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Showing 4 results for Rezaipour

A Rezaipour, Z Taghizadeh, S Faghihzadeh, Sh Bazzazian,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (1 2003)

Unintended pregnancy is a world wide problem that affects women, their families, and society. From a total of 175 million pregnancies per year 75 million of them are unintended. This cross-sectional study was undertaken to determine prevalence of unintended pregnancies and pertinent factors and suggests an appropriate solution. A sample of 400 women who were seeking pregnancy tests in laboratories of hospitals affiliated of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, at the obstetric and gynecologic ward, and who had positive tests were selected by the Poisson random sampling method. Women who were found to have diseases such as hydatidiform mole were excluded. A questionnaire was used to collect data. Pregnancy intention was measured using NSFG 2001 questionnaire. Descriptive and analytic tests (chi-square, Fisher exact, t-test) were used to analyze the data. Prevalence of unintended pregnancy was 47.5%, of whom 36.3% hadn’t used contraception methods. Fear of side effects (66.7%) was the most prevalent reason of not using contraception. The main reason for unintended pregnancy was economical problems (42.6%). 63.7% of women with unintended pregnancy had used one of contraceptive method but 86.8% of users had used that method in an incorrect way. Also the results indicated that the age of women, educational status, number of children, husband’s age and education were associated with contraceptive use. The results indicated that prevalence of unintended pregnancy is high and the contraceptive methods weren't used or were used incorrectly by most of them (91.6%). This may show the necessity of training women about contraceptive methods and side effects of unintended pregnancy. Due to the important role of health care providers they should be trained to give such consultation to women.
A Rezaipour, Z Taghizadeh, S Faghihzadeh, R Ayazi,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (1 2004)

Introduction: Satisfaction from marital relation is a fundamental factor in stability and maintenance of marital bond. Sexual satisfaction is one of the effective factors in spouse relation satisfaction.

Materials and Methods: This research is a correlation study. A sample of 400 women referring to health care centers in Arak city was selected randomly in 2003. The information collecting tools were questionnaires. To analyze the data, the descriptive statistical, frequency distribution charts, the mean and central tendency as well as inferential statistics (2 test and Kruskal Wallis) have been applied.

Results: According to the results, there was a meaningful relationship between having orgasm and sexual relation satisfaction, nonsexual relation satisfaction with spouse and marital relation satisfaction. Also, there was a meaningful statistical relationship between orgasm experience and variables of age, spouse s age, education, spouse s education, duration of marriage, number of children, and family s income.

Conclusion: There is a relationship between women s orgasm experience and the amount of satisfaction from marital relation. Hence, it was suggested that the health planners and the officials in charge pay more attention to women s sexual problems and a sexual counseling clinic be established in health care centers.

A Rezaipour, M Granmayeh, A Kazemnejad, Sh Hajizadeh,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (6 2004)

Introduction: Immunization is the most effective means of improving health. In the absence of a proper and regular immunization program, people and especially children will be left at high risk of many infectious diseases. This study was designed to assess Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) for mothers and children under 2 years old in Shahriar, South west of Tehran.

Materials and Methods: This research was a cross-sectional study. standard cluster sampling was applied to select 210 children in the age group 18-24 months old and 240 women with a child less than 1 year of age who were resident in Shahriar city. Standard formats were used for collection of the data. Descriptive and analytic tests (chi squares, Fisher exact-test, t test, ANOVA, bivariate and logistic regression module) were applied to analyze the data.

Results: The results showed that vaccination coverage in children was over 90 percent. 17.6 percent of the children were partially vaccinated and 41.4 percent were vaccinated completely but with more than one-month delay. The important character which was strongly associated with more than one month delay in immunization was center of childhood immunization. Although 83.8% of women with a child under 1 year age had received twice tetanus immunizations, only 13.3% of women had obtained the complete series of five immunization. The character which was associated significantly with dT immunization status was the length of time that mother had been living in Shahriar.

Conclusion: There are some barriers in vaccination delivery, including unefficient recall and follow up systems and scattered records of dT vaccination. These factors were statistically associated with immunization status and therefore some proper solutions against these barriers should be introduced. It is now time for a boost to be given to both quality and sustainability of appropriate immunization programs.

Z Taghizadeh , A Rezaipour , A Kazemnejad , Z Mirsaeedi ,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (5 2006)

Background & Aim: Regarding to increasing of life expectancy, Women spend a greater proportion of their life in menopause that is associated with complications and makes disability for them. One of the safe treatments for these complications is herbal therapy.

Methods & Materials: This research is a semiexperimental study. Randomized cluster sampling method was used to select 50 menopaused women ranging from 45 to 55 years old. Experimental group used vitagnus (40 drops daily) for three months. The data was collected by interviewing and a structured questionnaire and daily diary. The data was analyzed by descriptive (percent, mean, standard deviation) and inferencing (2, t-test, Mcnimar, repeated ANOVA) statistical methods by SPSS software.

Results: The results showed a significant reduction in early menopausal complications after intervention (p<0.05). The most major improvement in menopaused women was realated to hotflash (52.2%) and night sweat (51.3%). The other complications showed moderate improvement. Conclusion: Vitagnus is effective in improving of early menopausal complications and therefore doctors and midwives can prescribe vitex instead of HRT in menopausal women.

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