is a cross-sectional study. One hundred and ninety patients with rheumatoid arthritis referred to rheumatology clinic and rheumatology wards of Tehran university of Medical sciences&apos hospitals were randomly selected. The data were collected using a two-section questionnaire including demographic and disease characteristics, and quality of life questions. All analyzes were carried out using SPSS statistical software.

Results: The result showed that quality of life of %50 of patients was high and moderate and the other 50% had low quality of life. Approximately 50% of the patients reported that they have no problem in their physical, socio-economic, mental, sleep and rest, and general health regarding rheumatoid arthritis. There were significant relationships between age, marital status, employment, duration of the disease, physiotherapy, and family income with the quality of life.

Conclusion: The results showed that quality of life in half of the patients (%50) was low. Determining the patients&apos quality of life result in designing proper programs and strategies for prevention and control of the disease that result in promoting quality of life.

Sh Varaei, N Mehrdad, N Bahrani,
Volume 15, Issue 3 (21 2009)

Background & Aim: Breastfeeding is the most cost-effective, health-promoting, and disease-preventing activity that new mothers can perform. Many researches have focused on identifying factors that influence breastfeeding initiation and duration. An important and modifiable factor is the perceived self-efficacy of mothers for breast feedings. It refers to a mother&aposs perceived ability to breastfeed her newborn and is a dominant variable in the duration of breastfeeding. The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between self-efficacy and breastfeeding.

Methods & Materials: A descriptive, longitudinal, analytic approach was used in this study. The three-part questionnaire was administered to the eligible pregnant women (437 pregnant women) who were at least in 37 weeks of gestation and intended to breastfeed. They were then contacted again at one and four months postpartum to determine their infants&apos feeding level and method. The questionnaire was re-administered to the participants at that time.

Results: The results showed that 80.4 percent of participants had exclusive breastfeeding during one month. There was no significant relationship between antenatal breastfeeding self-efficacy and the breastfeeding. The self-efficacy was significantly related to breastfeeding outcomes at one month. Mothers with high self-efficacy were significantly more likely to breastfed their babies exclusively at one and four months postpartum than the mothers with low self-efficacy.

Conclusion: Maternal breastfeeding self-efficacy is significantly related to breastfeeding duration and level. Measuring breastfeeding self-efficacy not only identifies high risk mothers, but also provides important information to health care providers in providing support to new mothers.


M Sabzaligol, E Shariat, Sh Varaei, A Mehran, Sh Bassampour,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (3 2010)

Background & Aim: The prevalence of cardiovascular diseases is high in most of the countries. Cardiac catheterization is a routine diagnostic test for coronary heart diseases. In order to minimize the post-procedure complications, patients are restricted to bed for 8-24 hours in flat position. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of changing position and early ambulation on back pain and the amount of bleeding after cardiac catheterization.
Methods & Materials: In this quasi-experimental study, 90 patients undergoing diagnostic angiography were selected using convenience sampling method in Shariati hospital. The patients were allocated in two intervention and control groups. The control group remained in supine position for 8-24 hours and the sandbag remained for eight hours. The patients&apos position in the intervention group was intermittently changed during the first hour after catheterization. The head of bed was set at 15 degree angle. In the second hour, the position changed to flat and the head of bed raised to 30 degree. In the third hour, the head of bed angle was set in 45 degree. In the first three hours sandbag was placed in catheter insertion site. After the third hour, patients could rest in any position (15-30 degree). Patients were ambulated in the sixth hour. Back pain intensity and level of bleeding were assessed immediately after admission, in the sixth, 24th hour and after the seventh day of catheterization.
Results: The results indicated that there was no statistically significant difference in age, gender, education level, back pain intensity, and the level of bleeding immediately after the catheterization. Back pain intensity was lower in the intervention group than the control one after 6 and 24 hours of catheterization (P<0.001). There was no statistically significant difference between the intervention and control groups in the level of bleeding after 6 hours, 24 hours, and seven days of catheterization (P>0.05).
Conclusion: Patients should be allowed to change their positions in bed cardiac catheterization. Patients can be ambulated earlier (in the sixth hour) after cardiac diagnostic catheterization.


Ziba Raisi Dehkordi, Mehdi Raei, Morvarid Ghassab Shirazi, Seyed Ahmad Reza Raisi Dehkordi, Mandana Mirmohammadali,
Volume 18, Issue 2 (6 2012)

Background & Aim: Breast milk provides many healthy nutrients to infants. Support provided by health care provider has positive effects on duration of breastfeeding. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of telephone counseling on continuity and duration of breastfeeding among primiparus women.

Methods & Materials: This clinical trial was conducted on 140 primiparus women referred to the selected health centers of Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 2010. The participants were randlomly allocated into two equal groups (each: 70 indviduals). The participants in the intervention group received telephone counseling by one of the researchers. The control group received routine care. Data were collected using a questionnaire including demographic characteristics and a breastfeeding check list. Exclusive breastfeeding rates were recorded one and three months after childbirth in both groups. Also, the continuity and duration of exclusive breastfeeding were recored three months after childbirth in both groups. Data were analyzed using the Chi-square test, Fisher&aposs exact test, standard logistic regression and linear regression in the SPSS-16 and the Win Pepi.

Results: The average duration of exclusive breastfeeding in the intervention group (8.05±3.99) was significantly more than the control group (6.23±4.03) (P=0.008). In the third month of delivery, continuity of exclusive breastfeeding in the intervention group was more than the control group (P=0.03). Results also showed that telephone counseling was effective in the duration of exclusive breastfeeding (P=0.02).

Conclusion: Telephone counseling was effective in continuity and duration of exclusive breastfeeding. Using this inexpensive and easy method can help to increase exclusive breastfeeding, especially in primiparus women.

Mohammad Eghbali, Shokoh Varaei, Seyedeh Fatemeh Jalalinia, Mozhgan Aalam Samimi, Kiarash Sa’atchi, Mir Saeed Yekaninejad,
Volume 21, Issue 2 (9-2015)

  Background & Aim: Approximately 75% of patients with cancer experience acute nausea and vomiting (24 hours after chemotherapy). The aim of this study was to determine the effect of auricular acupressure in relieving acute nausea and vomiting among women with breast cancer receiving chemotherapy .

  Methods & Materials: This study was a posttest only randomized clinical trial conducted on 48 women with breast cancer receiving chemotherapy in Imam Khomeini and Hazrat Rasoul Akram hospital. Before chemotherapy and after obtaining informed consent, the patients were randomly allocated into intervention and control groups. Intervention group received routine medications for controlling nausea and vomiting as well as auricular acupressure. Meanwhile, the control group received only the routine medications. The data were gathered using demographic and Morrow Standard questionnaire and were compared using statistical tests in the SPSS-21 . 

  Results: T he results showed that using auricular acupressure led to a decrease in the number and the intensity of nausea at acute phases (P=0.001). Acupressure application did not lead to any complications in the patients .

  Conclusion: According to the results of this study, using auricular acupressure on Shenmen, Point zero, stomach, Brainstem, and cardia points can relieve nausea and vomiting at acute phase of chemotherapy. It is suggested that nurses use this pressure technique as a complementary treatment for relieving nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy.


Shokoh Varaei, Bahareh Ghafourzadeh Toomatari, Mohammad Kamalinejad, Mir Saeed Yekaninejad, Fariba Sadat Kazemi, Ebrahim Khadem,
Volume 24, Issue 1 (5-2018)

Background & Aim: The most common complication of peripheral intravenous catheter use is phlebitis. This study aimed to determine the effect of Arnebia Euchroma on the prevention of peripheral intravenous catheter-related phlebitis.
Methods & Materials: A double-blind randomized clinical trial done on 120 patients hospitalized in CCU and heart wards of Shariaty hospital in Tehran in 2017. The convenience samples were allocated into the two groups of control and intervention. After the insertion of an IV catheter (by sterile technique, in the site of upper limb without any signs of phlebitis), Arnebia Euchroma poultice for the intervention group and placebo poultice for the control group, was applied to the skin in the distal portion of IV catheter at 3×3 cm from the catheter insertion site. Then, this site was covered by sterile dressing. The patient was monitored every 12 hours by removing the dressing, and the poultice was applied again. Data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics using the SPSS software.
Results: The two groups were homogeneous in terms of age and sex, but were different in the number of hospitalization days. While no phlebitis was observed in the baseline, there was a significant difference between the two groups (42.37% for intervention group vs 0% for control group) at the hour of 12. By adjusting the effect of hospitalization days, the difference was still significant (P<0.001).
Conclusion: Arnebia Euchroma poultice was effective in the prevention of phlebitis. Thus, this poultice can be used when inserting a peripheral intravenous catheter.
Clinical trial registry: IRCT2017012432147N1
Maryam Shahraeini, Nahid Jahani Shoorab, Roghayeh Javan, Mohammad Taghi Shakeri,
Volume 25, Issue 4 (1-2020)

Background & Aim: Menopause is a period in women’s lives with complications and consequences that can reduce the quality of life. The most common complications are vasomotor disorders which can affect sleep, life enjoyment, social activities and work. The usual treatment for these effects is hormone therapy but due to its side effects, most people tend to have complication-free treatments. One of these strategies is nutritional measures. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of group counseling about the nutritional measures of Iranian traditional medicine on vasomotor disorders in postmenopausal women.
Methods & Materials: This clinical trial study with multistage sampling was performed in 2018-2019 on 62 postmenopausal women referred to health center number 2 in Mashhad. Two health centers were selected as control or intervention group by Heads or Tails method in order to prevent the dissemination of the material. The intervention group received three sessions of the group counseling about the nutritional measures of Iranian traditional medicine. There was no intervention for the control group. The data collection tool was a questionnaire on the quality of life in menopause that was completed two months before and after the intervention. Data were analyzed on the SPSS software version 24 using independent t-test, Chi-square, Mann-Whitney, and Wilcoxon tests.
Results: There was no significant difference in the mean score of vasomotor between the two groups before the intervention (P>0.05) but after the intervention, the difference between the mean score of vasomotor before and after the intervention was -2.18±4.08 for the intervention group and 0.59±3.30 for the control group. A significant decrease in the vasomotor score was observed in the intervention group compared to the control group (P<0.001).
Conclusion: Group counseling about the nutritional measures of Iranian traditional medicine can help reduce vasomotor disorders.
Clinical trial registry: IRCT20180626040239N1
Robabe Khalili, Ali Rahmani, Sajjad Peyvasteh, Mehdi Raei,
Volume 28, Issue 1 (4-2022)

Background & Aim: Although pain control in patients with burns has improved over recent years, the ineffectiveness of some treatments to reduce pain in this group of patients remains a challenging issue for health care professionals. This systematic review was conducted to investigate nursing interventions in the field of pain relief in burn patients.
Methods & Materials: In this systematic review and meta-analysis, relevant information was searched from databases PubMed, Science Direct, Scopus, Irandoc, SID, and Cochrane library with keywords nursing interventions, pain, burns and their equivalent Persian keywords in the period 2010-2020. To increase the validity and reliability of the study, three people evaluated the quality of the articles separately and Jedad criterion was used to evaluate the articles.
Results: After assessing 181 articles on the databases, 19 articles were systeatically reviewed. Nursing interventions to reduce pain in burn patients included using breathing techniques, new dressings, muscle relaxation, music therapy, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), electrical brain stimulation, play therapy, aromatherapy, use of Zekr Allah, massage, guided imagery, distraction techniques, and eye movement desensitization. In eight meta-analyses, total mean differences of pain relief score were estimated 1.28 (0.95% CI: 0.78-1.78).
Conclusion: Most nursing interventions reduced pain in burn patients. Easier-to-use pain relief techniques such as muscle relaxation, guided imagery, and spiritual care are emphasized.

Shokoh Varaei, Fatemeh Tolouei, Leila Nezamabadi Farahani, Parvin Mahmoodi,
Volume 30, Issue 2 (6-2024)

Background & Aim: In the health care system, manpower recognized as a key factor for development, has an important role in community health. Ensuring the quality of service delivery necessitates the maintenance and enhancement of job satisfaction among service providers. One influential aspect of job satisfaction is the individual’s happiness. This study aimed to determine the correlation between job satisfaction and happiness among nurses working in hospitals affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences.
Methods & Materials: This descriptive-correlational study was conducted with a sample of 362 nurses from hospitals affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Sampling was performed using a quota sampling method. The data collection tools included a socio-demographic characteristics questionnaire, a Job Satisfaction Questionnaire, and a Happiness Questionnaire. Data were analyzed using Kendall Tau-b correlation and Pearson correlation, with SPSS software version 26.
Results: The mean score for nurses' job satisfaction was 217.40, while the mean score for happiness was 69.27, with both scores indicating an average level. The results of the study revealed a significant positive relationship between job satisfaction and happiness (r=0.614, P<0.05), indicating that happier nurses tend to have higher job satisfaction, whereas lower job satisfaction is associated with decreased happiness.
Conclusion: Nurses’ job satisfaction and happiness are not at optimal levels. However, a positive correlation between the two has been identified. Therefore, healthcare system administrators and officials should focus on creating essential infrastructure and planning initiatives to enhance nurses’ job satisfaction, ultimately fostering greater happiness among nursing staff.


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